I always put LFS' ffb down to the tracks, they're way too smooth. The only reason iRacing's ffb feels better is because the tracks are all laser scanned and the bumps and dips are much more noticeable. This isn't to say LFS' force feedback is bad, take the updated Blackwood for instance, at the end of the straights where it's bumpy, the ffb is actually working quite well.
Scawen, you mentioned there's an option to set a fixed time, have you considered a time multiplier too to speed up (or slow down I guess), the passing of time?
I'd be interesting to know if age was actually a factor. It took me some time to get used to VR. The process of feeling comfortable enough in VR to race in LFS took quite a while too.
I was really impressed with the HP WMR headset when I tried it with LFS. The VR experience was comparable to the Rift or Vive in LFS so people on a budget should not overlook the WMR range.
For the record, I still think the Rift offers the best VR experience in LFS.
That's what it is to me. You can get fancy graphics, real cars, real tracks, day/night and other bleeding-edge features in other sims, but it's always LFS that gets me hyped when I see even a modicum of progress, even if there's no fixed release date.
I'm a VR driver and I'm pretty sure LTH would make me quite ill. Forbin is right, your frame of reference should be locked to the car, not the outside world and so such a feature is not needed, or even wanted in my case.
Hi Gab, nice collection you have there, are these still for sale? If so, what sort of condition are they all in and how far are you willing to ship them?