...But... it's just lights on the black background. Similar or near to "cut and paste". There's not 3D elements inside of the lights. Obviously, this is just my opinion.
Anyway, thank you by this experiment.
When i'll go to improve this addon, I talk with you (and you, Shadow).
I'm planning the next movie to show in a movie-clip, the RP August 28th, as I made with the first Addon-Pack.(From April 7th). Is not a racing clip, sorry,hahahaha.
2nd. Totally agree with you. +1 and noted for future works. Really is the reflection of the pit in the bodywork than the a simple shadow. But without bright or shiney.
3rd. Yes, in this case it needs more time to work. +1 and noted.
Thank you very much. I love comments like yours. WITH examples. Hahahahahaha.
P.D: 1st paragraph. Thanks by your honey words. But I have a wife.