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S3 licensed
it is not random at all

Characters skills/looks is generated from Character Name

Combat is generated from both characters name and skills.

So this is not stupid/random

so if you put same name on left and right, it will be always same character and same combats.
S3 licensed
this website is stupid, or your sense of humour is
S3 licensed
FE Gold on TBO :headbang:
S3 licensed
I didn't make my own racing cockpit with frexgp stuff : 3 pedal with load cell + h-shifter + momo modifs. To play with paddle on road cars
S3 licensed
MagicTurttle :: Busta is racing Rally Cross

his father is Jean Luc Paillet who won french and european rally cross champ several time
S3 licensed
hi todd,

well, it's true gyro effect help,didnt said opposite but what you said is a bit in opposite of what i read( about torque generated ), but maybe it was a paper about bikes and not motorbikes. There was no number in that parer.

Anyway, even if gyro on heavy wheels can produce quite big torque i'm think it's quite low compare to lateral force that can generate 200N lateral forces.

I'm not saying what you said is wrong, it is perfectly right just like to have some time to compute gyro effect torque value on a standard motorbike to compare
S3 licensed
it's works with every things that is taller, taller = higher cg.
Higher cg means, object need less forces to counter steer gravity that act on cg and make the bike lean ( fall ).
Now if you remember some circus show, there some acrobats that drive bikes with small wheel but very high chair, and they have no problem to stabilize.

Same with those stilt legs stuff , longer stilt = easier to keep in balance.

Also there's obviously stuff about tire contact patch size.. but i think it is less revelant.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Then why are bikes harder to balance stationary? (both cycles and motored) Surely it's because at speed the gyroscopic forces help you. What else changes in terms of balancing?

If you add slip angle in front wheel by turning bars left, you generate a big lateral force. you turn bars left, you create a big left force, as contact patch is below gravity center, it create a big torque, wich lean the bike to the right ( counter steering ).
At stationary, tire forces is NULL, no lateral force to help you.

Just asks Vehicle Physics is my job
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Uh oh, sounds like the countersteering thread all over again

As for gyro, I'm sure it has an effect. Ride a moped (with small wheels) then ride a proper bike (with larger wheels). The moped will be 'twitchier'.

Or, ride a mountain bike (big wheels) then one of those silly looking stunt bikes with small wheels, and you'll see there that even at push bike speeds gyroscopic effect is pretty pronounced.

i'm a biker since several years, almost ten, before that i drove bikes and 50cc motorbikes.
I didnt said that gyroscopic a no effect, just saying that IF you could have a tire with 0 mass = 0 gyroscopic effect, bikes would still stand upright when rolling, because tire forces from tire friction tend to keep the bikes stand upright when tires are rolling, and those forces are way more bigger than gyroscopic effect

That's why, even with 0 gyroscopic effects simulated in LFS you could simulate motorbikes with no problems That's all a was saying , nothing more, nothing less
S3 licensed
a bike can perfectly stay upright with 0 gyroscopique effect, tire model forces tend to keep the bikes upright when rolling.
S3 licensed
Quote from teaz-R :Check your ingame MISC settings for gearshift debounce and set it to a lower value. It's there to prevent accidental double shifts. I've set mine to 130ms and haven't had problems. Might have to be a bit lower for cars like BF1.

you are perfectly right, G25 metal paddles is 1 only metal piece of c**p. if you use 1 paddle ( left or right ) an release too quickly ( giving just a quick impulse ), it will rebound and push the other padle...

Logitech ingeniors.....
S3 licensed
you guys say thing without knowledge.... LFS HANDLE 900° PERFECTLY, better than any games/sims.

Its so simple.. just set 900° in Windowss AND 900° in LFS.

And your steering wheel will be PERFECLY synchronise with LFS wheel... that means.. if LFS car only use 720°( xrt,xrg,fxo.. ) .. same with your wheels.. i.e. at 720° of your wheel, you will use max steering... and if the LFS cars use only 360° ( formulas ) it will work THE SAME... just try.. it works... put yourself in cockpit view and compare your real wheel with LFS car steering wheel.
S3 licensed
be aware that g25 consume WAY MORE cpu than DFP.

Tested on LFS. Depend of what PC you have.. especially what chipset your motherboard have... it's about the USB controller that sometime sucks.
Test is made of moving wheel fastly from left to right to send lots of USB info to PC , and that's without binding wheels in LFS, just need to plug it on your PC.

Without any wheels 100 fps
DFP : 90fps
G25 : 70fps.

I was in contact with Logiteck guys, they manage to reproduce that... it's because G25 send too much data via USB.

And the problem can occur on any PC , any USB type ( 1.0 1.1 2.0 )... it's just a question of good or bad luck
S3 licensed
Quote from Hawku :You can change fov in those servers where forced cockpit is on

Come on guys... you know that fov changes sense of speed, and so, driving's feelings, so this not even an option.

Be honest guys, cockpit is more realistic, true, but the one in LFS, isn't.
That said, i voted for "I agree...", but we need an option to move seat forward/back and up/down.
S3 licensed
Quote from Maelstrom :The cockpit view is unrealistic because we see 2 time the ~50cm space between our eyes and our screen!
Could we have a zooming tool inside the cokpit view? The view wouldn't be different than the cokpit view but would focus on a particular part of the screen

What do you think?

i think the best realistic view, with a 19" 4/3 screen, should NOT display things bellow top of steering wheel , so we'll need a button "show dashboard" , like in reality when you stop looking road for a fraction of seconde to watch dashboard to check engine revs/ speed.

But, i think, it will be too strange to use
S3 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :'One picture speaks a thousand words' quality diagram huru

Guys.. be honest, it is more like that => ( see attachment )
That's why i use custom view.
I really dont like cokpit view, all of USELESS things in my pov : roof, dashboard( radio, other buttons), bottom of steering wheels etc....
S3 licensed
imo, cockpit view without a "moving seat up/down, forward/backward" is a bad idea.
Current cockpit view is unrealistic, in real life, when watching road, there is only top of steering wheel on your fov.
That's why i use custom view, wich is cockpit view closer to windscreen.
Wich is also IN the cockpit and so it's not unfair with "standard" cockpit view.
For me is simple , i will not drive on servers forcing cockpit view.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :, maybe even Racing Legends

Godd Joke

Racing Legens isnt in vaporeware section yet?
S3 licensed
i use my kart racing shoes, not because i'm wear, but because i my 3pedals frexgp modifed combo are very stiff and it hurts if i only use socks.
S3 licensed
Quote from Supacasey :I remember reading a long time ago something about a car creator tool being planned, but not to be released for awhile... Can anyone confirm this?


In a long time ago... in a far far away galaxy

S3 licensed
I dont have G25, but full FrexGP stuff and...

Quote from goode400 :Do you have auto clutch disabled?

Quote from goode400 :Are you slower now?

Yes. But feel so much immersive
Quote from goode400 :Is the shifter gathering dust because you've gone back to paddles?

Using paddle for leages, ( because its faster & manual clutch is forbiden in most leagues anyway ), and i use gear stick for enoying racing immersion
S3 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :Clutch pack is not overused. More like locked diff is overused. It maybe true that clutch pack lsd is too advanced for road cars,

some good ""old"" cars use LSD... exemple : Alfa Romeo 75 V6 has 25%clutch pack LSD.

Torsen Diff are too advanced for "normal" road cars. .. but there is no Torsen Diff in LFS ( Torsen Diff are LSD ).

About viscous, Viscous is mostly use for central diff, i dont have knowledge of car using viscous diff for front or rear transmission.
Exemple , IIRC : Subaru WRX use LSD for rear ( 40% i think ), Viscous for central, and Open for Front.

S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Threw this together in a couple of hours for the interested:

FOV Calculator

It makes it obvious that lower FOVs look more natural but if we used "real" figures we'd have no peripheral vision what-so-ever. Obviously compromise is needed.

Also that program doesn't take borders into account, or angling of the screens (which you shouldn't do anyway because the 3D engine assumes your display is flat).

also, when you'r concentring on screens, brain tend to ""erase"" useless information, equal you can use larger fov.This is more obvious when playing in dark condition

I wear glasses, and there is the same thing happening when i use contact lenses or glasses when i swith from glasses to contact lenses, everything seems bigger because my eyes can use larger vision when my brain didnt change interpretation of my eyes. With glasses i cant us the whole 180° angle eye vision, a whole part of the blured vision is erased by the brain.