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S2 licensed
Teams-section is more exciting than The Bold and Beautiful :munching_
S2 licensed
Quote from three_jump :maybe just:
somebody drove new pb: X:XX.XX (- X:XX:XX)

i guess that would fit one line

This would be useful I often check my previous pb from h-view, if it's still there...
S2 licensed
I was there couple hours ago. Points were updated at least for me and my team mate. But track wasn't changing. It was SO2r for at least 10 races and looking at LFSW, it's still running that track. Maybe the server is now completely stuck and nothing is updated
S2 licensed
Live for Speed Just ALT-TAB to windows and start another LFS.
S2 licensed
I can change driver's place from left to right in LFS with no problem. but could never use shifter with left hand. Haven't ever tried, but I know I wouldn't feel comfortable.
S2 licensed
Quote from EeekiE :Again I'd like to hear from the people that voted no just to get their views on the matter.

I like how it is now. If server is not racing server then it says on server name if they are running drift for example. I could have voted second option too, but IMO it's just waste of code.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Dont talk bad about keyboard control.

Oh sorry Master, but even You are using wheel novadays
S2 licensed
Yes it is a bit unrealistic, but still very much more realistic than using mouse/keyboard. And MOMO Racing is very good wheel
Shifter is originally on right side and it can be changed to left.
S2 licensed
This comes little late, but I tried to register and it said user with same ip had registered in one hour. That's pretty much impossible IMO... Can I still get in?

EDIT:Okay nevermind. I was able to register
Last edited by Mauni, .
S2 licensed
MOMO Racing definitely has 240 degrees rotation.
@Alkanphel: It's easier to get car into slide, but also much easier to recover slide. I'm spinning every time I loose control now that I have G25
S2 licensed
I can't connect either. tracert goes all the way to blueyonder and ISP's firewall shouldn't block LFS. Tried even restarting windows . Could re-installing LFS help?

EDIT: Friend in same town with same ISP had no problems in connecting. Must be something at my end then. /me starts downloading LFS
EDIT2: Works fine after re-install and server list loads much faster than it did before.
EDIT3:After installing U30 test patch it won't connect to master server anymore... U20 seems to be working.
Last edited by Mauni, . Reason : more info
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Just to clarify, V-Sync doesnt "kill" your FPS in any way. It just limits it to Refresh Rate of your screen.

In my case it killed FPS. I know how V-Sync works, and I know that if your computer can't keep up for example 60 FPS, it'll drop it to half and if computer can't still manage it, V-Sync will drop it another half, etc.
I don't know why, but when I'd V-Sync enabled LFS started running badly even though my computer is pretty modern and I usually have good frame rate even in race starts.
S2 licensed
Cheers mate

PS. Only 35
S2 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :The only thing that i have noticed in the test patch's that kill my fps is full screen vertical sync,i normally get around 130 in hl but when i turn that option on it drops to around 40/50 so if you have that option turned on turn it off asap

I noticed same with U22. Vertical sync enabled from GFX drivers and it dropped my FPS pretty badly. After disabling vertical sync, hitting 100 FPS limit all the time again. This was in multiplayer.
S2 licensed
Quote from TheDeppchef :His engine blew in Monza, therefore he got a new one for China and had the same one in Suzuka.
So yes, new engine for him. (Although it's not actually "new", I read it's an old spec).

Yes i was wrong
S2 licensed
Quote from keiran :Alonso has a new engine this race if memory serves me correctly. His was on it's 2nd run last time out after people were so worried his would blow up after his push right till the end of the Chinise GP.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't have new engine. Immediately after Scumacher retirement, Renault dropped revs of Alonso's engine to spare it more for race in Brazil.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Welcome mate
S2 licensed
Quote from GT Touring :IS there an Admin command list? for seleting cars, tracks, laps etc?
i searched but perhaps the wrong words?

Here are some commands and some more attached:

/p_dt USERNAME - give drive through penalty
/p_sg USERNAME - give stop-go penalty
/p_30 USERNAME - give 30 second time penalty
/p_45 USERNAME - give 45 second time penalty

Race Control Messages : (big SPAM text in centre of screen )
/rcm MESSAGE ... set a Race Control Message to be sent
/rcm_ply USERNAME ... send the RCM to USERNAME
/rcm_all ... send the RCM to all
/rcc_ply USERNAME ... Clear USERNAME's RCM
/rcc_all ... Clear all RCMs
S2 licensed
I'm with the majority here mate. Excellent video, but little bit too much drifting. Looked like you had fun doing it
S2 licensed
No no... We will bump this every now and then :splat:
Just kidding
S2 licensed
GIMP is great and free drawing program:
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :No. If there are are no racers online, then you're probably logged on during the
N. American timeslot.

S2 licensed
Here you can find fix for off-centering problem:

As for the other problem, you need to manually re-calibrate the wheel manually by turning it from lock to lock.