If the above registry value doesn't work (as it didn't for me after reinstalling windows...), try this one:
cmd.exe /c start /dd:\lfs "High Priority" /high "D:\LFS\LFS.exe" %1
/d parameter defines the directory from which to run the program so point it to the root of your LFS installation.
I'm also experiencing stuttering if LFS isn't in high priority mode. The thing is, I prefer using LFSW host browser.
Is there a way to start LFS in high priority from LFSW?
Little bit of thread stealing...
I've been thinking about buying laptop with Radeon X1350 in it (HP 6820S). I don't mind about other games, but would that computer run LFS nicely?
I've the same problem. I think it's due to my anti-virus software (f-secure). I've been thinking about changing to Avast or other free alternative, but in the mean time I just toggle skin download on for a while when I get to server.
Try putting minimum sleep to 1 ms from options. For me it was set to 20 ms and I was struggling to get 30 fps at starts until I realized to tune it down. Now I'm getting good fps again even with full grid. No idea why there is such an option
It's not combo specific. FXO is again clearly fastest on any combo. According to WRs, XRT can't even compete at AS national. I know tyres heat faster in FXO, but over one second difference gives plenty of room in setups for FXO.
We have lost the pretty much ideal balance of patch X, where all three cars were competitive agains each other on any track.
Many shops show their bastardousness when it comes to warranty. But don't worry, they will send it to logitech and they know how to keep customers happy
Tyres in the exit of first chicane are very easy to drive through at least with TBO class. Some people even seem to do it on purpose, usually gaining couple of tenths and seldom losing any time in the process.
I was actually talking about combos being driven in general in LFS, that's why I said combos not tracks I actually like cars with low top speeds on longer courses too, as long as there are twisty sections too. Both UF1 and MRT are fun on BL1 or any SO track in my opinion. Straights are great for drafting and defensive driving.
OT: Thanks for heads up Z, I'll have to think about participating
Exactly what happened to me! Expect it was you intentionally driving wrong way at last corner of BL1R
Why do you behave like those you don't want to see on servers?
I've had mine for ten months. Wheel and pedals are great for that price. Two FF motors make the wheel turn faster than MOMO Racing I used to have. Also there is no clap, that little emptiness, when changing steering direction. Brake pedal is nicely stiff and others have good sensitivy.
My shifter lost it's reverse two months ago. I returned wheel to retailer and after a month got brand new gear, which seems to be new revision. Missed some league races, but new set is even than before. Shifter doesn't make such a strong click sound when changing gears and wheel is now more quiet. Old one used to make more sound when turning left with little or no resistance.
Very nice wheel over-all. Shifter is little light and plastic, but it does the job well.
Last edited by Mauni, .
Reason : wheel, not feel :D