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S3 licensed
In menu.php

<select name="selectcar" size="2" style="width:160px; height:114px;" onChange="form.submit()">
<option value="">All Car</option>
<option value="GT2">GT2 Cars</option>
<option value="GTL">GTL Cars</option>
<option value="GTR">GTR Cars</option>
<option value="TBO">TBO Cars</option>
$cont = 1;
$db = mysql_connect ($localhost, $user, $password);
mysql_select_db ($database, $db);
$stringa = "select distinct car from lfslappertable order by car asc";
$result = mysql_query($stringa, $db);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
if ($cont == 1)
echo "<option value='$row[car]' selected='selected'>$row[car]</option>";
echo "<option value='$row[car]'>$row[car]</option>";
$cont = $cont + 1;


replace with


<select name="selectcar" size="2" style="width:160px; height:114px;" onChange="form.submit()">
$cont = 1;
$db = mysql_connect ($localhost, $user, $password);
mysql_select_db ($database, $db);
$stringa = "select distinct car from lfslappertable order by car asc";
$result = mysql_query($stringa, $db);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
if ($cont == 1)
echo "<option value='$row[car]' selected='selected'>$row[car]</option>";
echo "<option value='$row[car]'>$row[car]</option>";
$cont = $cont + 1;
<option value="">All Car</option>
<option value="GT2">GT2 Cars</option>
<option value="GTL">GTL Cars</option>
<option value="GTR">GTR Cars</option>
<option value="TBO">TBO Cars</option>
S3 licensed
Good for u !!!

About AU request, yes u can, in menu.php find this line:

$stringa = "select distinct track from lfslappertable order by track asc";

replace with:

$stringa = "select distinct track from lfslappertable where track not like 'AU%' order by track asc";

S3 licensed
Uhm, since is really hard (for me) find a solution !
But u can try to use, in page.php and page2.php font size=1 and not 2.
Can u test this ?
S3 licensed
Can u post in a zip all the file that u are using and explain again exactly what u want do ?
S3 licensed
then change in page2.php the same think that u have change in page.php
S3 licensed

<iframe id = "lfslapper" name = "lfslapper" width="636px" src ="page2.php?selectcar=&selecttrack=&orderby=times&usern=" onLoad = "changeContent()" style = "height:0; width:636x; border-width:0;">

change 636 in what u want
S3 licensed
A ok perfect.

U have to edit page.php

"<table bgcolor='#CCCCCC' border='1' bordercolor='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'>"

replace with

"<table bgcolor='#CCCCCC' border='1' bordercolor='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1' width='XXX'>

XXX = what u want

U have to edit index.html too.

<frameset cols="200,*" frameborder="no">


<frameset cols="XXX,*" frameborder="no">

XXX = what u want
S3 licensed
Wich table ?
About internal table where u select track or car u need edit menu.php, it's simple u can find "pixel" value of each "table".
S3 licensed
Released, see on first post.
S3 licensed
Errata corrige.

Take a look now.

Total drift and drift score for single track.
S3 licensed
One question, i'm near to release version 1.0.1 for times and drift score.

But there's a problem:

For me in drift data when i displayed it is not "intelligenze" display tracks and car because drift score are for all, not for single track/car.

Is this correct ?

New script will store times and drift score, only drift or only times.
S3 licensed
I try to "do" one only script for drift score and times.
S3 licensed
Emil on the left there is the date/time of update
S3 licensed
Check this one:

I think we can use auto refresh without button because lfslapper db is not big like airio db.

Where i can found drift data ?
S3 licensed

--> I think it would be nice if I can do something like this: if the track KY2R is stored in the database, then select KY2R as standart value in the menu.php, instead of All Tracks.

This only if there one track, right ?

--> It would also be cool if you can add a line in the page like: 'Results last updated on date&time'.

I can do this one if u want, simple adding a new field in db.

--> Is it possible to make the page.php load before you hit the show results button? And maybe remove the button and make the page change when you click on a filter?

I did this one but i return back because if u have a big db this cause a big load server charge.

But if u want to it simple, in menù.php

<select name="selecttrack" size="2" style="width:160px; height:114px;">

<select name="selecttrack" size="2" style="width:160px; height:114px;" onchange="form.submit()">

This one for ALL select.


About iframe, I don't know java script language so i don't know other solution more "modern".
Last edited by michele0676, .
S3 licensed
Sorry for late @emit-nl
i was busy in these day but i can see that u solved the problem (iframe).
A rare lfs fly-bug ! :D
S3 licensed
Quote from emit-nl :Hi,

I just have been trying to make your lfslapperscript working, but I really have no experience with MySQL and PHPMyAdmin. I've seen your readme and mysql instructions files.. but still I can't get it, mainly because PHPMyAdmin there are much more values you can fill in.

So, could you help me with this please?
I attached some screenshots of PHPMyAdmin, and I'm sure it's not correct what I typed in it.. but hope you can tell me what to do.

Btw, I allready edited the config.php file for my database.
Link to the test website:

Thanks in advance!


Select SQL task in the top then paste the contents of mysql_instrunction.txt e run it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :-attacks dbs file-

I cannot see the attachs.
S3 licensed
Can u attack one .dbs file please ?
S3 licensed
I need some "beta"-tester, like you.
If after some weeks there not will be problems, i think that this beta version will became first official version.
S3 licensed
I've attached on first post the script, if someone want to test it to return some feed back ....
S3 licensed
Thanks mate, is sufficient big !
I've imported it, it works, u can check if u want.
LFS Lapper Script (import .ELP PBs and Drift Score in a mysql DB)
S3 licensed
for a friend (Lysergic) i'm working to a script like this one, that i did for Airio Lapper:

The script work in this way:
- one script (script.php) if launched import all PBs in a mysql db;
- you can show the result in a web page, exactly like the airio script.

This script work with .ELP files.

To complete my work and share it, i need of a big .ELP file, to make some test.

For now, i'm here:

Another possible usage use this one: ... ;orderby=times&usern=

Update List:
First Release (1.0.1) - 24/02/2010
Last edited by michele0676, .