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Quote from DriftKing_Sidewayzzz :thanks guys, and if we are going to make another drift day, we don't know that. But maybe we will
But, we will start Team Training in a short while, and then we are going to make a Touge Masters Team Trailer movie, and team-movies. So keep looking for that movies xD

Make another drift day.
Or feel my wrath.
S2 licensed
Woooooohhhh I was in that vid quite a lot Tbh my best scenes were with mista
S2 licensed
For entering on your own:
LFS Username:Jimaxx
Race Name:GRace|Jim

I'd love to join and this time i toke what ive learnt from my problems on sunday and voted for saturday.
Obv due to times i MIGHT not be able to take part.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dalek0220 :Your older than me, and if an event is going on that I'm taking part in, my Mum lets me stay on the computer right up to 10:00 PM.

Your Mum should have the same respect for you as my Mum does the same for me.

Its the fact that 1) my mum hates me on it 2) sunday = family dinner day = usualy about 7= when i said to her wwhat about 7:30 she said We might not have finished it and all this crap
Vegas wont save propely
S2 licensed
Basicly i got vegas 8.0 (not pro) a few days ago and it was working fine but now im playing around trying to get used to it etc, got a few clips sorted but everytime i save it misses out either the first clip or last clip depending what i do to save it.
is there any obvoius problem with it? the only thing i can actuly thnkg of is the video i have overlayed on it at about 5% opacity thats the only thing differant ive done since i originaly played around with it
I toke off the overlay and now it didnt save the start few clips instead of the last :/
Edit: Moved the overlay from a extra video layer id created > Video overlay and it worked :/
Last edited by jimaxx, .
S2 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :Zomg im all aloooone!

I feel so lonely

Meh.. I guess ill be training alone this time heh.

*edit* Wow... I got around 300 posts in a month (When i actually started posting)

I may still train with you thoe when i can
Dropping out of competition
S2 licensed
Wahtever i do my mum denies to let me on that time on a sunday
So it looks like im dropping out sorry guys!
Sorry mista!
S2 licensed
I thought race 1 started at about 7:30? id be happy to start at the back of that pack
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Well, one was a jpg and one was a gif when I attached the files.

If anyone wants the gif one, email or PM me and I'll ship it to you.


One of them has colour quality of a gif thoe?

Donno what you've done there
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :What you can do (and I might do this for a couple of rounds) is that if you can be @ ur PC @ about 7.30-7.30, then you can start Race 2 from the back of the grid, and race that way.

Ur very welcome to do that If you want.

Ok that sounds good ill post tomorow when ive got more info
Severe problem with starting times for me :(
S2 licensed
Well basicly the starting time is currently 7:00 i only just realised this is the EXACT time I have dinner sat down with my family (sunday lunch) and my parents DENY to change this for me (they hate me been on pc) so i guess im out of the cup?
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Thanks to all who attended (I think we had at least 18 of you at one point...yippiee !

I would again like to apologise for the erraticness of my driving to the head of the line on the starts there. Went down to abotu 5 or so FPS. Once I got to the 2nd or 3rd row, it shot back up to about 20 FPS which is nominal for me.

I am defragmenting my computer right now to try and get a boost.

I saved the second race from Kyoto and may make a small highlight video of it for kicks and giggles. And so JO53PHS can have a reminder of what ticks him off.


Cant wait to see the video!
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :It's what I get for trying to save it while forgetting to let off the gas.

FRAPS dings about 15 FPS off my video, but to me it looks decent enough to pass.

Would not be easier to get someone with a good system to record the video with your camera angles etc then get you to do the editing?
S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :+1 for my Idea

-1000000000000000000000000000 for Kyoto FBM - anything but that

But i want the sense of achievment of something i can do!

meh i need practice on the others anyway
S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :Can we have a sort of mini-meet up tomorrow?

I know its all very well going on DR server 1 whenever you want to but nobody is on there

+1 for that idea

+1 for FBM kyoto again

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This is starting to piss me off
S2 licensed
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Sorry I couldn't attend. Did I miss much?
I'll be there for the 27th Get-Together for sure though.

You missed me coming 2nd in the only race i had a chance in and getting fastest laps...Damn yee!!!!!

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This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between posts. Please try again in 17 seconds -_- slowly getting angry

This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between posts. Please try again in 4 seconds.

S2 licensed
Quote from B0mberMan :i think something like a smoke amount adjustment slider would be a good idea.

S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :Can I just say to everyone that I'm not usually how I was in the practice session.

I don't like fries that much

Fair enough, Lets just settle on Me and Mista like fries.

And also again fair enough
S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :+1

Did you need to randomly announce you liked fries?

But everyone likes fries
And mista im still blaming that on lag if only i saved the replay
It got you a bigger lead on me anyway since i stopped for you
S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :Sorry.

That won't happen again.

I was rather frustrated because

1) I hate the FBM
2) I was getting used to my wheel

Sorry If I appeared a bit of an Idiot but I was just frustrated - thats not how I am usually

Fair enough
Btw If you get fast with your wheel before round 1 then you've done better than me ive had it from christmas and still cant be competetive with it
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Well, people that came - thanks alot.

I hope you all had a great time, I certainly did. (although I'm not too sure about jimazz and JO53PHS!!)

Comments/improvements e.t.c?

You just had to spell my name wrong didnt you?

And tbh im not going to hide the fact, im begining to not like joseph for example, I didnt expect him to late break into a corner and i hit him on the exit due to not getting enough inside space for myself, YES it was my fualt but 1) it was qualifying 2) if he hadnt of starting having a great go at me for a accident he may have actully got the decent lap he was looking for in...I apparantly ruined his only fast lap... we were only 3 corners in!

His immaturaty (even for his age tbh i meen im only a year older) realy begins to show as he's very agressive wants everything when HE wants it (race starts etc) and makes big deals out of pritty much racing incidents, for example 6th of January he left after shouting at someone for either hitting him or not restarting, Joseph when you read this try and take some of it into consideration, your not earning a good rep for yourself.

I've proved my point.

S2 licensed
Rofl "vroooooom SMAck Skiddddddd"

Dont want to sound negative but that fps is a bit low for a video?
S2 licensed
i should be there
S2 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :he he Lebaron hope you find a cool skinner

Rofl two spam posts in one topic? 0.0
Techinicly 3 now sorry
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :If you promise to not use Leet speak in this thread, yes.

Thats minor 13375P34K dont make me bring what ive learnt off 10yr chavs into this topic