We're almost a third of the way through 2023 and already we've seen a great number of events being organised, and many of those organisers have partnered with Sim Broadcasts to expose their series to the community.
We're really keen to grow our broadcast effort in Live for Speed, and that's why we're recruiting those who are keen to get involved in Sim Racing, but from the other side of the lens.
Sim Broadcasts are currently recruiting LFS Commentators and LFS videographers to join our team and to help us scale up the number of broadcasts we can produce for LFS!
That sounds like a different kettle of fish to what's going on in the LFSLazy thread. Maybe pinging the devs an email might be a good starting point to see what they think about that idea, before you sink too much more time into it.
Sim Broadcasts are partnering with Master Race Car once again to bring you live coverage of the third season of BF1 League! Each broadcast will cover qualifying 3 and the race, with coverage starting at 16:30 UTC on the Sim Broadcasts Twitch (https://twitch.tv/simbroadcasts) and YouTube (https://youtube.com/simbroadcasts) channels.
If you would like to use the Sim Broadcasts logo on your skin or promotional material, you can download them from our media pack. Please follow the usage guide when placing logos.
If you are competing in BF1 league, you are welcome to participate in mid or post-race interviews.
In the NDR Teamspeak server, please join the waiting room channel where voice is disabled. This ensures that you are not disturbed by others during your race. You may wish to disable other Teamspeak notifications by deactivating the default Teamspeak sound pack (Settings > Options > Notifications > Sound Pack > Sounds Deactivated) or by setting up a hotkey to mute/unmute your Teamspeak audio.
Please note: Being in the waiting room channel means that you are prepared to be interviewed at any time. You will only be moved into the commentary booth if your speakers and microphone are unmuted.
Once you have Teamspeak installed, you can connect to the server at: teamspeak.newdimensionracing.com. Please note that all drivers are expected to be connected to the NDR Teamspeak server anyway during NDR events.
Use of the NDR and SBTV Teamspeak servers come with a couple of disclaimers. Please make sure you are aware of them.
Members of the Sim Broadcasts team should not be disturbed at any time on our Teamspeak server so please refrain from messaging or poking them. Doing so will result in your immediate removal from the server.
We will try to interview as many drivers as possible post-race and will prioritise those with the best results in each session. We will only interview drivers mid-race if it fits with the race narrative.
Please try to act professionally during your interview and avoid any profanities. We reserve the right to deny you future interviews if you violate these terms.
The classic cheats (speedhacks, ghosting etc.) were so easy to detect in LFS such that it was enough of a deterrent in most cases. I think you're right that the current community is built on trust, and with it being so tightly knit, I think that helps.
There have been cases in the not so distant past where people have been using cheats in high profile events, but once you cheat and are caught, your name is tainted and it takes a long time for you to be accepted or trusted again: either a) you work hard to build your reputation back up, or b) the people who knew you were a cheater move on.
If LFS' player base were to grow again, we might see more people cheating, but I think we're in a comfortable place with this issue at the moment that it isn't really something we see discussed anymore.
The technical limitation for us right now is the time it takes for the replay to spool to an event when you choose a timestamp. This problem is exacerbated in longer races with many cars. Any solution relies on 2+ LFS clients for this feature to work reliably during live broadcasts, and is non-trivial.
Last night's E-Challenge had 14 cars attend out of 40 signups, and it was only the second round (of five). We're grateful to those who turned up and raced, and they gave us a great show, but we are left wondering what happened to the other 2/3rds of the entries... 😔
Intro videos are still a thing, and maybe you could think about making something like that once the new version is imminent, but a music player doesn't really need to be a priority anymore in-game I don't think, for the reasons Martin raised. The only time I use the radio feature anymore is for nostalgia purposes to play 303forever
There are plenty of recent news articles showing that progress is happening, and the reasons for why we don't have access to those updates yet are well documented too. If you, and "the others" can't see past that, then you're painting yourself with the same brush as the reviewers we're talking about.
If people laugh at you because you used to play LFS, it sucks, but that's on them. I don't think it's fair to lay all of the blame at the devs feet.
Uninformed reviews do my head in. I can understand the frustration that this one would cause.
"The community keeps bringing new mods, wheel support, VR..." wat...
Even though this review was only short, that sort of thing doesn't help LFS' image at all, and it's quite a wide-spread problem on YouTube, though most of the time it's less obvious than this video.
People who make review videos generally aren't hardcore players, they're casuals who drop by and give their face-value opinion. The problem is when they go into details that they haven't properly researched or articulated.
I started an LFS review (not just a review, more of a showcase/discussion) video about 4 years ago, but I stalled on progress and never finished it. That was mainly because I didn't think it would be worth the effort if it only bounced around the LFS community. Every time I watch a "review" of LFS that gets it wrong, it makes me want to finish it... Maybe this time I will, even if only a handful of non-LFS players watch it. At least it will be based in fact, from a long time fan.
I contacted GridFinder, and they've added LFS and a list of initial classes to choose from, as well as a section for LFS broadcasters to advertise themselves. I'll send them a more thorough class list soon because I only sent them a couple of the base-car classes:
Thanks for bumping this, Tim. Even though this thread pertains to season two at the beginning of 2022, we yet again see a long list of signups for season 3 (~30), but after 3 rounds only 11 of those showed up for round 4, a third of the original signups.
What is going on?
I feel like we've nailed this season of MRcRX, the on-the-day running of the event is 100% slicker than season 2, the format has been refined, you've built 4 mods for the championship and had one endorsed by Saab, you've got 5 real-life rally drivers involved (most of whom turned up today), the advertising on Discord/Twitter has been much better, the broadcast has been as widely advertised as other series, yet the turnout is still poor.
Rallycross is not unpopular in LFS, so where are the people who signed up going, and why are we not seeing more signups in the first place? I struggle to believe we're back into the dark days, but maybe we are.
It's a crying shame that we're seeing such small grids for events like this.