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Quote from MataGyula :;(

Edit: anywayz! How about some of the guys here who are deepy involved in the css scene ( by that i mean they can get their hands on a server or two and then set it up propperly :P ) create a new topic about this little event ? I think it'd be worth to try, with reworked match system /or just use the standard league match system/ .

One of the Surreal members was planning to remake it propely, and like...set it up right and not change the date on the day its supposed to be done, I'll have a talk with him and see if he can get it done.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :LOL

"Hey guys wanna see my speedhax" "Oh god" "Your not moving..."

Next round...

"Arox speedhax at aabout 6x speed towards niko, niko shoots him in the face, we get our lol's out"
S2 licensed
Since this guy doesnt realise, there IS a sourcetv (hence 11slots 1 always taken) and you CAN watch via it without distrupting the match, i THINK it is the same server ip with port 2020.

Also, I'd like to suggest you do matches in mr15 but you probably dont know what that is so I' dont know what to do about the rounds...but this round system seems...screwed up.

Also, 15minutes per match? o_O, basicly...the way your running this, unless the other team quite honastly win the pistol round and you win your match... From eco and deco bashing

edit3: There may also a chance Daniels may not be on therefor if this goes on I will most likely replace him (Surreal)

Edit4: (Jesus christ >_>) ... Why not do knife rounds for teams before matches?...Like normal people.

Edit5: I cant make sense of the matching in my head it seems like a small league table would work better?
If anyone would like to explain it to me since im in a shit frame of mind go ahead

Edit6: For people like shadow who think texture hacks work on match servers 1) They wont work on this server 2) Before you say "ZOMGZ WE CAN TELL PEOPLE WERE THEY ARE" theres a 30second delay between game and sourcetv time.
Last edited by jimaxx, .
S2 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :hehe trying to connect directly to the server but i get a bad password obviously cause it doesn't ask me for one, is there a certain line i should be using?
Also i dont think its dead just poorly organized at this point in time atleast

Tbh password probably needs reseting since they were doing matches yesterday, ill get it reset later today (I have a lack of css where I am atm)
S2 licensed
Quote from Stefani24 :I dont really believe this is gonna be dead serious, but more likely should be fun. And you can have fun on that maps, so I dont see a problem there.

Imo team vs team on aim maps is hardly fun, its nice for a quick run on a public but argh@ doing it propely.
S2 licensed
What worries me is the amount of people actully planning on doing this who are picking cs maps, it just makes me think that your probably going to get facerolled by mcintyre and lfsnoob since you cant realy play matches on cs maps and only they seem to realise it
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :LOL, cs_office and cs_militia arent matching maps, ultrafail

what's de_tain?

I vote for cbble because basically its the most enjoyable map from these ones.

Dust2 is fine for me too.

Plus why not same map for both days?

And why have such a bizarre competition "layout"?

Surely we could just have a MR15 match so both teams can match the same day but in both sides

Judging by this thread im doubting that theyll be a match script and the host wont know what: Sv_pure, Zblock, Sv_consitency, Lo3 addons and such are >_>
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :I will upload a video of VAC-proof (for 3 years already) wallhack soon

Edit: here you go.

Materials dont work on match servers, but nice try.

And edit:

When I actully played more I tended to the be awper when it came to it in matches, but tbh im pritty shiit with it now

edit 2: Hands off fails, cl_dnyamiccrosshair 1 also fails
S2 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :Ill give it a shot sign me up.

Just curious as to what maps? or is it find out on the day and stratagise accordingly?

Well assuming it will have at least:

Dust2 / Cbble / Nuke / Inferno / Maybe prodigy since there like the most played maps in matches, some tuscan or mill would be nice...but I hope to God they dont plan on using hostage maps.
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :I could also think that they won't even know about the console ingame. Let alone getting a proper ESL or any other server match config for it.

Well if they dont I'd just suggest using one of the people like mcintyre (Spelt right?) or you or something if you have a spare clan server :P, mines down atm since were all slacking a bit
S2 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :CS:S is the best £10 I've ever spent. I'd quite like to join this BUT:

I exclusively play office
I haven't played for about a year
I will be probably been pissing 4 times that much money down the drain that night

...Srsly, who plays hostage maps
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I think that arox will hack, as he does in every game, so what's the point in competing when he'll just wallhack and cheat?

Well its a struggle to generaly cheat on css without getting

1) Vacced
2) Noticed

And if he wants to risk a banning from not updating his hacks like daily then, w/e so be it.

And if the servers setup PROPELY "legal" hacks wont work.
S2 licensed
I'm thinking about joining with a few clan members, but its so close to my exams I'd be slacking alot and probably end up deciding I cba, if you do another one thoe ill defanatly be on it
S2 licensed
Since I cant be bothered to read the entire post, id like to ask this

Does the whole team have to be from the lfs forum or just one clan member?

And would we be using a server provided be you or can it be on a clan server? (If you have a server prepared fair enough)

S2 licensed
Just watched it, liked it all tbh, but at the end I was thinking "LET THE BASTARD OFF" but since that clearly didnt happen a bit of happyness was shown further to the end
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :The search tool is fooked up anyways. Dont know, wont work for me neither. Always the same results.

But there was a topic about it - with a lot more informing content that yours has Anyways, u can use the alternate search tool. When making a new topic - when u type in the topic name, it searches for similar named topics and there u will have it

I think I saw that topic, but wasnt it more of a topic about Cryengine 2 and some modifications which were made to it, making it even more sexy?
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :How can you play CSS properly, taking that as an example. Same guns, same strategy (or one of a few, I mean you can only plant the bomb at A or B..), with the same people..

This isn't like Americas Army or Arma or something.. most FPS games are very much like CSS, the sort of run around kill everyone thing.

Because theres more to css than run here plant bomb there defend bomb, its in no way a "RUN THERE KILL GUY PLANT" theres alot more within it involving rotations splits etc, it isnt just lets run b next round lets run a, its alot more structered and if you dont understand it that would be why
1) You dont play pcw's / leagues
2) You dont play matches with a clan
3) You probably play pub servers
S2 licensed
Quote from trebor901 :No but if you dont want to go through the hassle of joining a clan then it pretty much is.

Enemydown mix servers
Any of your friends (basicly a mix)/ Gogo 2on2/3on3/4on4/5on5.css on quakenet

"de_w/e / OFF/ ULOW/LOW (w/e your skill is ofc)"
Join crappy ulow/low clan desperatly seeking matches in some ffeble attempt to join ED / succeed at clanbase or w/e league you want or just do pcw's

Edit: And there is much more to any good fps played propely to point and click

Gogo screwed up typing, but you get the point
S2 licensed
Quote from trebor901 :CSS is by no means the best first person shooter around but if you can find a server that isnt full of cheating faggots or bots then you will have some fun on it. I found COD4 pretty good online for pc. Also Battlefield 2142 is quite good.

Because css is obviously about playing pub servers constantly
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :This is exactly why I still play CS:S on a proper server (random teams, AWP and autosnipers bant, cursing allowed, vocal and elite players).

Humiliation grows personality, methinks.

I resent that comment as a proper server and a bad comment

Dont get me started on people who comment on awp'ers like that
S2 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :yeah

Now explain the actual aim of that

(However much I hate most the player made modes I dont see how theyll mix...)
S2 licensed
If your going to host the server stick media player on in the background LOL improves the tickrate of some steam severs etc (or so they say )

Either way, due to the way css servers work I sense a bit of fail tick / general lag wise?

May consider coming on eventully?
S2 licensed
For the record I use the mantis speed, and the wobbling isnt anything from the laser, it comes from me and the wya I move the mouse I think but I dont get it with the 800dpi optical mouse, maybe the extra tracking screwing with my movement style but I dont know tbh

Thanks for the help either way
Whats my problem with laser mice? (Laser not optical)
S2 licensed
Basicly I play alot of fps (css/cod4 etc) and for along time I used a standard run of the mill 800dpi optical mouse then I decided Id get the "Saitek Cyborg 4200dpi gaming mouse" I got this mouse tried to use it a bit and didnt like the feel of it, I figured this was due to its extreme shape.

After this I eventully thought "Ok, ill give it another try" (After reverting back to the optical and sticking the cyborg on the cupboard behind me) so I went out and ordered a copperhead now I find this alot better than the cyborg, but I just cant get it to feel right and I'm pritty sure its the fact its laser and not optical.

(Unless its the railing on the side screwing with my <ring finger?> next to the little finger)

So after a few days I realy cant get it to feel right, even on standard 800dpi no acceleration cpl mouse fix etc (Like my optical mouse) it just wont feel right, its to sensitive or to slow all the time (My main problem been wobling on the y axis alot) and I realy cant work out if its because its laser and not optical or its ergomics for left+right handers..

Due to this I had a look around and ive seen the deathadder, it seems to be a variation on a standard optical mouse and made purely for right handed gamers, but before I go out and buy one (Probably selling the copperhead if anyones interested) I'd appreciate some help on why im stuck in this diliama (cant spell).

Cheers, Jim.

P.s, sorry for wall of death text
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :The source is surround, right? You won't get any rear signal from your .mp3s...

Yeah..I was using the suround tester thing -_- >_>