New format UK is definitely better. Lower production quality and less flash than it has now, but Clarkson's still as un-PC as ever. That's my favorite aspect of the show; the fact that it pisses people off. I'm sort of a bad person, though.
I have to say that the TV coverage of the V8s on Channel 7 is incredible. Definitely the best racing coverage I've ever watched. Enlightened and light-hearted (yet still informed) commentary, fantastic camera work, good music, great production quality... It's simply fantastic.
The racing itself is great, too, and those drivers are incredibly talented. I love the lack of aids in the cars and the retention of at least a gear stick (if not a proper manual ). It really reinforces the driver talent by not dumbing down the skills with computer aids.
@Funnybear - see if you can find the 2009 Sydney rounds. They were fantastically exciting, I can't wait for this year's races.
I watched the episode, and there were some things that bothered me. The lack of real chemistry between the presenters was a major turn-off, but this is something that will get better over time, as mentioned. Admittedly, being a little anti-drift-scene I went into with a bit of a bias against Tanner, but he seems like a pretty decent guy and impressed me, so that was a plus. The worst part of it, though, is how damned quiet it was. There was no backing music (at least, not enough) in many of the 'scenes,' which made it feel a little budget and half-hearted. I know licensing deals in the US are a major pain in the ass compared to the EU, but this is something they seriously need to invest in, from a production standpoint.
The way the Stig was introduced annoyed me; they removed all the subtlety of the mystery, instead deciding to bluntly tell the audience that he was a mystery. I know the average American viewer is not as receptive to nuance like the European viewer, but seriously, you don't need to smack your viewers in the face with a sledgehammer to make them understand a quip. I hated how they kept saying 'big star, little car' over and over again. That got annoying, and the interview was pretty painful, to be honest.
The Snake vs. Snake portion annoyed me, it seemed like too many disparate parts slapped together. It had no flow, and again, no chemistry. The presenters seemed too rigid. As I said, the chemistry will improve over time... hopefully the production does, too.
I did notice that the intro was exactly the same, in essence, as the 'new format' top gear episode one introduction, too, where they deliberately say what the show was about. Not sure how I feel about that one.
Much of the 'joke' nature seems to have been too forced. I'm reluctant to say scripted, instead I'll opt for the term 'censored.' Political incorrectness is at the foundation of the UK show's comedy, and that is something that does not fly in America. I think that one factor alone will prevent it from ever being as good as the original. Not the crew's fault, by any means, that's the country's fault.
All in all... some promise. I'm not holding my breath for a great series, but I will still follow it and try to keep an open mind.
What he is saying is that mods which alter the 3D models (or physics) are dis-allowed by the devs at this point in time, and as such their discussion is not allowed on these forums.
IIRC the curbs are a simple texture mod for the 'chalk' markings. I might be behind the times, though, it's been a while since I looked at anything related to AutoX/Layouts.
Isn't there any out where you are? Grocery Gateway operates near me. Unfortunately they use Longo's... I prefer the Loblaws family of stores (better deli meats and PC foods!)
No no, the worst is when it lags up after scanning an item and then you scan it again, and then again and finally a minute later it works, and adds 6 of your item to the list and then you have to call over the clerk
That blows; most malls around me are open until 9 or 10 through the week, 6-10 on Saturdays and 5-8 on Sundays (closing times, no idea when they open for business. I'm not awake at that ungodly time known as "morning"). Most stores are open until 8 or 9 through the week, too. Smaller more boutique places keep more average working hours, though.
My bank is open until 8pm through the week, and until 6pm on Saturdays I believe. I don't go in there often, though... once a month maybe?
It's true up here, too. I've had the pleasure of meeting many members of the Hell's Angels, and all the ones I've met have been great guys away from the gang stuff. People forget that those involved with gangs actually have personalities and are still people... some of them just do bad stuff from time to time. Not excusable, but still.
You'd be amazed at how easy it is for them to obtain your weapon. Are you ALWAYS home? Are you ALWAYS awake?
Or they then know which house has firearms that they can steal. It's happened many times; even on the street adjacent to my folks' place (which is actually a fairly decent neighborhood... or used to be, anyways).
Interesting point; though even though firearms are legal in the US, there's still an over-abundance of illegally procured ones as you yourself point out.
For the record, I don't have an opinion on the legality of firearms. While I've never had the opportunity to go to a shooting range, I imagine I'd enjoy it quite a bit. That being said, their saturation in the US is almost comical to me.
There was a pecking order LONG before governments and legislature. It's a basic animalistic instinct; there are alphas, aspiring alphas, and then there is "peasantry."
Bottom line: The world is screwed, humanity is doomed, and everyone sucks.
While synthetic vs sampled sounds are largely a matter of preference, I'm on the synthetic camp. I like knowing what the hell my car is doing, that's far more important that it sounding amazing.
I recall it crashing after watching replays for a little while after I installed it originally, but then that stopped. I've recently re-installed it, though (due to uninstalling a mod breaking it) and this crashing is getting ridiculous.
Ugh... I'm getting a lot of crashing in RBR now. If I manually quit a stage (in quick rally) it crashes, after completing a stage in championship it crashes during loading of the service park, I can't progress to the second rally in the championship because it just crashes every time....
Is there any sort of crash log in RBR? I can't figure out what the problem is. Shouldn't be the cars I have installed, since I can drive them just fine...