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S3 licensed
OMG, each time there is something to learn.
OK i've updated to 2.2.9 !
S3 licensed
Yes EQ Worry, setting is in fil file, thank !

A questione for u: i'm going to ask 500servers to upgrade my airio.

Can i ask to overwrite only airio.exe (i think to upload the config files after edit) ?
I lost my data ?
S3 licensed
I've a problem with Airio 2.1.2 of 500server.
In Airio.srv.txt there is NOT all this part:

# ------------------------- Driving Filters ----------------------- #

# Disallow wrong way driving - boolean

# Time in seconds after which player is seen as driving wrong way
# and spectated in race or in practice (after race) - integers

# Remove idling cars in race - boolean

# Time in seconds after which player is seen as idling - integer
# Player is warned of idling on (IdlingTime - 10) and (IdlingTime - 5).

# Remove cars with extensive lagging during race - boolean

# Number of missing consecutive car position packets (sent every
# 100 ms) seen as lagging and maximum number of such lags before
# spectating - integers

# Disallow speeding in the pitlane - boolean
# Disallow this even after race - boolean

# Check positions inside defined restricted/limited zones - boolean


But sometime one people is spectate for lagging.
How is this possible ?
S3 licensed
Congrats to Black, the Winner of BF1 SL.

Really thanks to ALL to join this league.

Here the final web page. ... 20Summer%20League%202009/
S3 licensed
OMG ... so i've to turn on !ch is i want check restrictions !
S3 licensed
OK EQ i will try make some experiment.

Informaziont: with !ch off i put off all additional check, so (confirm ):
- rotatetracks
- restart mode
- blue flag spec
and ALL in srv.txt ?

But what about the car restriction in TC file ? It remain ?
S3 licensed
I try explain to u what !topqual does.

U have a server and in this server has done some laps 6 users (user1, user2 .... user6).

If u type !top u can see user1, user2 ... user6 and related time.

If in you lfslapper config u have specified a filter like:
filteredname: user1, user4, user5

When u type !topqual u can see only user1, user4 and user5 and related time.

I want to know if i can make work !top in the same way.

S3 licensed
No no, i mean that in my !top i've listed all the ppls that has race in my server but i need that in !top compair only the username who i want.
Do u kwnow !topqual function of lfslapper ? The same.
S3 licensed
Hi EQ Worry !

How i can filter the !top only for lfs username i want link !topqual of lfslapper ?
S3 licensed
Hi Victor can u add this banner ?

Web site link is:

U can remove the BF1 Summer League banner too.

S3 licensed
Last edited by michele0676, .
S3 licensed
Quote from BSantos :Yeah, it will be more fun

About Fun Racing League ... u need go more slow in FE2 !
S3 licensed
Quote from BSantos :"The second manche will start with the grid completely reversed respect the first manche."

Why don't only the top 6?

We want make like the Fun Racing League, we think that in this way slow people have some change to score some points.
S3 licensed
Sincerely we prefer use standard track ... and short !

So we have to choose but i think that the tracks used will be AS2 (sure 100%) S02 or S01 FE1 or FE2. No Blackwood, too long.

About rules, simple ...

Qualification 20 minutes.
3 main races, each race will be divided in two mancher of about 20 minutes. The second manche will start with the grid completely reversed respect the first manche.
Qualification start at 21.30 GMT+2, manche 1 at 22.00 and manche 2 at 22.30.
There will be 1 dedicated server, will 32 slots so the fastest 32 racers in servers will run the race.
No pit, no reset, no join in middle race, no safety car.
Respect other racers, blue and yellow flag and make particular attention when u exit from pit.
Chat open when admin say "CHAT OPEN", close when admin say "CHAT OPEN". 10 seconds of penalty for not respect of this rule.
Assigned point: 20, 16, 13, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1.
DNF racers do not score any point.
Discarge of 2 bad results.

What do u think ?
UFR Baby Leagues ... coming soon
S3 licensed
With the boys of the LFS italian community we are starting to present a new league with the Baby UFR, the UFR with 45% of restriction.

The League is in 3 total races.
Each race will be divided in two short manches of about 20 minutes. The second manche will start with the grid completely reversed.

We need to choose the track.

In list there are AS1 > BL1 > FE1 > SO1 > AS2 > SO2 > FE2.

Wich do u prefer ?

Do u like the UFR Baby League idea ?
S3 licensed
Add version 5.0.1.
See in first post the little diffences from 5.0.0.

U can update from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 simple replacing script.php and logo.html.
S3 licensed
Race #3 was deleted cause low number of partecipants.

Last race is confirmed, S04: not minimun laps required, only a time under 1.17.50.

Please all interested confirm partecipation or not to last race, thanks.
S3 licensed
Quote from CARRERA GT :Hello,

Can you send me the password for the server pls?

I don t understand the italien language in urr site.


He mate, i send u pass but after the crashes of last race i wrote, some posts ago, this:

For next race, KY2, only driver:
- under 1.19.50;
- with 60 or more laps in server.
can make the race.


I send u the pass the same, no problem.
S3 licensed
Server pass for today race sendes.
S3 licensed
Final 5.0.0 release.
S3 licensed
Here u can see the last beta version where i'm working.

Any suggestion ?
S3 licensed
Thanks mate, i've made another little improvment.

U can see here how the reply is more fast:

Now remain only to test in scriptime is this script return errors like the other.

I've asked to Fram to try.
S3 licensed
OK mate, i'm sorry but respect your decision.

But give penalty "online" is not a simple things.
S3 licensed
I'm really sorry EliteAti but u are right.

It's important make a selection of drivers.

For next race, KY2, only driver:
- under 1.19.50;
- with 60 or more laps in server.
can make the race.

Time in real time are here:

For me it's not a problem make a race with 6 drivers only, i prefer this to see some driver for first time in server in the day of the race.

Race stats, reply and standings are here:

Eliteati are u sure to leave the league ?

I'm sorry but efexas16 was cancelled from the League. U can find the reason in the reply.

I toggle the join in middle race too beacuse sincerely it's dangerous.
Last edited by michele0676, .
S3 licensed
I send u a PM.