Honnestly that's your choice Per APPs ( so IN LFS ) is IMO a better solution, especially I think LFS can switch render target without re starting the game, opposite to A.C. :/
Yep, that's the correct equation it seems, I check with 190% and I get the correct resolution in Steam WMR Settings.
I know that A.C. is using it's owns scaler, So maybe that's it. LFS has to read the multiplier and used it ? That's a bit weird, especially if there's no documentation :/
3496x2179 when I should have 2141x2669 per eye.
With the lenses correction I guess the render target should be larger than 4282x2669 ?
So it seems the Steam WMR settings are not used.
But native resolution is 1440x1600 per eye. so the render target size is still off :/
As you can see, with 1.5 ( 150% ) Super sampling, in Steam Open VR, I should have a render target resolution of 2141x2699 per eye, instead of the 1440x1600 of the default per eye resolution of my Odyssey.
Now, LFS using openVR, It should actually use this no ?
But the results, in iRacing compare to LFS, make me things it's not. But can't be sure.
Honnestly I have no idea, but it seems that some hardware acceleration can be used in some graphic cards, So most game I know just use the VR API I think.
Again, I'm not sure, last 4 years I used only Unreal and Unity, so I don't have knowledge how it's down at lower level.
From several reading, super sampling is rendering at higher resolution then down sampling the 2D image using some "algorithm" giving better results than AA.
Especially for things like shadow and lines on the road, when view is close to the road.. mostly. I think otherwise left and right eyes have different pixels filtering with traditional AA, then it make weird visual effect, like a shimmering.
With supersampling it seems to fix that.
In Assetto Corsa, you can change it in the game with their "App" system, I set up it to 1.5 I think.
By default I have 1.5 in Steam Open VR ( for iRacing ).
And yes it's create a huge back buffer, When I'll be home I can give you the resolution if you want, for my setup ( RTX 2080 Ti Watercooled ).
With the default option, the resolution take account of you graphics card performance ( I don't know how though ).
EDIT : the shimmering appears in the center of the view .
I have an WMR Samsung Odyssey, I already have the super sampling set in Steam Open VR, it works for iRacing and AC, but doesn't seems to be in LFS, OR, I also have AA on in iRacing and AC, and I didnt find the option in LFS.
just had a 2h session
Was great to rediscover all the nostalgic tracks in VR
South city was not so tight actually.
My most WTF : Those KERBS are HUGE !!!
I tried the fitler view, but even the highest latency make the camera move too much for me, so I end hup with Lock to horizon, 0 nauseous feeling now
I do have a small concern, in BL, when looking a the back straight, there's a lot of aliasing with the shadow. in iRacing and AC. those are not existant because I cramp up the super sampling OR ad FS AA.
I couldnt find the option in LFS, appart from that, that was great to drive in LF again after ALL those years.
( AI are super aggresive, Online server are just uninteresting cruise stuff though )
No thanks.
I can play iRacing, A.C. for hours, but LFS got dizziness and sickness in less than a lap.
I don't have time to train my old 44 yo brain lol
I totally agree with you about the slope when stopped
That's why lot of people praised my Real Head Motion for A.C over the locked to horizon method
Still, you need to filters , smooth the pitch and roll rotation, otherwise you get motion sickness, dizziness.
Actually a very good solution is to have a lock to "what the player focus" horizon, but we don't have this tech in everyday VR.
So the best assumption is to lock to the track horizon with a filtering.
Let me be clear, having the camera lock to the car is also wrong, depend if you want to simulate the driver's eyes or a fixed go pro attached to the car , because the eye ball are always rotating to nullify all the motion the drive is feeling.
When I drive a car or my bike , even leaning with the bike, I dont see the world shaking and leaning.
Just trying to help improve it, not trying to say it's shit
It's still a better solution that having the head fixed to the cockpit in rotation like it was a goPro camera
Eyes are not fixed, they move a lot by themselves from the inner ear.
Did you read my article ?
Because we don't move in our seats, we don't have this filtering from the inner ear.
Actually I tested back in a while in my own car, the steering wheel and the whole cockpit is actually moving around the point we focus when we drive ( tested on a race track at Lurcy Levy ) depending of the bump and pitch roll of the car .
A better solution, and still not perfect, is to filter roll and pitch motion.
The ONLY perfect solution is to have a motion rig.
The solution I applied in Real Head Motion for Assetto Corsa is praised by lot of VR and triple screen users.
It's a very simple pitch / roll filter, I can send you the main algorithm if you want to try it in LFS
I'm a bit disappointed as I so wanted to try the RallyCross with VR and my DD drive.
Well, I tried in VR ( I play sim racing only in VR ), and LFS is not playable at all, instant motion sickness.
I couldn't find a "Lock to horizon" option like AC, that will instantly fix the issue. ( i posted something about it on the VR thread )
Hello Micro Spec V ? Are you Singaporean? ( I live in Singapore but I'm still French lol, ALlez la France ce soir ! )
Just tried LFS in VR.
Instant Motion sickness. Can't even drive 1 lap.
A simple option would solved this instantly.
Lock To horizon option ( like Assetto Corsa )
Having the camera transform in the world coordinate instead of car coordinate will solve this problem.
Here a little article I wrote explaining where motion sickness come from in Sim racing, It's not only in VR. It's happens when the view is fully immersed in the game, so happens also with big screens. https://sites.google.com/site/mididrumcoverpartner/rfactor2-realheadmotion-plugin
But rFactor2 is superior in TM/FFB and in Graphics.
NetkarPro is also beyond LFS in TM/FFB.
rFactor1 is descent with Leo Bodnar FFB plugin, and hours spent in .ini files ( hate that )
iRacing, graphicly it's superior than LFS, if you compare with correct FOV setting in both simulation, their new TM sucks in feeling and FFB.
Also it's really too much expensive.
Proof, yes, replay analyser
Now, G25 is far away from a real H-Shifter, go in real car, and try to shift as fast as the G25, you will not succeed I got the frex GP H-shifter which is closer to real shifter, and it's really slower to shift than G25.
Anyway, i'm not comparing to my or your H-shifter, but to real life shifting. Which, seems to me, way to fast in LFS.
well, i never used sequential shifter IRL, but in LFS, sequential shifter and automatic clutch is way too FAST compare to what you can do with H-Shifter + automatic clutch .
So when you chosse H-Shifter, you can only be SLOWER than autoclutch + seq shifter.
That's a shame, with H-Shifter you take risks to miss a gear, AND you shift slower ... you got the pain, but no gain.
I mean, seq+autoclutch should simulate the use the H-Gate of the car its simulating, right? So it should NOT be faster than real H-Shifter shifting.
For example, RB4+AS2, I'm 1.5 second faster with seq+autoclutch. Yet , witch H-shifter i can't shift faster.
To answer to OP, H&T can make you faster IF you'are already using manual clutch.. if you compare to autoclutch + seq , you will be slower.