For entering on your own:
LFS Username:Jimaxx
Race Name:GRace|Jim
I'd love to join and this time i toke what ive learnt from my problems on sunday and voted for saturday.
Obv due to times i MIGHT not be able to take part.
Its the fact that 1) my mum hates me on it 2) sunday = family dinner day = usualy about 7= when i said to her wwhat about 7:30 she said We might not have finished it and all this crap
Basicly i got vegas 8.0 (not pro) a few days ago and it was working fine but now im playing around trying to get used to it etc, got a few clips sorted but everytime i save it misses out either the first clip or last clip depending what i do to save it.
is there any obvoius problem with it? the only thing i can actuly thnkg of is the video i have overlayed on it at about 5% opacity thats the only thing differant ive done since i originaly played around with it
I toke off the overlay and now it didnt save the start few clips instead of the last :/
Edit: Moved the overlay from a extra video layer id created > Video overlay and it worked :/
Well basicly the starting time is currently 7:00 i only just realised this is the EXACT time I have dinner sat down with my family (sunday lunch) and my parents DENY to change this for me (they hate me been on pc) so i guess im out of the cup?
But everyone likes fries
And mista im still blaming that on lag if only i saved the replay
It got you a bigger lead on me anyway since i stopped for you
Fair enough
Btw If you get fast with your wheel before round 1 then you've done better than me ive had it from christmas and still cant be competetive with it
And tbh im not going to hide the fact, im begining to not like joseph for example, I didnt expect him to late break into a corner and i hit him on the exit due to not getting enough inside space for myself, YES it was my fualt but 1) it was qualifying 2) if he hadnt of starting having a great go at me for a accident he may have actully got the decent lap he was looking for in...I apparantly ruined his only fast lap... we were only 3 corners in!
His immaturaty (even for his age tbh i meen im only a year older) realy begins to show as he's very agressive wants everything when HE wants it (race starts etc) and makes big deals out of pritty much racing incidents, for example 6th of January he left after shouting at someone for either hitting him or not restarting, Joseph when you read this try and take some of it into consideration, your not earning a good rep for yourself.