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S2 licensed
Go to Control Panel>Network Connections>New Connection Wizard
S2 licensed
Quote from johnfromsunnymull :oh right well i new that it didnt record your miles driven and petrol burned etc...but i didnt realise it didnt keep your PB!

It seems you have some things mixed up

LFSWorld is for S2 users only and it's based on your license username, which is the same as the name you use to login to this forum.

LFS Lapper is what you are looking for and it is on the server side. (runs in the backround and displays all these nice messages). It has an option in its cfg file for S2 users to run things depending on their license name,

Quote :
# Whether to use usernames instead of nicknames for authentication of users executing AutoAction.
UseUsernameForAuthentication = true

but for demo users there's no such option either.

So, if you stick to the demo just stop changing your name lol
S2 licensed
OWRL is for teams only, and it lasts from April to October.

This two months league during the summer season is a very good deal
S2 licensed
^^ nice

To sum up things, the problem is that we don't get a notice.

I don't mind if it is an email, the "buddies bell", an LFSWorld message in the game, etc, all I am saying is that a notice when a new message arrives will give this feature it's true potential.
S2 licensed
+1 on this one, I accidentally found out that there were some months old messages in my box whithout even know it.

Although this is a very nice feature it's seriously crippled by the fact you don't get a notice for new messages.
S2 licensed
Sure, that would be nice
S2 licensed
Perhaps you have a very high FF setting in the game.
Go to Options>Whell/js>Force strength (3rd option) and lower it down to maybe 40, to see if this is the cause.
S2 licensed
tbh, aceracer just asked some simple questions at his fisrt post. I really don't understand the way this thread end up

So to go back on the first post again

Quote :
Can I uninstall the patch?
Can I get the old sounds back?
Is the FZR the only car with this problem now or is this a global setting?
Anyone else feeling (hearing) the same?

You can go back to the compatible V version, but there's no need for it. You can have the old sounds back. Have a look here

Download these sounds, put them to your LFS/data/eng folder. During the game press shift-a to load the sound editor to choose the sound you like for the FZR, or press the PACK button at the top and type PatchV to the new window to load the whole old soundpack for all cars.
S2 licensed
I recently discovered Quintessential Player

It's free, it has a nice interface (Winamp 2.9 days) and with a right click on the song title in it's playlist it can convert -whatever the file is- to mp3, wma, ogg, wav etc.

Just make sure you install the plugins you want from this page

Highly recommended from me as a player and/or converter.
S2 licensed
But because my setup isn't the same all the time, I've noticed that the AIs spin much worse after I have enabled this option.
I think that changing sets confuses their AI learning curve.
I might be wrong though, but that's the impression I have, so I don't let them use mine. (All my tests are with the BF1 car)
S2 licensed
pre-Amiga days???

damn then I should post about some arcade stuff cause my neighbor had a spectrum and an C64 at the time, but my first PC was the Amiga 500 (yes the Amiga was a PC not a console )

Ok, from my arcade times then

Exerion, Golden Axe, Cabal, and lately Raiden.

The funny thing is I still enjoy them with Mame
S2 licensed
hmm, just tried that.
No, the AIs are ignored. And imo that's good.
S2 licensed
Yes I forgot that

(tbh I never use it for others, hence the mistake)

Damn, and it looked really nice.

Btw I just was online and checked the new LFSW WR messages.

Last edited by KMSpeed, . Reason : typos
S2 licensed
This progress feature is fantastic!!!

Thank you Victor, great thought
S2 licensed
I 'd like what Victor proposed combined:

Quote :LFSW - wr by <username> : 1:23.456 (set on 1 Mar 2007)
LFSW - Split1 1:23:456 - Split2 1:23:456 - Split3 1:23:456

The first line for the user name, WR and date
and the second line for the splits.

And what about another enhancement, now for the /w pb command?

currently is
Quote :LFSW - pb on AS1 BF1 : 0:38.81

since there is plenty of space left, I'd like to see and the /w l command there combined in something like this
Quote :LFSW - pb on AS1 BF1 : 0:38.81 (60 laps done)

Last edited by KMSpeed, .
S2 licensed
Davo proposed the 7900GS which is quite cheaper than the 7900GT but almost as powerful.

But anyway, the 7600GT is a great value for money card and quite powerful so go for it. You won't regret it.
S2 licensed
Quote from locust43 :I paid for an S2 license through PayPal and have been using S2 for a while now. Now I can't log in and when I go to my account it says fraud under payment. Thats Bull crap, I have PROOF that I paid them and I am about to call Paypal to have charges reversed because this is illegal for them to do this.

These things are better to be dealt with the involved parties in private via email. I'm sure if there's a misunderstanding it would be solved nicely.

No need for threads like this, they give people and potential buyers the wrong idea for no reason.
S2 licensed
This would be good but I guess this feature will come as a package with the rest of the changes to the replays.

It's a nice feature but I don't think it worths the time for developing it, since the best would be a new (incompatible) replay system.

So +1 in general, but I don't think that we'll se it soon.
S2 licensed
You don't have to uninstall LFS via the Add/Remove tool, cause LFS is a very clean application and does not install anything in you PC. A full LFS installment is just a folder.

You just unpack the original archive wherever you want and you have a new LFS installation, and/or delete the folder you previously unpacked LFS and it's gone/uninstalled. As simple as that.

So, to make a fresh install of LFS, just unpack the original LFS_V archive you already have to a different location than your previous one and you're done.

Then start your "fresh" LFS to see if the problem is still there.
S2 licensed
Hi all, I don't know if you already know that, but you can have colored names for your setups, just like you have colored player names.
Press & hold Ctrl while naming or renaming a setup and you'll get the familiar 9 color palette to choose a color.

The good thing is that the colors you choose have an effect at the real setup name!!
The colors are (from left to right) the following: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white and null which correspond to these codes in the real name ^0, ^1, ^2, ^3, ^4, ^5, ^6, ^7, ^8, ^9.
So, when you have a set appear like this in LFS AS3_INF_R assuming it's a BF1 set it's real name in the LFS\data\settings folder is

Now, if we take advantage of Scawen's recent implementation to have the ability to sort your sets by name , you can have all sorts of sets, but the colored ones will always be on the top due to their real filename.

So I have colored my race sets with red and my qualify sets with yellow and all the rest are down the list below them. You could use some other clolors too, like blue and magenta and cyan to describe base sets, rally cross sets, endurance sets, or whatever you like. As long as you are consistent with the colors and use the 3 characters track abbreviation for each set your list will always be tidy.

The only drawback to this trick is that the color codes eat up some characters from the length of the name of the setup and you might have to trim them a little.

One other thing is that if you have the whole name in color, eg red you can't tell if the set is highlighted. So you have to name it like this: AS3_INF_R
The first letters are with color, but I changed to null color for the last characters which can be highlighted.

This works fine for me, I hope you'll find it usefull too.
S2 licensed
isn't this topic already discussed more than any other?

I understand an S2 user to have some track requests, but you my friend, you havent't even tried the whole game yet, so asking for more tracks already is too much imo.
S2 licensed
Quote from Topp :When saying pressing your third button under your G15, is it the small black button 3rd from the left top (right above the rewind button) ?

Cant get this to work properly

No, it's the third dash-like key, the first of the two on the right up corner off the volume knob.

You press the 3rd button to start the program and the 4rth (the last one) to stop it.
S2 licensed
Just fuel you car up to 100% and then add the AIs.
They will have 100% fuel. Now you can go to the garage again and change your fuel amount to whatever percentage you like.

The AIs will stick with their 100% fuel no matter what you do.
S2 licensed
Quote from GWADanny :well if some1 try to do the honda, good luck to them because they will need it
S2 licensed
Well, "for ever" is a looong time for me to be sure.

But I know that LFS is the best game I have ever played and that I have already stop playing other games, because they seem too shallow compared to LFS.

Awesome game (sim)