Since I got my new sound card (company didnt have the one I ordered in stock so I got sent this) I had a wierd problem with my 5.1 speakers, the problem been that I could not get the rear speakers to work at all, I figured "It may just be the speakers, getting a new headset soon, ill see what happens"
So a few days later, I got my headset (Razer Barracuda ac-1 5.1) and the same problem occured, so I fidled for a while and found at that within the 5.1 setting (in the xonar drivers) the rear speakers where known as "rear suround" while in the 7.1 I had "Rear suround" and "rear back (which worked)".
So now for 5.1 I have to set my sound card up for 7.1s settings and I feel this may be causing me to lack some positioning which I could get in game for where people are as it thinks I have 2 extra speakers within my headset, would I be right in thinking this?
Next question:
Within my drivers I have a headphone option which enables dolby headphone, now I know this is ment for emulating suround sound, which I dont exacly need now, but I realy prefer the sound I get out of my headphones...when using the...HEADPHONES setting instead of 5.1/7.1.
(which ofc makes sense)
But like this I wont get usage of all the speakers within the headset if im right? so is there anyway to have all speakers working but have the sound from the headphones setting?
Cheers, Jim.
Edit: Also, is it dodgey that I can only hear the subwoofer when I have rear speakers turned up? Id assume not since the amplifiyer/volume control has front/rear/centre/bass but bass+centre only work in conjuction with front/rear been turned up but im pritty sure its working, I mean after playing around with the bass setting in wmp I can feel the vibration and hear alot lower, so im assuming its "there" once there all on.
Also, is there anyway I can boost the bass nicely? because these headphones are slightly known for having a lack of bass without the hp-1 sound card pair (the ones wich werent in stock)
Well I had a short video with about 10seconds of a Linkin Park song (not even lyrics, just a very staccato guitar sequence) and they came at me and just muted the sound on the video
... Yet the video had 29 views and it had been on for a day...then a video of the actual song that had 4000+ views still hasnt been removed
Tbh, If I was skilled enough I'd gief you some
But quite frankly, im not currently been stuck in a failing low/low+ clan In ED kinda explains that
But if you ever continue it I'd love to see the finished product, I'm not exacly the pro video editor either...(learnt how to do demo smooths, like, yesterday?) so like most source radio movies I find it nice to watch things I know Ill never be able to do
Anyway, probs best to stop posting so offtopicly now <3
Tbh, I find it interesting how I got into this music, I originaly heard BMTH and I was like "Argh, WTF is that" (My music range kinda was only touching Lamb of God at this time) then over time I began to like them, but hated low screams and dispised pig squeels, then again, overtime I started listening to the more lows, I suppose the more "brutal" music If I have to put it like that, however much I hate that statement.
But anyway, it then led on to things like Suicide silence, black dahlia murder, which then led on to All shall perish, which is currently causing Pig squeels to grow on me .
Metalcore just kind of sits in my playlist going "Hai, listen to me! I has sexy riffs" (As I lay dying)
I obviously listen to more than just this, and I listen to alot of post hardcore but these are the main bands which kinda changed my view on deathcore/metalcore/grindcore etc.
For the record, I have a very open music sense and I do listen to my nice bit of techno / w/e sometimes.
I'm pritty sure Children of Bodom range around the Melodic death metal line?
And OLD A7X stuff was deathcore'ish before M shadows failed to scream correctly and had to go under vocal operations (I think)
For people who havent seen it, this is a good watch, and much better if you ever watched "Just shoot me"
Chances are he's sponsered by a server company, I know plenty of clans on css who get free match servers due to sponsers, nice way to save £15 a month on a 11slot 100tick match server with source tv >_>.
All they tend to ask is you advertise them on your website / servers and such
Edit: Ive never realy got into the Cod4 scene tbh, I have it, but ive only ever played a few pub servers, (which kind of screws up my view of the game) and never played competetivly, admitivly it looks pritty, but ive never been able to like it as a competetive game, I play css competetivly (well to a extent...) and I just cant get into cod4.
(to a extent = low+/mid skill playing in a few little leagues and Enemydown)
now I'm assuming this will just fit into a standard pci slot? (which I'm also assuming is the littler version of my graphics cards pci slot just under it?)
But the other question is: How much of a difference will I hear compared to a built in soundcard which Im currently using with my 5.1 speakers?
I'm not to worried about quality, but more about in game positioning of sounds, (for example css with its 5.1 support) will I hear a massive difference compared to my built in card?
My motherboard is a Asus nvvsta or something, I'll get the actual details if there needed.
Basicly Im planning on getting the Razer hp-1 Barracuda headset and the AC-1 soundcard, now the cheapest I can find the headset is £55 on amazon, but its from a store linked to amazon.
The store states £60+ (cant quite remember) while amazon stats £55, now If I ordered via amazon would I pay the £55 or the actual store price?
I shocked myself yesterday when I actully managed to stay near the top load on one of the SO tracks and stayed quite competetive with positions and track times, admitivly, that was the fastest id ever done, and a few races on after warming up a few people were topping me by like 2 seconds a lap but shh!
I made me feel happy ... Speccialy since I havent drove a TBO since the old XRT demo days
Tbh, I wish I had that much access at school...RM wahtever it is version 3 is a bitch...and affter like quite a while of a few people trying to bypass it for cmd prompt and stuff a few people (cough) had to sign a sheet saying if were found: On games/withcopyrightedmaterial on school harddisks etc/anything suspucious we have a risk of instant exlusion...
Also we have to report anyone we see doing any thing "Suspociisusususs" (cant spell) to the "Tech admin".
all thoe I blabbled on...all I wanted to say is, were not even allowed access to the c drive / allowed to run most exe's...
Basicly im considering getting a newhead set soon will be used constantly for CSS gaming as I play it alot.
Now been a little poor boy, ive always gone without a suround sound headset, but ive been looking at 5.1's for mah birthday, (Razer Barracuda/Saitek cyborg (TO GO WIH MAH KEYBOARD AND MOUSE LAWLZ:shy
but then I came acrose the Megalodon.
Seems to sell for around £100 has its sound proccessing unit and stuff, one of the first 7.1 headsets?
...I wont try and explain it...because im dim
Instead, linkage!
Ive been "informed" that it "would" run on the ps3's engine, and is based on the GT5 articheirjhetihersotghsr (I cant spell) but the actual problem is not been able to run 12 of these things on a tracka t once