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S2 licensed
The "Land Of The Free" is proud to announce our new practice/race server.

|||"Land Of The Free"

Of course everyone is welcome. Please understand, if we wish to make it private at times for practicing or organised events.

S2 licensed
Quote from nmanley :
Hey Jethro, Show us that Avatar of Marsh's wife.

:nol2: Nope, Nope, Nope.

You gotta be a member for that.
S2 licensed
"Land Of The Free"

||| RaceFreek ||| Z51L9889 ||| Jethro
||| BDSHAN ||| torqueD ||| Funky
||| Vette ||| Tick ||| Eric62
||| nmanley||| srdsprinter||| Decklid

Welcoming our newest member...

||| Leadtail

S2 licensed
With the implementation of S2S upon us, the "Land Of The Free" is welcoming new members. All mature, clean racers from the United States are encouraged to apply. Visit our website... Look for the sign up page.

We have 14 active members, many are also registered in the following Leagues.

S.C.O.R.E.'s GT Challenge.

We run a number of practice servers, occupied most week nights and weekends.

We are currently securing a 23 user server. As of today we have authorised use of the VSK Server Rentals test server.

We use Ventrilo for team comunications.

Check out our team forum
and see what we're up to.

Last edited by MARSH2a, .
S2 licensed
For those interested in running at Westhill Int in the GTR's tonight.

We will be at VSK Server Rentals instead of !!!!!!LOTF 4.

S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :
Now that I got my "few months off" feet wet again, I hope to see you again there tonight as well as the others. It was fun, even though I had a bit of difficulty keeping the correct end of the car facing forwards.

That was a good time last night. That setup dropped over a second off my PB! Look for us tonight, we plan to run a 1hr race, same track and cars.

May be on a diff server though... I'm anticipating a full 20 grid server for tonight.
S2 licensed
Welcome Jethro, to the "Land Of The Free" race team.
Presently we are practicing for a 3HR event at Westhill Int in the GTR's.
Join us on one of our servers this week if you can.
Look forward to seeing you on the track.

Stop by and register on our team forum. ... ng_Team/index.php?act=idx
Last edited by MARSH2a, .
S2 licensed
"Land Of The Free"
[LOTF] Vette
[LOTF] nmanley
[LOTF] RaceFreek
[LOTF] torqueD
[LOTF] Tick
[LOTF] srdsprinter
[LOTF] Z51L9889
[LOTF] Funky
[LOTF] Eric62
[LOTF] Decklid

Welcoming our newest member...

[LOTF] Jethro

S2 licensed
Happy Easter everyone!
S2 licensed

Happy Birthday "Red"!!!

...all these birthdays
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Please don't mistake what I said. I dont hate illegal immigrants. In fact I don't hate much of anything.

I only wanted to respond to the power of the masses comment.

I remember a time when numbers of folks in this country protested war, four college students were shot to death by our National Guard, right here in Ohio.

My point is that masses of demonstrators do affect the outcome of political positions on a given issue.
S2 licensed
Quote from RoadRunner :
Please stop talking about the USA as a free country. It is all theoretical nonsense! All this babble about the land of the free and the power of the masses is imo absolutly bullshit. It just sounds like a mantra the citizens have to repeat all the time to make themselves believe it.

Really? I think there are about 10-15 Million Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. that will readily disagree. They've all been protesting in many major cities across this country, in the past weeks. Now our government wants to "give them a break".

Watch this one closely and see how the "masses" that one political party needs the vote of so much to stay in power affect the LAWS in this country.
S2 licensed
Happy Birthday, RaceFreek... play all day!

Any Birthday wishes? Like what track you wanna pull the UF1's around on in the Eagles "Whos your Daddy" event?

You get to choose!
Last edited by MARSH2a, .
S2 licensed
But, it's still just a PB not a WR
S2 licensed
I think this is a healthy discussion for us all. And by the looks of things everyone is handling this very well. None of us make the policies that our leaders employ. I for one am pleased to be a part of such a global community that for the most part seems to get along just fine.

I think some lessons can be learned right here. We all have at least one thing in common here, LFS. It brings us together in a competitive environment, and yet most folks are more than willing to help one another with advice, set-ups and the like.

Sure there are times when flaming occurs, or a slur is tossed at another. But for the most part, this is the most globally united online community I've participated in. Unlike the last one I was into, which totally broke down over international issues. Not a sim, not a shooter... a simple game of online pool.

Be proud, LFS'ers. The world could learn a lesson from this community.
S2 licensed
Quote from dave4002000 :Yea, i'm not understanding this whole one lap drift race thing...i say we break out the UF1000 on Fern Bay Club

Happy Birthday Sic!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Hallen :Well, you have to understand that since 'Mericans are voracious consumers, each 'Merican LFS racer sucks up approximately double the bandwidth that any given European racer would. Therefore, it takes only half the number of 'Mericans to test a server as it would if only anemic Europeans were used.

I'll be there, but my time might be limited unless you set it for FOX/SO LONG REV. I have got to practice for OWRL tomorow.
S2 licensed
Quote from nmanley :Now MARSH2a, You know that you and I both DRIFT all over (and OFF) the track when we're trying to catch the leaders. :leb:

Well ok, but only one of us does it backwards...
S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :What ever is good for you mate, we don't mind. We just want to race this thing. All of the eagles are a buzz.

The Drift event sure can be a stumbling block for this team. We have 12 members and none that I know of that drift.illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from -DrftMstr- :*still wondering what kinda team it is* ? drift? grip? drag?
or R.A.D. ? ricer attempting drift

team it?
S2 licensed
Quote from jtr99 : What is it with that "boogity boogity boogity" guy?

The day NASCAR "jumped the shark".
LFS World PB's... Outrageous
S2 licensed
Saturday evening the 25th, sometime between 11:00pm and 1:00am EST, some team mates and I were running laps (FOX/AS3) on our server. A team mate and I were tenths of a second apart crossing the start/finish line, he first. I know for a fact we were both running in the 1:50's. As he crossed the line LFSW reports his new PB as 1:37 something, 10 seconds faster than the WR?
As I crossed the line just behind him, LFSW reports my new PB of 1:20.32.
27 seconds faster than the WR.
Any idea why? Something going on with the master server for a second or two that caused a hiccup? No other laps were recorded that way before or since. We both had to go to LFSW and delete the newly posted PB's, before any of our real PB's could get posted.
S2 licensed
Most of my childhood was spent at the infield at Mid-Ohio road course, the "battery hump" of a back seat in an MGB during road rallies, and a small dark touring car clubhouse watching grand prix films. That is when I wasn't on the ice at the local rink playing hockey.

I've been to Indy, and I've tried to watch NASCAR. It is just to boring for me. I guess the sports car thing is in my blood. Many fond memories of all the old European sports cars (50's -70's).

Baseball... hhmm, on a good day I could score a "hat trick" in the time it takes to strike out or walk a batter. Way to slow... again boring for me.

But, I for one would not go to a baseball game and try to convert fans to hockey. Nor would I go to a NASCAR or Indy race and try to convince folks that sports car racing is more exciting.

Now that I've bored you... my point is this. Everyone has personal preferences and opinions, they don't necessarily reflect where you live or come from. This country isn't even the same now as it was 40 years ago, the demographics have changed so much.

Stereotype an American? LOL
Which ones?
S2 licensed
"Land Of The Free"

Extends a big THANK YOU

Hosts of our first ever TEAM-TEAM event.

10 of 12 members showed up, although
only 9 qualified due to connection issues.

Thanks to all of the "Land Of The Free"
members for the great team work in preparing
for this event.

And thanks to all that have visited our practice servers
during the past week, some of you folks certainly
pushed us to work harder.