Hi all, I don't know if you already know that, but you can have colored names for your setups, just like you have colored player names.
Press & hold Ctrl while naming or renaming a setup and you'll get the familiar 9 color palette to choose a color.
The good thing is that the colors you choose have an effect at the real setup name!!

The colors are (from left to right) the following: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white and null which correspond to these codes in the real name ^0, ^1, ^2, ^3, ^4, ^5, ^6, ^7, ^8, ^9.
So, when you have a set appear like this in LFS
AS3_INF_R assuming it's a BF1 set it's real name in the LFS\data\settings folder is
Now, if we take advantage of Scawen's recent implementation to have the ability to sort your sets by name

, you can have all sorts of sets, but the colored ones will always be on the top due to their real filename.
So I have colored my race sets with red and my qualify sets with yellow and all the rest are down the list below them. You could use some other clolors too, like blue and magenta and cyan to describe base sets, rally cross sets, endurance sets, or whatever you like. As long as you are consistent with the colors and use the 3 characters track abbreviation for each set your list will always be tidy.
The only drawback to this trick is that the color codes eat up some characters from the length of the name of the setup and you might have to trim them a little.
One other thing is that if you have the whole name in color, eg red you can't tell if the set is highlighted. So you have to name it like this:
The first letters are with color, but I changed to null color for the last characters which can be highlighted.
This works fine for me, I hope you'll find it usefull too.