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S2 licensed
In all seriousness, I havent read the replies but dont do it, out of all of them ive found RM was the hardest to get through but not hard...either way, your in for serious trouble if you get caught, alot of people in my dida class at school got caught (including me) doing various things and it gets taken very very seriously depending on your school
S2 licensed
Played far to much wow over the times, cant find any good screenshots though : (.

Had one on my old hunter stood infront of illidan reading the tactics over on the other screen, then when wotlk came out I quit for ages, started again and now i play a deathknight but very casualy, havent had any time on it for about 2/3months, hunter sits in SW at 80 wearing leveling gear with BC gear in the bank :\, tbh wotlk caused me to loose interest.

I play far to much css and if I'm not out (pffffttt) im either on css/lfs/ra3 atm.

Other the times ive played a few fps gamesCOD4 (not competetivly) CS (Not competetivly) CSS (Competetivly) BF2 (not competetivly and awful at it, dislike the engine)

...not played much else realy, used to spend to much time on WoW raiding before wotlk came out now I spend to much time on CSS :|
I wish I more of a life

edit: first played my brothers PS1 and played crash bandicoot!, toke me to the ps2 with tekken/GT3 Aspec then not much else untill the pc came into it
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Wait wait. Hold it.

Hunter is the best class in the game. Send in pet > Press 1 = Win

Easy mode. Very casual

Ok. Enough O/T.

add to the ot:

prewotlk BM was actully sent your pet in and spammed a steadyshot macro...Or you toke a maths degree, understood the theorycrafting behind thus macro then sent in pet and pressed 1 :>
S2 licensed
Ended up backing up and formating since wasnt getting anywhere, this fixed one website but not the other, but it fixed the most important one so it will do for noaw

Cheers for all the help.
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :changing dns is possible if a few factors work out right...

1) you know the ip of a dns server that works
2) that server doesn't have an acl that blocks external networks from recursion
3) virgin doesn't hijack and redirect dns requests not directed at their dns servers

you could try putting in your isp's dns server(s) ip's and see if it works...

How would I find out these things? Just a quick google search?.

Im currently in safemode with networking, still no luck.

nslookup (website) = request timed out.

dns problem?

edit; I played with some stuff then put it back on defaults and now I get

"non authoritative answer:

instead of "timed out" on that website

but I still can't get on it, tried going through the ip address aswell

edit2: pinging the ip also times out
Last edited by jimaxx, .
S2 licensed
how exacly would I go about doing this?...I've flushed the dns via cmd prompt but dont know how to change dns settings

edit: its on obtain automaticly and im unsure what to put into the boxes when not on auto, interwebs isnt my strong point!
S2 licensed
It just wont load up, I either get a "" search page or a "internet explorer cannot display this page blabla" tried it on firefox 3.5 aswell, no luck.

edit: with firefox I got "Page is taking to long to respond" :\

edit2: theres actully a bunch of websites which apear to be not working...and it seems to be all the ones she needs quite importantly : s -
and a few council ones/others
Last edited by jimaxx, .
why wont this website work for one computer
S2 licensed
Not realy sure where to post this, but im wondering if anyone could help me in why this website wont work for my gran: and it apears to be up but for some reason this particular website wont work here.

Isnt realy the forum to be posting on this but i cant be doing with registering on random forums if its easily solved, going back to google now!

Just tried another browser, still no luck, virgin say its fine there end but "it is" virgin and they arent to helpful on first level of support from my experience
Last edited by jimaxx, .
S2 licensed
tbh, didnt plan on playing it, only ever done like 1 actual pcw on cod4 and hardly played it...and im sorry but no dedicated servers? No thanks? o_O
S2 licensed
"The 6-year-old Colorado boy who is believed to have set adrift a helium balloon Thursday, prompting ground and air searches, has been found alive, authorities said."

edit: He was found in a box in the attic at his family's Fort Collins home, according to authorities. ... o_O
S2 licensed
Gone through:

Soyntec r200 (Horrible optical mouse from the airport : D )
Intellimouse 3.0 MS.

Tbh, for everything the intellimouse wins and for £15-£20 you cant loose.

edit: Lasaarrrr failsss btwwww
Last edited by jimaxx, .
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :A pair of powered studio monitors?

Do you not mean HI-FI Moniters?

Arent studio moniters the type of studio's for like checking for problems such and such, thus they lack charactaristics for enjoying music more such as low end?

S2 licensed
...That is real...isnt it?

edit: Or are you talking about further in here?
S2 licensed
Am I missing something, but who in the world listens to 3000+? >_>.
I listen to flacs mainly through some hd595's and they seem to average between like 800-2000, and my few cd's apear to be like 1400 :\.

Exagaration or am I missing something?
S2 licensed
...I wanted it to work and it didnt, I just started laughing uncontrolably when the lines started spinning
S2 licensed
I assume that one

The lights drew me in

On a extra note, to say im someone who knows nothing about whats road legal I dont see how these are road legal o_O
S2 licensed
LOL...I like the truck
S2 licensed
Quote from TiJay :What if you watch it standing up?

You'll turn into a hobit?
S2 licensed
Interesting ending >___>
S2 licensed
Arfhh, watching the second program on ch4 now, and I cringed everytime the guy stepped on a cup which "may have a knife under it"
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :It's a great way to make people watch your show though, everyone will be tuning in to find out how he did that, clever people wanting to know how the trick works, stupid people hoping they can win the lottery. If there was no trick to it he would have bought a lottery ticket, those are official and can't be faked or purchased near to the draw.

Thats true but on some random newspaper websites I read that him and another illusionist werent allowed to buy tickets, might be bs to hype it up but I dont know : \
Derren Brown "predicted" the lottery numbers?
S2 licensed
Didnt see a topic, so here it is.


For those who dont know, he guessed tonights lottery numbers 5/6 or something live and succeeded
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Google always helps. ... hd-555-vs-hd-595-a-84322/

And we have "Hardware" section too in the forum.

IVe been browsing the headfi forums for a few hours which is where I got the original suggestions for headphones, positional audio and music are two different things thoe, hence im asking if anyone would be able to particulary give me any information regarding that, yes I want them for music, but gaming is important and I want the sound for competetive play not enjoyement of "oohh that sounds nice" partly due to why I use a low bass equalizer in game.

Cheers for moving it whoever did.
Headphone help (hd555 vs hd595 etcetc)
S2 licensed
Basicly I'm wanting to get rid of my (quite frankly horrible) Razer Barracuda HP-1 and ive decided I either want:

ATH AD700/HD595/HD555

These are for gaming AND music but mainly positional audio in games, (hence the lacking bass ad700 is there) im more inclined to go for a the sennheiser option but since I saw a topic recently where there apeared to be some nice audio talk going on I figured I would try and get some help from some of the Audiophilles of this forum to save me registering and making a horrible first post and a audio forum.

I'm not to worried about sounds around me as its generaly quite quiet so the open back should be no problem, I'd like to know if anyone has ever used the HD555's and the HD595's and what difference did you hear (particulary unamped) and would these differences make a difference in gaming, positional audio and such, I know the 555's have a foam thing in which the 595's dont and it can be taken out but I'm not confident enough with headpphones to do this and this would make me pay the extra for the 595's in the first place if its making much of a difference.

I've rambled on horribly and made this much longer than it should seen while giving pointless information (I've even forgotten half of what ive wrote).

I'm currently using a Xonar D2X and dont own a headphone amp or plan on getting one anytime soon, all though I would like to know what (ohms?) or independence or what ever it is this card puts out, I'm assuming its not high enough for a higher range headset since Xonar actully have a different card in the series for this purpose.


Will I hear a difference between the HD595 or HD555 for positional sound in games without a headphone amp through my Xonar D2X?

This seems like a awfully stupid thing to post on a forum but now ive wrote it I mayswell go ahead with it.

Cheers, Jim.

edit: How much will the open back sound effect audio positioning and is there ANY difference at all between the openness of the HD595 and 555 other than the foam thing?