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Quote from The Moose :Why would it?

Making a load of noise and shouting alerts other people that somethings up. It seemed they just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

If they think they are about to be attacked they are far more likely to try and defend themselves. Someone's going to get hurt, and there's a 50/50 chance it's going to be you.

My method worked twice for me. That's enough proof for me that it works and no one gets hurt.

I operate under similar principles. I've been jumped 3 times (with a fourth a really shoddy attempt) and never had anything taken from me. Standing my ground (and breaking a nose in one instance) was all it took to make them think twice. Typically, they aren't looking for a fight, most operate under the pretense of fear, it's not worth it to them to fight when they can just wait for the next sorry sod. I've never been injured in these attempts, apart from a mildly sore jaw for a few days. It might help though that I'm a crazy white kid with a mohawk. We're feared haha

This is, of course, in my experience, anyways.

[EDIT] Oh yes, I live in a pretty craptastic area, too. Rexdale, in Toronto. Not as bad as many, many other areas around the developed world, but still not such a nice place.
Last edited by MAGGOT, .
S2 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :Serious question: What happened overnight?

I'm assuming you never reached a state of REM sleep, because you were still tired when you woke.
S2 licensed
Wow, that fits the FZR like a bloody glove. Nice work.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Well me neither, but it was better then ISI based sims to me, and i did not expect that, if you asked me year and half ago if i would preorder it, i would laugh at you..

It's difficult to be worse than ISI. Last decent thing they produced was SCGT. That being said, I've always been fond of the GT series, right from the first title. Was let down by GT5P, though.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :No problems I'm aware of up here. Northerners eat lots of beans so we're used to strong gusts of wind.


It's been gorgeous here the last few days. 5-10 degrees Celsius, sunny and next to no wind. T-Shirt and shorts weather
S2 licensed
Sounds like it would have been smarter on their part for you to pick a day that was sunny... har har
S2 licensed
Quote from CoolColJ :Also Stig is gone....

I hope they've also corrected (maybe updated is the more appropriate word) the Loeb wording; he's now a 7 time consecutive WRC champion. I hate him for his talent.
S2 licensed
Hmm... would anyone who has the cars isntalled be willing to pack up a couple of them (with the physics files) and upload them for me so I can attempt to install manually? I can give a small list of the ones I'm after.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Ah but they've got a democrat government at the moment, so no nukes allowed. No it will be apologising democrats sending the National Guard against the right-wing nutjob Tea Party dickheads who are probably better-armed than the National Guard anyway. So a fair fight.

Aww, but I wanted a zombie apocalypse.
S2 licensed
Is it possible to use the rsrbr cars without installing rsrbr? By that I mean do the new RSRBR 2010 car packs auto-install or they just extract?
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :If the current round of QE doesn't rescue the dollar I can see them having another civil war.

Sounds like a sci-fi shooter... Angry public revolts against gov't... gov't uses Nuclear weapons on their own people... Zombie revolution. You know the drill.
S2 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :You know, This explains why people in canada have lowered mental abilitys. Store buggy + Staircase = LETS ****ING DO IT. But yet, The broken bones in the end is what makes me smile. Oh wells..

Ironic coming from an American.

Our educational system may be in the gutter, but at least it's not as bad as yours!
S2 licensed
Quote from aoun :This is gay.

You want to score, you play games. Full stop.

Call me weird guys, but sometimes the chase is better than the score. Makes it more exciting, and any girl enjoys a chase more than, "hey, lets ****, ok!"

If its that easy for most, your either a human afrodisiac or youve walked into a brothel.

It's some simple harmless fun, I doubt most of the guys here are actually intending to score in such a way.

As for it being easy to get... it is. At least, in my experience, anyways.
S2 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :Friend : Aaron..?
Me : Yes?
Friend : Why the f*ck did you buy cheese?


Quote from dawesdust_12 :**** that. I make my point and then I say you're a homo.

Drugs, like anything, are kinda okay in moderation, okay faggots?!

More ROFLing
Last edited by MAGGOT, .
S2 licensed
Mumford & Sons - The Cave

I like a little folk every now and then...
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :I know, but you don't have to come from England to know that, they're all over!

S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :So coming from England apparantly means you know the passion that is within the Brazilians.

I learn something new everyday.

I think he meant he knew all about people being twats.
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :The song "The Final Countdown" is now playing in your head

S2 licensed
Quote from brandons48 :He hasn't had a gas mask since Vol:3, in Vol:3 It was a skull, then for All Hope Is Gone he had the mask up there ^

I seem to recall his skull being vaguely reminiscent of a gas mask though... Where have I been? haha
S2 licensed
Quote from JPeace :Well Button was saying in the build up to the Qualifying that the crowd last year where very hostile to him, and the year before that they where hostile towards Hamilton. Brazil is very passionate about their sport, its just a shame the Brazilians in F1 today are not good enough to provide them with the glory that they had way back.

That's not passion, that's just being a bunch of twats.
S2 licensed
I think Whiskey's suggestion is a lot quicker and simpler.
S2 licensed
That was Sid? When did he ditch the gas mask?
S2 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :And maggot, That's quite harsh, I know what I want & goals at 16 - 17. So you can't say that about every girl.


Quote from PMD9409 :No one ever knows what they truly want. Boy, girl, man, woman, it don't matter. Females will be the ones that will be said in this topic though, as its a male infested forum.

I like being obtuse and I never miss a chance to remind my girlfriend that her species is full of crazies. I think she likes it, actually. haha
S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :yes. that very same one.... i thought that she had matured up and knew what the hell she wanted from a man...... it looks like she still doesnt know jackshit....

Man? You look like you're about 16 in your picture. And with that attitude, you're definitely not a man. Not to mention that no girls under the age of about 25 really know what they want. Hell, most never know what they want.

Not to burst your bubble, or anything.
S2 licensed
Quote from OneGODFATHER :Yes i know that but look att Microsoft and their product Flight Simulator. They leave you free to mix as much as you want.. But enough off topic for now!

Flight Simulator is also a finished product.