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S3 licensed
Quote from AutoPilot :It's not the temperature, it's tire wear. Worn tires are supposed to be faster on dry and smooth paved road (think about why slicks are faster...), so it's not really a bug, not to mention absurdity. I never saw any WR doing that, but I can see how someone would do that for easy cars like UF1 on short tracks or any car on oval. There's a limit on .spr file size, so you can't go on for hours, not sure what else could be done about it...

The Limit is really to high ... take a look to some FBM wr for example in WE1 ...

I hope that an "hotlap" is an "hotlap".

Do u know superpole or similar ?
During a superpole a driver can do 24 laps and then u can choose your best lap ... or u can do ONLY ONE lap ?
This is the absurd.

It's an hotlap system ... not a RACE-HOTLAP ...

About burning tyres ... after a high number al lap a tyres has a minor "brake rolling" with the same performance in corner ... so that is the bug.
When Scawen will fix this absurdity ?
S3 licensed
Some day ago was started the Italian Champs 2011.
The first combo is UF1 in SO1, look here: ... ack=SO1&orderby=times

Like all the year, can happens that someone do a new WR in the combo.

And this time is happen the same think.

First Maurizio Naselli did the wr, then Kart has taken ... that Maurizio again ... then Kart ... and actually Maurizio has the wr.

Where is the problem ?

The problem is simple ... I think that is really absurd that a pilot makes a world record in a track by exploiting a bug in the simulator.
The bug is the overheating of tires for many laps.

When Scawen solve this problem that makes LFS an arcade (and not a simulator) ?
S3 licensed
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

CILFS 2011, intro video
S3 licensed
Video by Massimo Sussani (Ciuppitrulli)
S3 licensed
Fixed, thank u finally.
S3 licensed
Error while starting: Cannot open TC37754807365826062664604 service on computer '.'.

Cannot open TC02082118086372458370612 service on computer '.'.

Account: mc0676
S3 licensed
Mate, my "CILFS 2011" server is online ... but if i enter in my admin panel i can manage ANOTHER server ... not that one.

My account login is "mc0676".

Can u "attack" the server CILFS 2011 to my account and delete the other service ?

Attached to that CILFS 2011 there is a running Airio that i cannot see in my admin panel ... and i would see that Airio too ...
S3 licensed
O nice, my login start with "m" ... yes ...i'm very happy !
S3 licensed
Hy Franly,
i've a problem !
With my account (mc0676) i see my services like "Unknow Service".
Why ?
I've a 47 slots server for 1 year and a pros airio.
Please fix it.

I cannot send ticket from my hosting panel, too.
S3 licensed

Dec 10 17:23:05 37 - Padovan : ^L!TOP
Dec 10 17:23:05 37 - Padovan : !top
Dec 10 17:23:13 37 - Padovan^L disconnected
Dec 10 17:32:50 /pass=
Dec 10 17:32:50 host : ^L!ch on
Dec 10 17:32:50 LFS server settings have been reset...
Dec 10 17:32:50 Airio basic checks are now turned on...
Dec 10 17:32:50 Airio advanced checks are now turned on...

Dec 10 17:56:26 Spectate All command carried out...
Dec 10 18:06:26 /pass=
Dec 10 18:06:26 host : ^L!ch on

what about that ?
S3 licensed
Eq Worry,
hi mate.

One question: can Airio toggle the pass from a server ?

We have a strange situation, we use a server with a password but after some hours ... pass is deleted .... very strange !
S3 licensed
omg, in italy exist a "postal card" (postepay) that is like a credit card (recargeable) that cost only 5€ and it's very hopefully to buy online.
S3 licensed
A ok, spent 19.90 € ...
S3 licensed
Sure, it's a bit different.

What your name in NKP ?

My is Michele Campini.
S3 licensed
Tonight first KS2 race for the KS2 Champs by RSR.

How many drivers ! ... p;allocationscheduleid=82

Never saw a lot of people in NKP.
S3 licensed
Martin i saw your time in prato.
Looking the sector, i can see that u are using too low wings.

I know that resende and fox gek are using very high wings, something about 25-21 ...
S3 licensed
LOL Martin take the first position in the rank !
Nise Martin !

What wing do u use ? ... p?trackid=11&carid=30
S3 licensed
OMG !!!

NICE !!!

In Aviano i did and 1.07.8xx using 20-10 wings.
I think that is possible with the right setup.
S3 licensed
For me too, it strange but i hope it depends from setup.

Here the 1.06.7xx laps.

There is not time showned, but u can use a stopwatch
S3 licensed
Last edited by michele0676, .
S3 licensed
Talking about cheating is a big accuse mate !

We have to remember that Fox Gek is a netkar tester and he use the KS2 from a long time.

We can think that he can do that time becuase he have a lot of training with this car and he know perfect the setup ?
S3 licensed
Sure, i had here.

I added u too.
S3 licensed
I'm Michele Campini, do u remember ?

U're Marius Golombeck right ?

Well, i check his line during his lap and i'm agree with u.

S3 licensed
Eheh, i started a controversy with Kunos two months ago about that.
My teams decides to stop partecipate in a 1800 Champs by RSR because that.
Fox Gek with the F1800 with TCS and ABS can do 1-2 seconds more fast respect the other.

BUT IN THE v1.2 of NETKAR THERE ARE NOT ABS AND TCS for keyb and mouse users.

And now Fox use a G27.

Please try do a similar lap. ... p?trackid=11&carid=30

Here there is not the 1.06.7xx lap.
S3 licensed
OK mate, i agree at 100% with u.

I've the reply saved if u want i post here.

Fox Gek is a KS2 tester, he drive the KS2 from about 1 month but ALL WE KNOW who is Kronke SO i think that 1.06.7xx is REALLY strange like time.