On behalf of the Sim Broadcasts team, I want to thank Rony and Jari for putting on another season of successful racing action in LFS.
We put together a calendar of 38 broadcasts totalling almost 60 hours of air time and enjoyed a season that saw a dominant performance by Team S1DUS, and improvements from emerging talents up and down the field.
Rony's Tuesday Fun Race never ceased to put a smile on our faces, and provided a reliable source of entertainment on three out of the four Tuesdays of every month this year.
Eoin and I mentioned this a lot in commentary, but it's as true now as it has ever been. You'll always find someone to race around your pace in RTFR, and it's a nice community to be a part of.
We're excited to announce our plans for 2022, but it's good to take a moment to reflect on the year we've had before setting our sights on what's to come.
Congratulations to all of the competitors and organisers for another fantastic year.
You are already paying 50% less than the base price for an LFS license in Turkey.
This means the developers are willing to compromise their return (in GBP) so that you are able to enjoy the game at a lower price (in TL).
Remember, companies are not required to lower their prices for other economies, this is a choice they have made so that you can enjoy their product for less.
I'm sorry to see how the economic situation continues to worsen in Turkey, and I sympathise, but expecting the price of LFS to reduce further in Turkey is unreasonable.
Due to the ongoing AWS outage, we were unable to broadcast the RTFR finale this evening. Some of our infrastructure relies on services that use AWS. We tried alternatives but were not able to get up and running in time.
We will post here, and advertise widely when we schedule a re-live stream.
Apologies for this, but hopefully we get a good audience to enjoy the final race of the season again.
Sim Broadcasts are partnering with Master Race Car once again to bring you live coverage of the second season of BF1 League! Each broadcast will cover qualifying and the race, with coverage starting at 14:45 UTC on the Sim Broadcasts Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/simbroadcasts
If you would like to use the Sim Broadcasts logo on your skin or promotional material, you can download them from our media pack. Please follow the usage guide when placing logos.
If you are competing, you are welcome to join our Teamspeak server to participate in mid or post-race interviews.
Once connected, please join the waiting room channel where voice is disabled. This ensures that you are not disturbed by others during your race. You may wish to disable other Teamspeak notifications by deactivating the default Teamspeak sound pack (Settings > Options > Notifications > Sound Pack > Sounds Deactivated) or by setting up a hotkey to mute/unmute your Teamspeak audio.
Please note: Being in the waiting room channel means that you are prepared to be interviewed at any time. You will only be moved into the commentary booth if your speakers and microphone are unmuted.
Once you have Teamspeak installed, you can connect to our server at: ts.simbroadcasts.tv
Use of our Teamspeak server comes with a couple of disclaimers. Please make sure you are aware of them.
Members of the Sim Broadcasts team should not be disturbed at any time on our Teamspeak server so please refrain from messaging or poking them. Doing so will result in your immediate removal from the server.
We will try to interview as many drivers as possible post-race and will prioritise those with the best results in each session. We will only interview drivers mid-race if it fits with the race narrative.
Please try to act professionally during your interview and avoid any profanities. We reserve the right to deny you future interviews if you violate these terms.
You didn't miss the point. That is one way that teams might choose to play this. The point is that multiple people have to set times, and those times combined have to be faster than the combined times of other teams. It's quite clever really. In this competition you're only as fast as your team mates, and there might be faster ways for certain groups to get around (drafting, or not etc.).
Using the average lap time could be another flavour of the competition. A different metric with a different leaderboard.
Leaderboards could be:
Combined total of each driver's fastest laps
Finishing time of the last placed driver in the race. (Time for all drivers to finish the race)
Average lap time of all drivers (including lap 1)
Average lap time of all drivers (excluding lap 1)
This entire league could be run through a webpage with a replay analyser: Replays submitted, analysed, metrics calculated, displayed on leaderboards. The winning replays could be reviewed manually to verify there was no .mpr tampering.
I think something like that could work. We used to run an event called the Cannonball which was a similar idea but solo and that was really popular back in 2008-09. If you need anything to help get it moving, feel free to reach out.
I could imagine that a combination of techniques could speed up the track-modelling process. E.g. A traditional laser-scan of the track surface and kerbs dropped into models using this airborne technique. You don't need centimetre accuracy for buildings and surrounding terrain, so applying the most appropriate technique for each aspect of the model could save time and resources.
This reminds me of when Google announced their 3D Maps Platform where you can use their 3D map data. It would be a good starting point to design a suitable track layout, but wouldn't be enough for an accurate end-product.
The resolution of airborne techniques is not currently adequate to properly model the track surface, the part that actually matters in a simulation. Minute variations in the tarmac couldn't be modeled accurately enough with the technique you presented here. You'd still need someone to laser-scan the track surface.
It's so cool that this data is available to use though, I just wish there was more time in a day to make use of it myself.
Even in my own teams I find that social media does a better job at getting news and updates to people than our websites do, even though I hate social media and resent that I have to use it if I want people to find out about what's going on. Not to mention, websites often take a lot more effort to maintain...
Right now, my team sites are more for information that doesn't change very often, and they point people to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc. Team activity is managed in Discord.