--> I think it would be nice if I can do something like this: if the track KY2R is stored in the database, then select KY2R as standart value in the menu.php, instead of All Tracks.
This only if there one track, right ?
--> It would also be cool if you can add a line in the page like: 'Results last updated on date&time'.
I can do this one if u want, simple adding a new field in db.
--> Is it possible to make the page.php load before you hit the show results button? And maybe remove the button and make the page change when you click on a filter?
I did this one but i return back because if u have a big db this cause a big load server charge.
But if u want to it simple, in menù.php
<select name="selecttrack" size="2" style="width:160px; height:114px;">
I need some "beta"-tester, like you.
If after some weeks there not will be problems, i think that this beta version will became first official version.
The script work in this way:
- one script (script.php) if launched import all PBs in a mysql db;
- you can show the result in a web page, exactly like the airio script.
This script work with .ELP files.
To complete my work and share it, i need of a big .ELP file, to make some test.