I've updated the time of my league to reflect the actual time for people whose timezone is being detected correctly as a matter of urgency but in my opinion we need to be allowed to set a timezone manually so that we don't get these sorts of problems.
New issue. Your timezone adjustments don't seem to be working as they should.
I set the start time of my events to be 19:30. Since I wasn't presented with an option to choose a timezone I assumed this would work normally. Apparently that's not the case as other people from the UK are seeing my league as starting an hour later and one person I asked from Germany is seeing it an hour later too relative to the time I initially set.
This is from my browser, UK - Correct local time:
This is k_badam's browser, UK - Incorrect local time:
This is shikari_san's browser, UK - Incorrect local time:
This is deutschland2007's browser, Germany - Incorrect local time:
So for me it shows the correct times, but to everyone else it's displaying an hour later in their timezone. So people will likely turn up an hour late to my events.
Either the times should be allowed to include a timezone ie. UTC+1 or the system should have a more adequate way of detecting local timezones.