Looks like graphic card overheating to me. Is it same with other games too? Have you overclocked it?
You should test GFX temperatures with rivaTuner or ATI equivalent while playing.
Why should someone be rewarded for playing demo for a long long time, without even slightest intention to support the ones who put countless of hours of hard work to it.
Kids should get free clothes/food/toys from mall for just hanging around there doing nothing long enough time.
Funnily guys who dislike youngest group playing are not many years older themself. You could try forza 2 to see if there is more mature online community
Very sorry to be first to reply and with negative feedback already... You were hour or two ago in ConeDodgers 3 and quote doesn't respond to your driving at all. You were continiously joining traffic after spin or what so ever without any reaction to on coming traffic. I told you after race to watch out and you agreed, but in next race, when you were lap down and I was passing by after another spin of yours, you just steered into my driving line with no respect at all even if you should have clearly seen I was coming. After that "incident" you just left the server without even saying sorry...
E:After looking replay of that race, you got&gave some hits and then decided to deliberately ruin others race too. Way to go
Last edited by SamH, .
Reason : replay (removed by SamH; no naming/shaming thanks)
I had this problem already in W. Usually restarting LFS or changing language(??!!) did the trick. With patch X it came very frequent, but I think I found solution for me. So far every time I've turned off automatic skin download, I have gotten into server every single time.
Seeing as most of you are from states and I had "did not receive quest information"-problem earlier, this might not work for you. Especially if you can't get into certain servers any time. My problem occurred randomly on every server...