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E Guitar help
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Well my gcse music perfomance is some time next year now i WANT to play Jerryc's or Mattrach's canon rock for it but im struggling to learn it, ive been playing guitar about 3 and a half years i just never realy put the effort in I cant use the guitar neck as a exuse to go wrong sicne its a 24 fret rg350dx >.>.

Back on topic; [in the offtopic forum rather ironic] im just interested if anyone and can play it and how long its taken them to learn it i have aproximetly a year to learn it
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The diary of jane (acoustic) Breaking Benjamin.
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My first ever skin of this style
Personnaly i dont like it >.<

What do ya'll think? ... id=43047&d=1196007600
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Damn you all and your skills/equipment i dont have >.> One would be for the family computer so thats not happening >.< I feel so useless and unworthy in this forum with all my crappy gear and racing skillls! Anyway Cheers
15" TFT or 19" CRT >.<
S2 licensed
Well im getting a free 19" crt monitor off a friend as i currently dont have a spare screen.

Now both moniters in my house are mine im just wondering what would you guys prefer?

A "15 (Tft i think) flatscreen max res 1024x768
A 19" Crt (Big fudging thing) max res <Unknown -.->
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :By day, I'm a German, called Hans.

By night, I'm a Frenchman called René.

Haha that made me Lol,

Listening to Enter Shikari playlist atm
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Haha, the digger at the end made me do a lol.

I can imagine the driver grinning as he goes round and round

ahah thats amazing

I should try this
S2 licensed
0.0 thats something i never knew all thoe it would make sense >.<

Got canon rock on now Learning to play it
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Signed for the pure facts that

1) Cos i can
2) I dont want tracks closing i allready havent figured the closest one to me yet
S2 licensed
xD all thoe admitivily some of their songs are mentaly worrying
S2 licensed
Mindless self indulgence, Shut me up

Then i believe a bit of prodigy and gallows are coming up next.
S2 licensed
Mindless self indulgence playlist 0.0
S2 licensed
Well hes been taken to the vets again today and there keeping him in for more liver tests his blood says theres something wrong they just dont know what.

Im just hoping he comes out better.

This morning after his injection yesterday he was nice and lively and dosnt apear to be any pain whatsoever but we'll see

Thanks for all your support
S2 licensed
Ah ok, im just used to seeing my simple Ip gateway etc and not all that :P
S2 licensed
Damn...I didnt put my name on the skin i made for them...Damn i cant feel priveleged balls! >.> "Shifty eyes"

EDIT: Good luck with the team n all
S2 licensed
I did it it originaly didnt work but i played around with it and now its up and running Thanks ...but one thing...

What in the living hell happend here?
My dogs dying :|
S2 licensed
I know you wont want to know but i just need to get this out of my system.

My 8 year old english bull terrier is dying his liver is packing in on him

I dont know what to do realy except just take it and move on, i know most of you wont want to know and i understand that S**t happens but i just needed to get this out :|

Having huge wireless network/router problems >.<
S2 licensed
Well im currently trying to set up my wireless network for after christmas when i have my new computer.

My modem is a "Motorola surfboard sb4100 cable modem" with Randomwire thing i dont know what it is> Usb (currently used)

And a ethernet port

Ive installed my usb "dongle" drivers and plugged my router etc in with the Ethernet going to the "wan" port (choice of lan 1-4 or "wan") my router is a well it dosnt say anything except for model 52629 which is apparantly compliant with my belking 802.11g "dongle" once everything was plugged in everthing connected together fine (apparantly) but i apeared to have no internet acsess, i had a look at the manual for my router and went to my internal i.p/router configaration (Http://192.0.0xxx etc) it didnt load...played around a bit and got it to load followed a wizard thing to set up...still no internet...and now i cant get back to the router/ip setup page just "Page cannot be displayed with ie (teh suckzor) and unable with firefox :|" Anhyhelp would be greatly apreicieated


Oh and the router is a cable/adsl one.
S2 licensed
Quote from h3adbang3r :Poor Evo (and seagull)

ahah that made me lol then go ewwwww
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :I think you're referring to Daytona, which is a city in Florida that has a Superspeedway. (Hosts Daytona 500 and Pepsi 400)

For the record.. that movie was rubbish.

Ahah thought id got it wrong, And yeah it wasnt to good >.< Cheers i was just interested
Daytoor/nascar racing...
S2 licensed
Well a few nights ago i watched a movie on E4 (days of thunder) to do with daytoor/nascar (wasnt paying much attention) im just interested if anyone who was seen this movie and is a fan of this sport is that realy what its like with all the ramming etc?
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Thats the ugliest music I ever heared. In fact I will not call it music, but non-music-crap. There are two people, who never can play a instrument, that uses a computer and maybe a keyboard with allready finished drum rythms that plays, it`s a shame that they can call something like this music. Techno is not a music genre, it`s trash, only people that likes to take speed to breakfast may it be good at any way.

Phew, there I said it, start the flamewar if you like, but I`ll rest my case, techno is not music, and I canot understand people that says some techno - makers are talented people. I mean, WTF COMON! They use half finished rythms, and making music out of dataprograms. WTF in hell, music is about soul, and devoute to a instrument you have learned to master throught endless hours of training.

There are different types of music. Some focuses on the text itself, like Bob Dyland, Johnny Cash etc, while other bands focuses on the music, like Children Of Bodom and many others. There are many many different music generes, but please for love of god stop refering to techno as a music genre, it`s not worth the status as music.

Now, what this had to do with topic...who knows, wanted to tell my oppinion after seeing that link.

Tbh i used to believe in the techno been crap etc but all thoe if you ever see me you wouldnt expect it i tend to go around listening to mc and rave and stuff lately...and this is someone who enjoys a good lamb of god deathpit...
S2 licensed
Mattrach the "new" canon rock Learning to play it on guitaar
S2 licensed
Eeesh Highroad you drift to fast for your own good...anyways, I tend to use feint aswell but i dont recomend it to a learner try a few clutch kicks handbrakes and overpowers before you try other things the key to drifting is your line you dont just sling yourself round the corner and hope for the best you need to keep to a line (watch other good drifters for this not people who just fly into a corner etc) the main problems i see in beginer drifters is overturn and off the line,

When you enter a corner make sure you use whichever tactic you prefer for drifting then countersteer so you dont spin out i see this alot but try not to countersteer to much so you dont manage to spin out the other way, try to take your corners in gear 3 usualy, get yourself a decent set and try some of this out
Another buying post (sorry) :)
S2 licensed
ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 512MB

In my last topic i stated the wrong card, So to put it straight to the point, is the £10 cheaper worth not getting a 8600gt? is this thing that good of a performer?

Edit: Just been looking at a review the 8600gt seems to almost double its perfomance in most games but sitll any information would be nice
Last edited by jimaxx, .