Got exactly the same view This is so much realistic.
Just experience yourself in a real car, you cant see road AND revmeter at the same time without moving your eyes.
Also, when drivin i dont want to see useless stuff in my view sight like steering wheel ( i already see the one i have in my hands ), etc.
I dt need a progress report, just a word from devs saying "we are working on LFS" or "I'm not working on LFS atm, i'm fixing, kitchen , waterroom, whatever", would be 100x time better than .. nothing... right now, i'm really disappointed that there is zer0 information about what's going on ... i'm so tired with slicks temp/wear problems that i only drive TBO now...
Sorry if i sounds pessimistic, but this is no fun having no info, like Tweaker said, LFS was so great because sim is great and we have constant new stuf to test, or read.. i miss that too. !
at work i could use 3 monitors
1 for the game i'm devolping
1 for the code itself
1 for the debug information ( var watches, memories and reg view, etc ).
more seriously , 1st version only had 4 wheels ( see pics ), and the chassis was bending when i was braking ( i set the brake very stiff on the FrexGp pedals ), now even with 6wheels, the chassis bend a little bit, but it is way better.
I think i'll have to fix 2 steel bars to stiffen that
u didnt configure it right, using logitech ff driver, force must be set to -100% ( MINUS HUNDRED PURCENT ).
Appart from that, i bought the game, and love it .. I play with DFP set to 500°, physics feel right, FFB feel right, graphics are a bit too 'cartoonish', sounds is great , i dt care it is "old" sample system, IT sounds great.Career mode is very good, the upgrade part is very interestings, sort of Gran Tourismo like mode
I still love LFS, but rFactor will come with Addon track ( real ones) , new cars ( real ones ), and that LFS will never have..
Spiderx... how can you fell it is always sliding ????
I love both.. good 4 me that is 2 sim to drive
It does handle multi devices.
I didnt tried the game enough to give physics feedback.. but anyway...
Is it fair to campare a final product ( rFactor ), to S2 ALFA version... i dt think so ... everybody know that S2 still needs lot of works into physics especialy aero and tires... so should be normal that rFactor feels better atm..
I still think LFS WILL be the best sims.
But.. rFactor will have lot of mods = REAL TRACKS and REAL CARS... so we will compare to real things...
Chooosing between LFS and rFactor? no... i'm poly-game lover
I tried rFactor last Saturday, it was really good actualy.
Graphics are really nice.
Sounds is way better than LFS.
Force Feedback is good.
Physics was good, tire physics even "seems" better than LFS. ( I KNOW LFS IS NOT FINISED )
The main problem , rFactor give you a feel of less freedom in the game than LFS.
Also, i had some GFX crash , GFX freeze i never had in LFS.
I couldnt really test the netcode, we where only 6 on the server i found, with 6 peoples, there were no lag at all. With 20 peeps, i dt know.
Again, the sound was really impressive when playing online Engine sound, brake disc squeal, transmission scream, rolling sound, gravel on chassis when driving on grass,etc... really immersive.
The fact that there is no Shilf-L or F9 function doesnt mean that the physics is weak... Actualy it is more real to not have it, where in earth can u see realtime suspensions and tire heating ? hmmm... you can have it on telemetry in pits, that's all.
When rFactor will be release, there will be a new demo. Be sure that i'll test it. And if it is better than LFS, well, that will be 2 good sim to play , instead of 1, that's all bonus for us
Ohter problem, Clutch/Gearbox physisc is wrong, it is not simulating the synchro gear of the gearbox.. so you always have to completly press down the clutch pedal to gear, in reality,if the RPM are at the right speed, you shouldn't need to press the clutch at all, or just a little.
atm, imo, it's a pain using a clutch pedal... i'm only use it for special stuff :
- start
- sort of ASR ( anti slip system ) ( instead of releasing the accel, u can push the clutch a bit )