Yes there is, either use the open with function of windows explorer (but it gets confusing since all the entries will be the same) another option is to adapt the .reg I attached to your needs.
But all this prolly doesn't help you one bit, because the association only works in U7 (or was it U8...?) and later
edit: maybe I should explain what the .reg does..... the tweak will add a new entry to the menu when you right click a file type X or to all files if you keep the * in there.
edit2: Umm.. it would add the entry if it would work as I remembered... you need to put that to the same registry key as you have the association... uno momento
edit3: There, that actually works.... NB: if you didn't use CrazyICE's associator, you need to change the Live For Speed - SPR bits to spr_auto_file
2. 64Bit support I don't think will be never supported. Too many still use 32Bit to convert to 64Bit and too much hassle to support both and from what I read the perfomance is actually worse than 32Bit. If you didn't know, LFS still uses DX8.1, why do you think it would convert to 64Bit, in my mind, for no reason? From what people posted on this forum LFS works perfectly on XP64Bit and Vista?
3. Yes,
It is USB, it goes to the USB jacks on the PS2 not the gamepad jacks.
That looks like a someone's hobby website, but it actually is the site of people that makes all Logitech controller drivers.
If you can wait few months and are not short on cash, there's a new wheel coming from Logitech in fall
Or maybe we should add all these hornystalkers to the banned wreckers list. That would work much better than changing playername which is not going to help anyway since A,) do you think they haven't already thought of that? they could've simply changed their name and be done with it and not post rants to a forum to find other ways to stop the stalkers (shame/flame/peer pressure etc). B,) blocking someone is not helping if the stalker(s) follow you on the track or follow even after you change servers C,) there's LFS username you can't change and THAT is the name they use to do the stalking.