hrhr, if i find you sniffing in my neighborhood you'd better be faster than me
erm goal?
hm,...... guess to get around with some model manipulation, non polygon-texture
bonding (using textures like some big stickers)
- learning to texture environments like skies for example.
- using shadow and light in a normal- realstic way
and maybee setting up a traditional scene, like starting grid, or the box area.
but thats far from were i'm now.
or at least get some routine in using the programm.
cause right now i usually have to think around many corners to get a simple job done.
but i guess that comes with training just like that driving thingy...
i do that on purpose to have evidence.
If anything ugly occurs on the server, than it's better to be prepare either for offense or defense...
Mostly these files get shreddered after a few months anyway.
So it's not getting too messi here.
well i doubt that, but if u say so.
indeed you can see the difference between 1600x1200 and higher res.
but when i'm playing relaxed with a good meter space between my eyes and the screen even on 16x12 i have to look hard to see artifacts.
but mostly that doesn't concern me in the heat of a race...
no, hehe, it's Privateer II - The Darkening...
to be correct it's from the manual that shows "Crius Hospital" where your quest begins...
Infact the first 2 answers were quite close as this game relates to science fiction like bladerunner does. And Freelancer is like a sequel to privateer (not the sequel)...
by the time playing privateer me and a close friend were quite addicted ending up in landing on every planet to get a trade index of every price on all planets with all goods for trading, to find the best routes to make the money needed for some decent dog-fighter.
hm, does anyone realize that the higher the resolution u use the smaler the pixels per inch get, and therfore the less visible stair effects on uneven lines get.
so use the upmost res and youre fine unless you play lfs @ 10cm from your screen
well thats not a big problem, what did you use?
the 3ds or the c4d model? (so i cann translate em back to english)
For the textures, i can zip em for you too if you like.
here are the files from last nights work...
have fun with it...
FXR - FXO GTR.3ds File provided by tristancliffe
FXR - FXO GTR.c4d working file (project not finished yet)
FXR - FXO GTR_worked.3ds same as file 2 but for the 3dsmaxxers
FXR - FXO GTR_worked.jpg A render of scene for texture problems
i get a strange error mess. saying that some "Bind" was failed to happen.
well it's been mentioned in anoter thread but wasn't anwered...
so i put it aside and kept on practicing for the moment.
but it'll be nice since i've made good progress with ghost cars like in "Viper Racing"...
gimme proof of that "bone(ed)" system like an image for install.
after that, WHO CARES? systems a getting blow-up and faster the same time...
don't believe me?
well i assume you have a facillity for programming, then tell me how the Moore law of everlasting speedup can be achieved if clock ratings stagnate?
RIGHT, parallel processing...
and therefore more cpu's to load with tons of fancy shit noone really needs.
so we work, consume, spend our money, have kids, bomb ourselfes back to stoneage and there we are... freed of all-Time-communicativity.
sorry for dramatic here but please tell me what difference does a bone sys make these days as windows ÍSN'T capable of real time responses in the first place nor could for example be used for steering model-planes or helicopters.
the latency is just too long.
then back to response times, ok you may have a point for a smooth running system, but for what cost in setup this machine?
not to imagine what effort to take if parts change or machine dies...
someone said to me, always running to be the first is pointless as there'll always be a better one, or some hot head shooting you of track, but that another story.
sorry for offensive posting, but i had a friend like you always the programmer always the neatest little progs in mind, who ended up insane<img> in hospital...
Well in that case it's the problem of the "hot heads" but if it's a narrow track like SO then a boost once in a while can keep you in business or off track.
thats why i was insisting on the restriction of that boost.
However it's your responsibility to use it wisely and not for some unnecessary action that won't help our the opposite car.
First of all, nice statements, second, why is "racing" in general so interessting?
To give you a hint, it's about excitement of the AUDIENCE cause the audience pays for it.
racing is pretty much like a circus where clowns and dompteurs show off.
so if the race is predictable, (Wich it is at the moment) then it's "not amusing" like the brits say.
And think a moment about it, right now theres to little coincidence or chance for any racer to win IF and ONLY if others make mistakes (in short races) cause several influences just don't apply.
So why not make it more interessting? and more restricted like powerboost yes, but only if you accept another 2 mins normal-mode.
then 1 powerboost again.
And talking about purism, why was the turbo used in the first place?
(huh get it?)
I can understand why the tbo was removed from Formel cars, cause there way to powerfull for the driver-safety at this time or present time.
i guess one day we'll see completely automated race(r)s....
were the F*** do i get these *.raf's?
i can remember using some button named "save lap" within the internal replayer...
but it's gone, when i watch a replay and then press "ecs" once i end up in the main menu...
so were did i go wrong turn?
Edit: solved, these options just apply to SinglePlayer replays...
guess that you can't steal others "lines"
so i've istalled photoshop (V7) and the *.dds filter plug.
And it's in the plug-in's folder but photoshop doesn't load the dds files...
so where's my mistake?