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S2 licensed
I have tried W sets in W17 and up (test patches) and they are doing just fine.

So, yes preload is a nice new feature but it doesn't make previous sets obsolete.

Keep them coming lads
S2 licensed
Hehe, I told my thinking just after the line you quoted.

Because these glitches are related to each other I think/hope that Scawen will hit two birds with one stone with some of them thus my optimism.

If Scawen reads my post maybe he'll either laugh with my ingnorance or give me a 100 days ban as a punishment for making his work appearing to easy.
S2 licensed
I'm with Tweaker on this one

The AIs aren't that bad after all. They need some changes like:

1. The ability to drive in and out of pits.
This is going to be fixed in Y because of the new start position of the qualify and practice modes.

2. More distinctive skills between the OK, Quick and PRO levels.
I guess this is a matter of some variables in the AI algorithmes, so it would be easy to be done.

3. The oscilation of the wheel in the AI BF1 cars in the straights and before turning.
Again a little more variable fixing due to the high speed of this car.

4. The fact that the AIs even in PRO level they are slower than the mid racer in multiplayer.
Guess what... Again some variable tweaking in the AI engine is the solution.

5. Fix of the glitch that the AIs spin or driving off road after 50-100 laps of learning the track.
This could be solved with a check now and then of the ideal racing line and their racing line. So, they could not deviate from the predermined path in so huge extenct they could drive off road.

6. A glitch, when the AIs drive against the wall, specially in SO enviroments they just get stuck there throttling against the wall.
This sould be fixed along with their ability to drive out off the pits.

7. The most annoying behavior atm, they ignorance of the player's car from the AIs, especially in the turns. If the player is in front of the AIs they'll wreck him at the turn entrance because they do not take his car into consideration, so they could avoid the crash.
This could be easily fixed imho in the same way AIs are aware of other AI cars and do not reset or block them while they are near.

All the above imho are not very difficult to get fixed in a single patch.
All of these glitches together as they are now create a horrible AI race and give the impression of horrible AIs, but the truth is that these glitches are all relevant to each other, so their fix could be done within a patch. At least this is what I and others hope for.
Time will show
S2 licensed
As I said in another thread I WON'T participate in this and future events after all due to lag problems mostly. So count me out.
S2 licensed
What's your previous wheel?
Maybe try that again to find if the problem is G25 related.

And some wild guesses

1. From LFS options>View set Driver OFF Wheel OFF to see if it makes any diference.

2. Disable (exit) the Logitech profiler and then start LFS just in case the profiler causes the problem.

3. Try other games with keyboard or mouse and see if the problem is only LFS specific.

4. Reinstall usb/motherboard drivers or check for for some newer ones.

Your PC is not on the edge, but it's quite good for LFS standards. Better do not upgrade anything to it except perhaps from an extra 512 memory dimm. If you don't have a 2nd PC or a HTPC your's is just for this job.

So imho except perhaps from the memory do not upgrade anything to it, save up and buy a new one in the future at the 800 euros tag. It will be about 4-5 times faster than your current PC.
S2 licensed
Hmm, yes confirmed.
S2 licensed
Overall it's a little blurry, it has the annoying bloom effect present everywhere, and its controls are amazingly awful.
Also it is a system hog, and a little arcadish.

My verdict:
A decent Xbox title where system requirements don't apply, arcadish behavior is more often a feature than a bug and wheels are not the standard controllers. But the PC port is quite rediculous, at least with LFS's standards
S2 licensed
Quote from simscube :Just got LFS after 4 years!!!!!!

Better late than never
S2 licensed
Here is a link ... o/;7586484;/fileinfo.html

In my machine P4 3.2, 6800GT, 1GB Ram it runs like a slideshow

It looks good, but it is unplayable for not on edge PCs
S2 licensed
Because AIs can't pit at the moment, so they can't refuel themselves here is an easy way to keep them moving for long races
S2 licensed
Quote from Peptis :Is AutoHotkey somehow related to Auto It? They seem very similar.

I didn't know about Auto It so far.

Autohotkey is free, powerful and is a great substitute for WScript I was using before it. I didn't have any problems or dead ends with it so far (about a year now) so I didn't look for alternatives.

I'll have a look at Auto It in the future, so I suggest to beginners to try them both then
S2 licensed
The problem is that dos can't run in silent mode, it has to create a dos window.

You can use WScript which has similar functionality with dos or try Autohotkey because they can run in silent mode (with no window).
So no focus problems with those

Autohotkey needs a little reading but it has saved the day for me in several ocasions. I use it all the time with lots of programs including LFS. After a week with it you'll never go back to dos again
S2 licensed
It has to do with your file's HUGE size. (1.5 MBytes)

Save a new copy with size under 400KB and it works fine.
Just tried it myself...
S2 licensed
This server and my connection/location don't get along since ever

It's better for all of us to personally retire from this league.
Good luck lads.
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :No-one else has the password, not even me . It will be sent by PM and/or MSN at 7:45 or so.

I don't have the password yet and the race is only 10 mins away
S2 licensed
My skins
S2 licensed
Did you sent a PM to Solidum[NL] ?

Look at the first post there
Quote from duke_toaster :
Free agents pool


He seems to be a privateer also, so you could form a team together.
S2 licensed
Hi, glad you solved your problem

The clutch setting is game dependend I think.

In LFS goto Oprions>Player and change the third option from the end
"Autoclutch:" from Yes to No.
I don't have GTR but there must be something similar there also
S2 licensed
Open the Logitech Profiler and goto
Options>Global Device Settings and at the section "Steering Wheel Settings" uncheck the "Report Combined Pedals" option.

Or if you have a profile for LFS got to Edit>Specific Game Settings and uncheck the same option there.
S2 licensed
With patch W24 in Multiplayer mode there is no "Replay 2" button in the "Escape Menu".
Since there is one in the "Escape Menu" of the single player mode shouldn't also be one in the Multiplayer?

Nothing much really.
Actually I didn't know if the omition was intentional (because the 2 key in multiplayer does not save the replay automatically -as it does the 1 key in single player- but prompts you for a name) or a glitch, but thought to mention that anyway.
S2 licensed
The BF1 is a fuel hog btw.
If the race is more than 30 mins you have to refuel.
Twice the consumption of most cars and even more, so it's a good choice for this purpose.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Just letting you know in advance, I found that the "/ctrl tab" command didn't work. I've fixed that now, so in the next patch you'll be able to add a single line "ctrl tab" to your autoexec.lfs and that will make it go to permanent display mode as soon as you start LFS.

I've also change the order so it goes no-auto-yes. That means you'll only need one ctrl tab line.

In case you don't know already, the autoexec.lfs script is run once when you first get to the entry screen. So you can add any /commands to that file.

Thanks for that
I hope you'll get some rest after the X patch, cause the W -> X path required a lot of hard work on your part.
We recognize the effort you have made so far and personally I'm impressed by the way you Scavier people develop LFS, always in discussion/cooperation with the fans of the game
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :It has to be real surnames on the skin.

About the privateers team "British-Greek Racing" line up:
11 K.Mpamlis (KMSpeed)
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
I see no reason to have it as an actual option, and no-one has given any reason why it should be, and no-one has stated any issues with the auto system, or why anyone would not want it on auto.

The reason why people (me included) want it as an option is because in qualify mode the grid display is very important. It's like if you have a race to don't know what your actual position is.

From a little testing I did, while in Auto it appears when you pass the start/finish line and then it dissapears. I really can't memorize the grid this way. It dissapears to quickly and I want to have some glimpses to it during the outlap and inlap to see what other racers are doing,what's my realtive position etc.

I guess the whole problem is this:
Quote from Scawen :This is a temporary "show" button - not an option - like SHIFT+L (live suspension display) or H - show message history. You can't seriously be saying that SHIFT+L or H should be saved in the cfg as well are you?

The qualification grid is far important during qualify to "degrade" it to the "show buttons" category.
S2 licensed
When this came up I thought it was a bug also.

Anyway as said before I don't mind if it's set to auto by default but I really think that it should be customizable.

And of course if it is customizable then my preference should be saved in the cfg file.

I don't think that there is any other setting in the options menu of LFS that it isn't saved. That's why I thought it was a bug at first place