LOL...this did turn out to be a very interesting thread... So when you buy another S2 account, try NOT making a thread about your stupidity... If you would of just started racing then you might of acutally got somewhere...
How many S2 accounts do you acutally have? just 2, or more?
Don't know who u are either...but if u have changed, great. if not then I get to see a very funny thread in the next few days, and then u probably getting banned again
Does limiting ur FPS give less stutter and lag? I'm asking because I don't limit it and get about 70 FPS, but then it drops to 50, 30 and 20 and then lags for a second when I need to load a skin or such. If I limit it to....45 or 50, will it help with this?
If it is broken...and has no warrenty....take it apart Like Android said, take the shifter apart... Right now it is broken, if you take it apart...the worst is, guess is still broken
Just like EVERYTHING else...they do it part by part....seeing as how they are only 3 ppl. They can't just do everything at once..otherwise ppl like you start whining because they are taking to long for an update.
U have a problem that isn't really a problem and is imposibble to fix. The momo won't fix it, just make it less noticible.. Like a lot of ppl have said, the ingame steering wheel has a set number of degrees of won't change...
If you are driving a car with 720º and ur wheel has 180º the car wheel will turn 4º for every 1º u turn your wheel. That's just how it is....
If you spend the money on a momo, your car wheel will turn 2.666º for every 1º u turn ur wheel.
There is nothing wrong with your wheel, and it IS set up correctly.
The only way to fix ur problem is to buy a G25 with 720º of rotation... But with the momo and your wheel the game has to compensate for the lost rotation...
If you ever have a machine call you. Hit the pound button as fast as u can about 10 times... it confuses the machine and kicks ur number of their list.
If you get an actual person. Just say "hold on one second, you can talk to my roomate" Then just put the phone down and leave... My record was 10 minutes of someone waiting on the line.
Depending on what the files are named. They should be called and (I think) Just remember to re-name the defult wheels and back them up.
OMG...JUST E-MAIL THE DEVS....they won't answer here unless it is important...if u e-mail them u will get ur unlock by tomorrow. (If you have a good reason, otherwise don't bother)