Virtual start lights are in upper left hand corner under chat texts. Maybe you have a mod that moves them to top-middle of screen? I would like see them there too so +1 for this suggestion.
EDIT:Two messages already while I'm typing that short message...
Technically it does work on all tracks, just that you don't gain advance on tracks like blackwood
What a cheap exploit. I hope it will be fixed soon even though I'm not a hotlapper. *Runs hiding in bushes.*
Sounds like calibrating under LFS is not quite right. You sure have tried to re-calibrate LFS with new wheel? Steering radius same 270 degrees for both wheels.
EDIT:Oh yeah... Have you tried with out force feedback?
My MOMO racing does that pretty much every time I restart Windows. For me it helps to unplug the wheel from computer. But that can be seen in control panel too, so probably not the problem in your case.
It's a issue with logitech's pedals. There are two potentiometers inside pedals which detect throttle and brake pedal's movements. They may move a little bit sideways causing miscalibration and gas/brake being whole time little on or not reaching their maximum's. Something like that, sure there is someone correcting me in a half an hour, but you got the point, right?
I guess you have a new wheel. In that case pedals won't probably cause any problems, because they should be newer revision, in which these issues have been fixed from what I've heard.
Hey guys is there a way to setup the aa and af without going into the Catalyst Panel, maybe oneday the dev's could also put that option in the game .
and thanks dev's for the update cant wait for the next one .
I use program called RadLinker if I want a certain game to have different AA/AF settings. Handy little program, which leaves no processes running backround.
This league is in season 2 atm and has gone pretty well, im not sure if theres any 'active' slots remaining. best to post on the forum and see if you can join.
This league is great. Lots of fast drivers has joined. Althought there are only 2 of 6 races left and i don't think there is room any more, but you might want to look forward to season 3.
When I bought S2 (and S1 at the same time), I thought there would be rallycross layout for each track. Then I found only 3 rallycross tracks, which was a bit disappointment :worried: One or two rally tracks more wouldn't hurt.
Today we put a second stunt server online because the first was most time full. [SRC] StuntRacingSrv 2.
Can't connect to that server It seemed to be empty so i quess no one can join... It says (loose translation from finnish to english) "Quest information not received (connection to server lost)"
Have you tried changing display drivers? Also if your CPU temps are near 60, you might want to open side of your computer just to make sure it's not a heat related problem. Computers are great dust collectors, you know...
As you stressed your computer, did you stress only CPU or whole system? When did this crashing started? Maybe you have changed some settings in windows etc.?
Hmmm... I'm sure I had something else to ask too, can't remember it anymore...
Let us know if you find the problem
I would also suggest starting with road cars. FZ50 is great, beacause it's drift is pretty easy to control due to long wheel base, so u won't be spinning all the time
From Team Inferno Setup field u can find fast setups. Just keep in mind that those may not be the easiest setups to handle, as fastest setups tend too be quite oversteery...
Originally Posted by T.K.Jode Has anyone else noticed that leaving the car idle will not use ANY fuel?
I left a FXR sitting for 30-40 minutes... not even a .1% change.
Really? It does for me. Even back on 0.5L I remember the engine stopping about a minute after I'd parked up after a race had finished. It is of course very slow.
I noticed this too today as I took my LX6 out of pits and left it there during qualification for about 20 minutes. No fuel comsumpted meanwhile... Maybe this takes effect only if you leave the pits and dont move your car...
Doesn't affect to racing so I wouldn't be too worried