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S2 licensed
No, these are board games. Avalon Hill made great strategy games, LeMans is from 1961. (I think)
OldTymers, remember these greats?
S2 licensed
You may need to be 40 or older...
Avalon Hill Company's
Speed Circuit

and the GrandDaddy of all...
S2 licensed
Quote from Dazmaniac :Presently in the UK, GMT isn't in effect, as we are now BST, which is effectively GMT +1 (as our clocks went forward 1 hr on the weekend of 25/26Mar06)

So I am summising that any races which are being held as per the GMT zonal clock, are actually BST -1. So if a race for me in the UK is set to start at 5pm GMT, that is technically 6pm BST. Or should I be turning up for a 5pm start?

Can someone confirm, lol?

Agreed, all four time zones here are +1 hour also this time of year.
S2 licensed
Quote from Leadtail :Welcome NetDemon01!

Welcome to the team!
S2 licensed
It could be very usefull.
On our website we have a clock bar just under the header. Since were in the states, we have digital clocks for EST, CST, MST, PST and GMT.
Thanks to our webmaster... bdshan.
S2 licensed
Yep yep yep, count me in too.
S2 licensed
Today, we at the "Land Of The Free" welcome our 19th member.

||| MARSH ||| RaceFreek ||| Z51L9889 ||| Jethro
||| BDSHAN ||| torqueD ||| Funky ||| Leadtail
||| Vette ||| Tick ||| Eric62 ||| S k i p p y
||| nmanley ||| srdsprinter ||| Decklid ||| Oompa
||| BrandonAgr ||| pjwon63

from Leonard, Texas
||| p38wannabe

S2 licensed
You guys are a riot
Lots of great racing the last two nights at the ||| Land Of The Free
Hours of full grid racing both nights, so many good clean people.

The CoRe guys
Black Sheep
the NASSA guys
the Sheppards
some guys from team [KR]
and an obviously well known excellent driver, fun to race with, but an almost unbearable attitude...

I could go on and on too.

Oh and most of the
|||"Land Of The Free" guys.

S2 licensed
I would welcome the ability to make a setup available from our host, with an option to "force", for those fixed setup events.
S2 licensed
Tear down the wall...
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :An exception to the rule where "it is up to the faster driver to pass" is if it is a "mid race join" situation. If you midrace join OR shift-S to pits and reenter the track, then you should be moving out of the way as soon as you see "blue flag" as you do not have the right to the racetrack from taking yourself out of the race. At this point, I feel you should even shift-S and restart your "practice" or move over into the grass well ahead of seeing the fast car approaching.

S2 licensed
Quote from TiJay :I was a little confused about Blue Flags recently- one post I read here said "Hold your line and let them pass". Of course, drivers behind me on the same line didn't make any attempt to pass and then moaned about it. So now I slow down and change my line just to be safe.

You see "your line" and the "race line" must become different upon entering a turn. If you are on the race line before a turn (the outside), you need to stay on the outside thru the turn as opposed to taking the race line toward the apex. That gives the overtaker the oportunity to take the inside, you both have no choice but to slow down at that point to make it thru the turn succesfully and yes the passer needs to get off the "race line" exiting the turn until he has cleared the passed car.

On a longer straight you need to hold your line even if its the race line, because the passing driver needs to know where you are going to be as he approaches you. He does'nt need to second guess you as he is about to make the pass. And furthermore, he may choose to use your draft to aid in his attemp to pass.
S2 licensed
The "Land Of The Free" again welcomes another member, the second one today.

||| MARSH ||| RaceFreek ||| Z51L9889 ||| Jethro
||| BDSHAN ||| torqueD ||| Funky ||| Leadtail
||| Vette ||| Tick ||| Eric62 ||| S k i p p y
||| nmanley ||| srdsprinter ||| Decklid ||| Oompa
||| BrandonAgr

Proudly introducing our 18th member;
Albuquerque, New Mexico
||| pjwon63

S2 licensed
The fourth event in our Summer Series is the BF1 at Aston GP (REV).
Saturday, July 15th at 10:00pm EST.
Its an "Open House" type event in honor of our first series. Everyone is welcome.
I'm sure in the meantime we'll find some pick up BF1 races on our server.
S2 licensed
@sparadise, RedStarArmy & Cue-Ball,

You guys and any others are more than welcome to run on the ||| Land Of The Free server. One of the fastest US based LFS servers. We just accepted our 17th team member, about 6 of us are located in the PST time zone. When our server is not private, you can find it occupied anywhere from
6:00pm to 11:00pm PST or later.

Thursday evenings and throughout the week end are our populated times.

Starting in June we're hosting our first ever team series. Every two weeks on Saturday evenings at 10:00pm EST (7:00 PST).

Our team thread here
Visit our team forum...

If your interested in an all American team that stretches from coast to coast, check out our team website.
S2 licensed
The "Land Of The Free"... one of the fastest growing
teams based in the United States, announces Oompaloompafive7's S2 license and the end of his Provisional status.

||| MARSH ||| RaceFreek ||| Z51L9889 ||| Jethro
||| BDSHAN ||| torqueD ||| Funky ||| Leadtail
||| Vette ||| Tick ||| Eric62 ||| S k i p p y
||| nmanley ||| srdsprinter ||| Decklid ||| Oompa

We also welcome our latest, (17th) member; from
College Station, Texas

||| BrandonAgr

S2 licensed
Your more than welcome to come to the ||| Land Of The Free server.
One of the fastest servers in North America.

We strive to have clean, quality racing.

Take care, see you online.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
The "Land Of The Free"...
||| RaceFreek ||| Z51L9889 ||| Jethro
||| BDSHAN ||| torqueD ||| Funky ||| Leadtail
||| Vette ||| Tick ||| Eric62 ||| S k i p p y
||| nmanley ||| srdsprinter ||| Decklid

Welcomes our first Provisional member
from Denton, TX.

S2 licensed
Quote from Darkone55 :Well, a blue flag is a blue flag..
In race I take it a bit easier, but its still happends too much that someone in front doesn't get out of the way. And it's not that difficult is it? I don't get it. Even when I show a "Blue flag, please let pass" message, 2 corners before I actually reach them, they're still not 1cm out of the way... Is it so hard to get off the line for 2 secs to let someone pass, and then get back on the line?

Oh no, not the Blue Flag issue again... illepall
Can you show me one documented example where the driver being passed is expected to leave his line?
How is it that after 5 or 10 laps you've finally reached a point to pass back markers, yet you expect to pass them in a matter of seconds instead of a lap or two?
IMHO, if you can't leave the line to pass, you are driving beyond your abilities.
S2 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :48 Father of 1 and Grandfather of 1 with another on the way, Beat That, AND there is another Grandfather on the NASSA Team

46 (in August), Father of 2, Step-Father of 3. No Grandkids yet, but I bet our team has a handfull.
15 members on our team, only two under 30. I think the oldest is 52.
S2 licensed
Quote from datsun dude :hey is there a league for newbes

NAL sounds great, I only started with LFS in January so I haven't run with NAL yet. I wonder if they wont wait untill August at this point.

OLFSL (Origional LFS League) seems like a good starter league. A well organised heavily populated league. Veterens and Noobs. And is starting its new season currently. They usually have 4-6 grids all with 16 cars.

Welcome to the community. If your interested in running in some quality events with a team. Check out our website,
We are currently accepting new members, we just added our 15th yesterday.
We're not affraid of noobs, as we all help and support each other with setups, driving style, etc.
Stop on by our team froum and see what we're up to these days.

See you on the tracks.
S2 licensed
The "Land Of The Free"...
||| RaceFreek ||| Z51L9889 ||| Jethro
||| BDSHAN ||| torqueD ||| Funky ||| Leadtail
||| Vette ||| Tick ||| Eric62
||| nmanley ||| srdsprinter ||| Decklid

is pleased to announce our newest member...

||| S k i p p y
Last edited by MARSH2a, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Hi.

These old links:

Are now: and


Will you be includig the BF1 soon?