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S3 licensed
OK Carrera.
S3 licensed
jonas_16 and EliteAti added.

EliteAti thanks for my little mistake (40 instead of 50).
S3 licensed
OK, i add u.
S3 licensed
Niki is correct what u say but if i make 1 race for week i think that is no good because in summer infact people is "full" of activities (beach, mountain, girls ).

But we change the rules and we insert the discard of the worst result.

Do u appreciate this modification ?
S3 licensed
For me use i've done a php script that work with airio.sta.un.txt and and it display in a web page the time and best time.

Did u like it ? Do u think that i need share beacuse i can help someone or not ?

- Show online time
S3 licensed
About this:

# ---------------------------- Scripts ---------------------------- #

# Address of a (PHP) script to be run on every race start - string
# Airio will send the response as a typed message meaning you can
# create commands, e.g. "/msg ^3There are ^734 ^3people on chat!"
# Define more scripts by using starting/concatenating '+'. Tabs (%09)
# in response may be used for multiline output.

# Address of a (PHP) script to be run periodically - string
# Periodicity of the script in minutes - integer

Is correct this:

So i want execute this script that is in the same folder of airio.
Is this possible ?
S3 licensed
The PB data was stored in other file, the

With these field we can extract all we want.

So what do u need exactly ?
  1. username (necessary to bind the item to other user data)
  2. track name (simple short track code saying what track the following data relate to)
  3. car name (simple short car code saying what car type the following data relate to)
  4. total laps (integer, made in this track/car combination)
  5. PB split 1 time (integer, in centiseconds, that is milliseconds * 10, of 1st split time made during PB lap)
  6. PB split 2 time (as above, only 2nd split time made during PB lap, if the track has 1 split only, this is also PB lap time)
  7. PB split 3 time (as above, only 3rd split time made during PB lap, if the track has 2 splits only, this is also PB lap time)
  8. PB split 4 time (as above, only 4th split time made during PB lap, always also total PB lap time)
  9. date/time of the PB (Unix timestamp)
  10. TB sector 1 time (integer, in centiseconds, that is milliseconds * 10, of best 1st sector time ever made)
  11. TB sector 2 time (as above, only best 2nd sector time ever made)
  12. TB sector 3 time (as above, only best 3rd sector time ever made, if the track contains such)
  13. TB sector 4 time (as above, only best 4th sector time ever made, if the track contains such)
  14. total points (integer, total points scored on this track/car combination, shown by !ptt, deleted by !clrt)
  15. total race podiums (long, in FULL version only, storing 1st places * 1012 + 2nd places * 106 + 3rd places)
  16. total series podiums (long, in FULL version only, as above but for podiums in groups of races)
  17. total best lap time (integer, centiseconds, shown by !btl or !laps commands)
  18. total best race time (integer, centiseconds, shown by !btr or !races commands)
  19. total drifting points (integer, shown by !btd or !drifts commands)
  20. not used (always zero)
  21. not used (always zero)
  22. championship points (integer, champ points scored on this track/car combination, shown by !ptc, deleted by !clrc)
  23. championship race podiums (long, in FULL version only, storing 1st places * 1012 + 2nd places * 106 + 3rd places)
  24. championship series podiums (long, in FULL version only, as above but for podiums in groups of races)
  25. championship best lap time (integer, centiseconds, shown by !bcl or !lap commands)
  26. championship best race time (integer, centiseconds, shown by !bcr or !race commands)
  27. championship drifting points (integer, shown by !bcd or !drift commands)
  28. not used (always zero)
  29. not used (always zero)
  30. dynamic intake restriction (integer, FULL version only)
  31. dynamic added mass (integer, FULL version only)
  32. target time (integer, FULL only, centiseconds, set/shown by !target command as an optional comparison base)
  33. not used (always zero)
BF1 Summer League
S3 licensed

Rules update in 27/06/09

BF1 Summer League is a short league of 4 races in 4 weeks.
Each race will be long about 30 minutes and there will be first 20 minutes of qualifications.
Each day the server will be open to try the track with short races of some laps.
Qualification start at: 21.00 GMT+2.
Race start at 21.30 GMT+2.

The selected tracks are:

- friday 19/06/09: Aston Grand Touring (AS6): 16 laps

- friday 26/06/09: Westhill International (WE1): 26 laps

- friday 03/07/09: Kyoto Ring National (KY2): 24 laps

- friday 10/07/09: South City Long (S04): 24 laps

During race the pit is mandatory but tyres change is not required.
During qualification is possible return to pit using SHIFT+P.
After a crash if the car is reversed drivers can reset the car.
Each driver will discard the worst result.
For the race there will be only 32 slots: we will use the prequalification times to define the partecipants.
If the partecipants will be more of 50 then will be open another server for this events.
During qualification chat is open. During race chat is closed. For each chat line 1 point of disqualification.

Without the pit driver will be disqualified.
For protest will be opened a thread (here will be insert the link) where driver can open protest explaining what happens (laps, drivers involved etc etc).

During races and qualifications will be assign these points:
- 1 point for the pole position;
- 1 point for fastest lap in race;
- in final grid points will be assigned to first 21 drivers in this way:
DNF racers doesn't score any point.

To join league u need to write a post here.
I will upgrade this first post with the list of partecipants for each race.
Is very important that u write a post here to join because in the day of race i send u a PM with the server password.

The server is online 24h/24 and is't called "BF1 SUMMER LEAGUE".
In server is possibile make short races with pit or qualification of 60 minutes.
In this server is active the Airio Tracker with the track of the next race.
Is very important that driver make laps here for the pre-qualification.

Race Stats & Standings
Last edited by michele0676, .
S3 licensed
Sorry mate but we have a problem with out english "translator". So if nothing change the cronist will speak only italian.
S3 licensed
Today, starting from 21.30 GMT+2 at the same link there is the race #5.

KY3R with the Formula V8.

Good vision !
S3 licensed
Victor can u add this banner in rotation ?

Website is:

League in Live Streaming
S3 licensed
Here u can see this event, the Italia League 2009:

Circuit: FE3, car FOX.

About 26 italian driver at start, for two manches.
Qualitification start at 21.30 gmt+2, race 1 at 22.00 and race 2 at 22.40.
Race is 24 laps.

Here the classification after 3 events (6 races):
S3 licensed
He mate, thanks to u.
In the Airio configurazione (Airio.srv1 2 3 etc etc etc) u can take ON the point system.
If u active him, after a race drivers take points.
Take point for fast lap, too.
Do a look in the airio web site to learn how activate point system.
S3 licensed
Thanks mate.
We can do it more best.
So if u need some modification or u want make some suggestion ... i'm here.
S3 licensed
Ehm not, only live video e live chat. If u want during race u can ask information e somebody reply to u "live".
Icup 2009 live streaming, wednesday 29/4 at 21
S3 licensed
Hallo !!!

Tomorrow, at 21.00 o'clock (GMT+2) start del 6° ICup Race, KY2R with the FZR !
Race start at 21.30 after 20 minutes of qualification.

Live streaming with live comment of the race:

There is the chat if u need to ask something too.
S3 licensed
I've redevelopment all the script.
Now it work fine but it need of a mysql db to work.
All data is stored in the db.
S3 licensed
After tomorrow, wednesday, there will be the 6° race, KY2R with the FZR.

U can join until tomorrow.
S3 licensed
Using all the comment of the drivers entered in our server we have decided to work to change the track.

We think to use 4 track in South city and other 8 in the other circuit.

Do u think that is it a good idea ?
Coppa Italia 2009 - Italian League - Race #3 - LIVE STREAMING
S3 licensed
This to inform u that this evening u can see, in streaming, the 3rd round of the italian league.
Qualification start at 21.30 (GMT+2).
Race 1 start at 22.00 (GMT+2).
Race 2 start at 22.45 (GMT+2).

Track is AS07R, with F08.

U can see many italian fast drivers, like Maurizio Naselli, Malcomax, Sypher85 and other.

U need to use firefox and install this plugin:

The link to see the race streaming is:

U can see the race with remote too, server is:
[] ESL C.I.

Buona Visione ! (Good vision !).
Last edited by michele0676, .
S3 licensed
Have u try with one file for time ?
S3 licensed
That was really strange.
I think that it depend from upload "method" of the Airio.sta.un.txt file.
Please can u try to manual upload with some ftp client in the same folder of the script ?
S3 licensed
No, abosolutely not, simple u need ... race.
Coming UP: Street Attack LEAGUE - UFR & XFR in South City
S3 licensed
Here the temporary rules.

Really thanks per any suggestions. ... amp;id=156&Itemid=187


League official start on 01/06/2009 and finish on 30/11/2009.
Until 30/05 the server will be open to test it and to check that all work fine (point system will be active)

The server is dedicated 24h on 24 and it's called []STREET ATTACK.
In our server we use Airio Tracker (2.1.9) to manage the point system.

The Cars interested are UFR and XFR, without any restriction.
All the track are in South City and each 5 races there is the track rotation (it's possibile vote to finish race to anticipate the track rotation).
Tipyng !tr is possibile to see the track rotation progress and the next track.
The tracks selected in rotation are 12:
Track|Laps: SO1|5, SO4|4, SO3R|6, SO6|5, SO5R|4, SO2R|6, SO6R|5, SO5|4, SO3|6, SO1R|5, SO2|5, SO4R|4

League is divided in monthly and general classification (6 months).
For each race the point system is: 25,22,20,18,16,14,12,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
25 point to the first, 22 to the second, etc etc.
If the race start with only 4 drivers the first take only 4 points.
For great lap in race driver can take 1, 2 or 4 points.
For fastest lap in race 1 point.

To see the general classification online it need to type !ptp.
To see the complete classification check our web site page dedicated to this League.
NB This classification well be update about 2 times for week (date of upgrade will be indicated).
At the finish of the month we stop the point system and restart him from 0.
In the montly classification we assign this point:
100,98,96,94,92 ... 6,4,2
So first 50 drivers of the month take points.
The final classification contains the amount of points taken during six months of the league.
The montly podium will be advertise in our Team web site home page.

Race restart for the first 10 drivers with the inverted classification of the previus race and for other by fast lap in race.
Race restart automatically each 120 seconds or if drivers vote to restart.

During race any drivers have to respect other drivers: please no wrecking and swearing.
It's possibile voting for kick or ban.
Drivers can open protest and ask other driver ban for bad driving in dedicated LFS Forum opening a new thread called [Protest] xxxx here:
Protest without attached reply will not consider. We will reply to protest in 72 hous max.