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S2 licensed
(if you search on google for tribal or flame car graphics [ or something similar ] you should get a ton of website like this)

Nice work FCS13. Looks very good, keep em coming
S2 licensed
When you get your g25..don't install the disks that came with the wheel.. go to and download the latest "logitech Profiler". After just set up your FB and your max turning degree (example is 720º for road cars) then go in LFS and set up your controls just like a normal wheel or joystick.
S2 licensed

They've already built that, lol...well close enough

My brother is determined to do the same thing only with Track IR3.

Here is a youtube vid:

Here is the full post about the project:

EDIT: Forgot to ask, can I change the sensitivity of the Track IR? I've seen a lot of vids where the guy's head moves 20º and the game moves 120...this would be annoying when you have a screen that moves with you.
Last edited by Matt0snap, .
S2 licensed
........yah not quite...

I was more thinking of INSIDE the car...The center of the rear seats/ near the window / some where in the front of the car...
S2 licensed
I already is in the game NFS...

Anyways....I can't make it, but for people who can, if might be easier if they know where to put it? More info plz.
S2 licensed
I dont think they can each other skins...they still don't have accounts on LFSworld, just game passes and registers usernames
S2 licensed
Quote from himself :Just change the background / grid of the speedometer with the custom one ?

That is a good idea once I have found out how slow the speedo is.
S2 licensed
Bumpity Bump Bump

Remember to look at the date of the last post....

Just so this post wasn't totally useless. you might want to look into using LYTE (Layout editor) It is an external program that makes it a lot easier to create courses. Just search it with the search button to find it.
S2 licensed
I think you might of misunderstood what I was trying to explain. But it doesn't matter now seeing as how the problem is fixed. Thanks for the explanation anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fabri91 :Well, altogheter it's not THAT bad, but the 1000 bucks check after a track drive...true PITA.

Just so you know.. You don't need the 1000 buck inspection. Pretend you are super rich and just got a new GTR... you want to see how it does on a track. You race it once then get the inspection. There, your warrenty is valid again and you can go back to driving on roads.

But if you will go to a track day every other day, this risk of breaking something in the car becomes to great and it is useless for you to be forking out 1000 bucks every week, and it is useless for Nissan to still have you under warrenty.
S2 licensed
I think a couple of you are missing the point? or at least one.

Nissan has set up the warrenty for this car different because they know people are going to be racing it. But people will also be using this as just a standard sports car who still want their warrenty.

When you race, the risk of breaking something goes up A LOT. When you race your warrenty is void. Many people race their cars, break somthing, then claim it under warrenty. Nissan is trying to stop this. When you race your car you can either accept it as a racing car. Or you can take it in and get the $1000 inspection, this inspection proves to nissan that you havn't broken anything in your car that you could claim under warrenty.
S2 licensed
Very nice work... Seemed like that was a bug that was hard to track down

Question though, was my post deleted because the problem was fixed, or because it was completely irrelevent?
S2 licensed
I know what you are saying........ Now think of what I am said..I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was just asking how often speedos are out on standard cars...

Then I said if the speedo was only of 5%, then it wouldn't be a huge problem.

So pretend the speedo is 100% accurate. I've calulated the new tire size and figured out the new speeds. Now pretend the speedo is 5% to slow, he would only be going 5 km/h MAX over the limit..which isn't a huge deal.

Now you just said a speedo could be as much as 10% out, which could be a problem.
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :14,6% of 100 is 14,6

100-14,6 = 85,4

Sorry, took it as a challenge

CORRECT, one point for you
S2 licensed
yah.... but would the speedo really be that unaccurate with stock tires? I am sure it isn't 14% out, but if it is like 2 to 6% out it shouldn't really be that big of a problem.
S2 licensed
his speedo would read right around 85 or 86 km/h...

Once the math:

What is 14.6% of 100

Then subtract that number from 100 and the result would be what the speedo reads.
S2 licensed
Thanks for all the info.
We found the sticker on the inside on the door which has the stock tire specs. And we knew what his new tires were so we just did the math and his speedo is 14.6% to slow.

For everyone who is curious, here was the math:

Stock tire = 225/75 - 15

New tire = 295/75 - 15

I then found a calculator on the internet to do the calculations and his speedo is 14.6% to slow, so when he is driving 100 km/h he is acutally going 114.6 km/h.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the help.

BTW: his tires arn't exessivly oversized, just enough to make the speedo useless.
Speedometer recalibration
S2 licensed
My friend just turned 16 and has baught himself an Isuzu with oversized tires.

Runs very well and everything works except the windshield whiper moter but with the oversized tires the speedo is out.

Is there a way to correct this without having to take it to a shop?

S2 licensed
I did for a while till I got a G25...How do you have urs set up
Here is what I used:

Left Stick = steering
Right stick = throttle / brake
L1 = shift-down
R1 = Shift-up
R2 = hand-brake
S2 licensed
What car are u using...Some cars can't use h-pattern...Go in options / controllers, then change the shifting type to w/e u are using (h-pattern or sequential). Then go in the XFG and drive...
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :If everything goes according to plan, S3 is the final version of LFS.

Really? I guess it would make sence, but I watched a review with scawen and he said that they wanted to create all the different types of 4-wheel racing. (CORR, Rally, F1..everything). If S3 IS the final version it might be a big surprise to see how much content they have added
S2 licensed
LOL, sure is, but it would make sense for a demoderby...but u arn't a demoer so...
S2 licensed
you buy stuff.....Such as High-res skins or stuff from the online store
S2 licensed
Happy birthday!!!
LOL, same day as my dad's.