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S3 licensed
90+ because i have a 22" widescreen
S3 licensed
GT4 =

1) take the Alfa Romeo 147 GTa ( FWD )
2) Do dunout with a FWD...
3) Bring GT4 back to shop
S3 licensed

I voted S, but, i may wear XS depending country size.
Also, maybe 12y olds kids would wear XS ?
S3 licensed

i'd like a black hooded sweat shirt with colored logo
S3 licensed
Stop putting video with so badly sound recording. It is just USELESS. Those microphone fully distord sound & dont get the bass.
We know LFS sounds is not good yet, but what the point linking videos with CRAP sound recording, on car we DONT have on LFS, or dont reflect what devs wants in LFS ( i.e. Roadcars != Riced car with illegal exhaust ).
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :THIS is gearbox whine
(I know we don't have that car too btw) ... %3DUTF-8%26meta%3Dvc%253D

hmm , i suspect this from brend new gearbox mounted. Also you dont know with what microphone they recorded that
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :even with the boost set to its maximum the skid sounds are barely audible

Same probleme there, workaround :
I set engine volume to 5 and skids to max, and then i increase my speakers volumes
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :GTR's sound reasonable, but TBO's are quite intollerable. I think for the moment i'm going to stay with U30 but i'm looking forward to see how this new system progresses.

intollerable.. thanks for this "usefull" input :
S3 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Like the French pronounce 'bouvier'. That's the way I pronounce it

me too...

.. but just because my english sux !

.. or because i'm french ?
S3 licensed
i use both when using manual clutch and my H-Shifter,
i use left only when in automatic clutch and paddle to shift.
So i cant vote because there is no "both" choice
S3 licensed
Thanks Moby
S3 licensed
Forgive what? ^^
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
well, i tried GTR, GTR2, GT LEGENDS, RFACTOR, etc.. and i play a lot LFS.

I also tried CSR last night.

Well, no offense on nice guy who made CSR, but, i dt like it. But i know it is because of lack of information you get from OutGauge.

For example, the load/unload samples are linked with throttle wich is not good for feedback.

Plus, i didnt manage to tune thing so i can hear the tire squeel again.

Getting back to the subject, i'm slower with CSR, because the feedback information from engine torque is not good, and i cant hear the tire squeel anymore.

Now, i'm pretty sure, that if we could get the engine load en OutGauge info, CSR could be great
S3 licensed
I have a Bilinea 20", 1680x1050 16/10
And in LFS there is a choice of 1280x800 wich is 16/10 too.
Using version U20.
S3 licensed

Could it be possible to add current engine torque in OutGauge ?
Also would be great to have current resistive torque into engine? wich is the torque that come from drive train and go to engine

S3 licensed
I leaved? where ? ^^

Seriously, i never leaved, i took a little break because of work, nothing related to wreckers, now i came back for French Turbo league and OLFSL. And i'm still playing on public servers, but i always put the car filter on. I think it is a good wrecker filters, because wreckers usualy go to server with all cars allowed

S3 licensed
Lol the comparison vids, the guy in rFactor go wide in the grass and take the second curve at the same time than the real F1 car.. just lol
S3 licensed
That is true, but, in tire physics we dont work on very big numbers, means, floating point is often use with number small enough to have much of the 32 bits used for the decimal part. wich keep the error very small.
For exemple, on big numbers, for example, 60000 i already use 16bit for the integer part.. my physics was precise to 10e-3.
So if you keep number bellow 1024, you still have lots of precision.

Plus most of OS has double floating point capabilities, i'm talking about what i'm working on, the X360 that compute double floating point as fast as simple floating point
S3 licensed
Quote from axus :What's that? There is no such thing as centrifugal force.
Its just inertia, really.

Dont play with word You know what i meant
S3 licensed
What Todd said in simple word.
The more u turn, the more the tire must give forces to counter act the centrifugal force.

As mush as centrifugal force is smaller than the max force the tire can give, people will said they dont loose grip.

When the centrifugal force is bigger, the tire cant counteract the centrifugal force, the people think they "loose" grip.In this cas that is true, that the car lost something, because now the car is sliding

And it is easy to see that slick with lower slip angle peak force, and bigger max force, they feels lees forgiving, because the transisition beetween the car not sliding and the car sliding is very short .
S3 licensed
Quote from jtw62074 :There are quite a lot of papers out there. Dr. Pacejka released a book a couple of years back on some his his models (not just the Magic Model). The only person I talk to specifically about my own model with is Dr. Gregor Veble of Racing Legends though, sorry

Mate, i dont want to steal or borrow piece of your work mate Dont spoil me the pleasure to work the tink myself
I just wanted to know if there were papers about this , so i can have somewhere to start.

Thanks for your answer I going to check what Dr Pacejka released

Maybe first i should read "Motor Vehicle Dynamics" from Giencarlo Genta, from begining to end for once
S3 licensed
put engine sound volume to 0... u just need tire squeal to drive ^^