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S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :I am just glad that I live in a country where I can be pretty safe whatever time or place it is. I can trust the police for not beating me up or taking bribes. I can say my opinions loud and I can get reasonable and unreasonalbe resistance but I still have a voice and the right to use it without consequences.

I wish I could talk the same, drivers and the police in Estonia are freaking careless
Quote from Hyperactive :In general I'm just happy that I don't need to care about what kind of shit is going on in some countries, people dying in hunger and young kids getting killed in diarrhea. WTC was just a drop in ocean. Nobody cares if there was a bomb killing million people in the middle of Africa. Would you?

100% the same here... and almost no risk of getting into a war... we don't have anything here.
S3 licensed
If you'll use the ways you're asked to do on previous posts, others won't see your new suit. But there is a hack, so everybody can see you... that's from DSRC, one sec

EDIT: Here ... hp?p=6723&postcount=1
S3 licensed
No problems using GAIM here, too.
S3 licensed
Added Bob Smith's two new layouts from The Floating Widget. Please tell me, if you have any public layouts not posted here.
S3 licensed
Don't know about the server, but maybe you can find the layout from my Autocross layouts database: - specifically the drifting section.
S3 licensed
Type /help to see a list of commands.

These useful commands will not show up, when you type /help.

Penalties :

/p_dt USERNAME :give drive through penalty
/p_sg USERNAME :give stop-go penalty
/p_30 USERNAME :give 30 second time penalty
/p_45 USERNAME :give 45 second time penalty

Race Control Messages : (big text in centre of screen)

/rcm MESSAGE :set a Race Control Message to be sent
/rcm_ply USERNAME :send the RCM to USERNAME
/rcm_all :send the RCM to all
/rcc_ply USERNAME :clear USERNAME's RCM
/rcc_all :clear all RCMs

If you want to cancel the restarting (voting) manually, press escape. If you want LFS to do it for you:
/rstmin X :no restart for X seconds after race start
/rstend X :no restart for X seconds after race finish

Scawen told you, how to use welcome command. I think that's all. Look in your LFS/Docs/Commands.txt for all the commands avalaible.

EDIT: If you want your server to tell a message, when somebody joins (not is joining), you can use an useful program Automessage by Crazyice, but don't overuse it, or the messages will get annoying. There is also a tool called LFSLapper, but it's pretty hard to set it up. It can do pretty powerful things tough.

EDIT2: The AI system is not yet updated for S2, it can get a bit better, if you leave them to do a 100 laps for example, but LFS is a online simulator, after all.
Last edited by Lible, .
S3 licensed
-1. Maybe as a server-side mod... but not everywhere. For cops and robbers .

Quote from Gunn :Kimi pulls up in the McLaren pit box:

KIMI: "I seem to have left my credit card and money in my other suit...."
MECHANIC: "Sorry we can't make wing adjustments or add fuel unless you pay"
KIMI: "But I don't finish many races lately, I can't afford to buy these things"
MECHANIC: "Too bad, you'll have to retire"

LOL!! Good one
S3 licensed
Quote from alliennas :yeah, these sounds aren't LFS's, but I don't think it's so difficult to make car sound like this, if other sims can, SO CAN LFS!

Keep up good work

Well, other sims sound booooring too. You'll get tired, if your car accelerates with the same sound all the time.
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :I don't think it does cause engine damage at the start when waiting for the lights, or when in a particular gear or in neutral. I just triedit with the FXR (very easy to damage) keeping the throttle it max for almost 2 mins on various gears and neutral, with no ill-effects. There is a rev limiter which kicks in during normal acceleration that prevents overreving. Trying accelerating to 3rd of 4th though and then in one go to first without slowing down and the engine was toast instantly.

It gets damage as long as I remember... I actually found it when my mother had some interrest in LFS.
S3 licensed
Well a clean run with max speed is very hard... When I'm alone at home I can do a pretty fast and clean stage. My back only slips out of the track once or twice.
S3 licensed
this is ok. A bigger version would be nice.
S3 licensed
Done, it's not visible, but it's online, in case you want a mirror: ... nid=58&p13_fileid=256
S3 licensed
A wreckbot is a bad idea... It wouldn't really be able to tell, who's fault it is.

EDIT: I want to know the same that Vendetta.
S3 licensed
Quote from SpaceMarineITA :There are exceptions too, but barely you will find player with less of 17 years online.

Hmm... I think there are many players younger than 17. Like myself... being 12 years old my average time is ~2-4 seconds from WR (on a normal length track)
S3 licensed
Hi, just wanted everybody to know, this is the 2. most downloaded layout at LFS Database, not all layouts are updated there yet tough. Congratsulations, scania! Image makes downloads. Remember, you'll allways get more downloads, if you upload layout yourself, because I just take the picture I think is most beautiful, make a thumbnail of it. And upload the layout. End of story. Only the best layouts will get some more work.
S3 licensed
Just wanted everybody to know, this is the most downloaded layout on LFS Database! Image makes downloads in there.
S3 licensed
Today I at last finished some work I had to do for my teacher's computersystem... some folks think I know alot about computers... oh well.
Last edited by Lible, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Goodfella :sorry Guys. maybe you misunderstood.

I want a system that only the pilots in a team to join a server the adv is required.

This not to pay someone's holiday, but only for help pay a dedicated server that it's 400 eur monthly!!!

however, thanks for your EXTREME FRIENDLY support...

400 eur/month dedicated server... how many "servers" can it hold.
S3 licensed
1. All Hayao Miyazaki cartoons (Well, I haven't seen all, but all I have seen are my favorites)
2. Ghost In The Shell - Well, not a cartoon for children, I always end up watching movies/cartoons for grown-ups with my parents, and they're better at all.
3. Metal Robot - doesn't seem to be very famous
4. Futurama, Simpsons
5. Looney Toons, Mickey Mouse (&Friends)
6. Pink Panther
Last edited by Lible, .
S3 licensed
Quote from filur :Looks fun and all, but what part of this is a modification / addon?

Where shoult it be then?
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :ok - and once i've decided what app to use - what format is best? i assume less bitrate = less power needed to decode, so for LFSing im looking at 128 Kbps WMA, but would OGG or the like use less power?

Well, what do you want - Quality, perfomance or size?

I suggest musepack. Currently my foobar (0.9.1) is using 10 500 K memory, ~0-5% CPU (Opera also running, Athlon 3700) on ~230kbps 44100Hz mpc
S3 licensed
The sounds, which you can edit are in /snd folder, the engine and some other sounds are live generated by lfs.
S3 licensed
Foobar is teh best! Winamp was good some years ago, but after whatever (I can't remember that company's name) bought it, it's getting worse with every update. Foobar also has many cool plugins and not so ricer interface.
Quote from MAGGOT :What? I sorta understood the first part, but what on Earth does "does it need to me inn" mean?

What format does it need to be in, I guess.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :As it stands LFSC should connect to a dedicated server, just setup the insim port in the same way as you would connecting it to LFS. However I do plan on producing a seperate .exe with just the live timing system in it and no GUI.

I guess you can't do it with dedi, you'll have to use Insim Relay. Or am I wrong?
S3 licensed
Quote from Sage :I don't know for sure, but it may mess up the connection with you, and the person joining. I really don't know

The guest joining will get player information and if it changes something may mess up. I guess it's not impossible to change it.