I know this could go a way off-topic but still..
I see the "physics" like this: LFS is a (or "the"
) game and games tend to have their own "physics", set of laws that govern the borders where the game can be played. Game's laws are kind of global set, where each individual player carves subsets to suit their "needs". If grip is low at low speeds, then it is: it's player's concern to take that into notice if she/he wants to be competitive within the game's global laws.
Simulation can't be the reality, because then it wouldn't be simulation anymore. Mainly it's in player's head and the outlines of the game aren't actually that important. At least I've (nearly) fallen of my chair when crashing in Pit Stop 2 and also when I've been deep into fighting positions in LFS-race and crashing suddenly. I know this can provoke, but at least I'm hooked if any game offers that "magic" that gets me into the Zone and can't be described.
LFS is an ongoing project. I accept that. LFS isn't my project. I accept that too. I accept everything that belongs to LFS (and not just the concrete things, but abstracts as well). If I wouldn't accept a single thing, I wouldn't be playing it. That doesn't mean I like everything, but I have to accept the global set of "LFS-laws" so that I can find my own subset from it. When further patches come, I'll just adjust my subset according to the changed global set. Adopt, adapt and improve. I'm not a god of this game. I accept that fully. I'm just a pawn that has come to play at the pantheons playgrounds. I don't have shackles, but it's their ground, their laws, their rules.
As a codeslave I hate when someone who doesn't understand the environment I'm coding (or don't understand the actual coding itself) comes with only demands and who won't help the coding in any other way. I also hate when in mid-project someone is "forced" into codeteam without consulting us, the original coders. I admire the trio behind LFS for doing what they want. Wish I could too. At least I can give my supports to them.
Wish I made some sense. I tend easily tend to slip, drift and rant unclearly