I just need some verification on this.
If i sign up, put in my card details, then cancel on the last day of the trial, i wont get charged?
As i really dont want to get charged when ive only ever got 44p in my account haha.
Im just doing it now... this is going to be quite funny haha.
Age Of Conan
You know, i was expecting something ALOT worse for a 5 year old system.
Although then again i did give it anohter 512mb of ram, and a new sound card. So if it still had the original 512mb of ram, and no sound card it would probably be alot worse.
This is a crap sub? **** ME!!
For a crap sub its amazing! It makes my entire house shake, and its placed ontop of an extremely un solid floor so alot off the bass is lost through that.
If this is a crap sub id love to see a proper sub :|
I've got the Z-5500's and love them
Id obviously love an expensive audiophile 5.1 set up much more.
But for the price the z-5500's are amazing.
Very worth getting
Cameras are all colours :/ Ive seen pink ones, red ones, blue one, i had a black one.
Thank you
Created them myself :/ I see your point now, but my teacher didnt help any of us with creating our surveys, he just said do them and get them filled out so i had no clue wether mine was right or wrong :/
Wow! Im absolutely gobsmacked at the ammount of surveys ive had filled out in the last 14 hours! Thanks to everyone who has filled one out It is much appreciated!
Well its not really marketing, its research, you need research to be able to design your product for your market. Theres no point designing a camera thats pearlescent pink with a huge zoom, no features, all buttons and no touch screen..... if nobody wants it like that.
I didnt think you were a bastard anyways
The assignment was just to collect answers for the survey, he doesnt care how i do it. But thank you for the spelling tip i normally mess up on my theirs and theres.
Ill add the name iCam into my results after, so anybody who wants iCam then say it in the thread and ill add it in. Same with iSnap.
In my original survey design i had a "other" box at the bottom of that question where if selected you could write your own name. But i could'nt work out how to do it :/
Im guessing thatd be
"What is your age?: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510"
or even
"What is your age?: Over 9000"
Haha :P.
Once again thank you to EVERYONE who has filled out a survey You are really helping!
Thank you
Yeah it is a nightmare to go around town getting people to fill out surveys. So id rather just put one up on the internet and get it filled out. Much easier.
Also thanks to the other few people who have filled it out but not posted here.
Also LOL @ the "3 year old" who said this "Are their any features which aren't included in the list above that you would like in the digital camera?: The camera should be able to play all games such as Crysis and Far Cry 2 on max settings."
Thank you very much!
Yeah coursework and surveys are extremely annoying :/ especially as i have a shed load of graphics coursework to be giving in first thing on monday.
Part of my graphics coursework is to make a survey and get it filled out by various different people. And what better people then the lovely LFS community.
My survey is aimed mainly at 13-21 year olds, but any age person may fill it out.
It is about Apple and if they were to design a digital camera to go with their current "i" brand of products.
I had to google toribash And now im hooked on it! And its annoying me because i find it impossible to do what i want, i can make him hit the other guy, but not how i want him to do it.
The Logitech Z-5500's do provide good sound, perhaps not excellent, but good. And for the z-5500's price range the quality is extremely good compared to other systems in this price range.
Also nor I or Tommy listen to our music like this all the time, we know that if the bass is up then the sound will go boomy and slightly shitty. But we dont listen to music like that all the time.
I only like to put it bassy to show off, its a cool thing to show off to my friends, and to ladie friends, especially when i ask the ladies to put their breasticles on the wall outside my room (when my subwoofer is directly on the other side of the wall). Haha, but yeah, i do listen to music with the bass at a reasonable level so that its not all shizzy like you say.
Edit: Jibber are you using a soundcard by any chance? As having a shitty/no sound card will make them sound shite.
:/ The last speakers i had didnt really have a subwoofer either, they had 3 mid range tweeters.
Now you tell me my new one isnt a subwoofer either, *slaps you*.
Ahah, well thats the only place in the room where i can have the sub. I think its probably the fact that i have an extremely week floor. I know the solution though, move house haha. XD
Im about to upload a video of a can of diet coke on my desk being filmed whilst playing the prodigy. Which doesnt move at all :/ And then another of it ontop of the subwoofer. Where it moves slightly. But does nothing compared to your video lol.
Thats the floor underneath it.
And bass isnt directional. Bass moves in all directions :/
Isnt it 2 feet/60 cm?
Either way i cant move it anywhere else as thats the only place a subwoofer this big can go.
And all the electrical things above it that are within 2feet (everything up until the playstation) are off so they wont get affected, and if they do their not mine so smeh haha.
And my computer is possibly within the 2feet thing but its old and i wouldnt mind if it broke so i could upgrade to a newer one.
Ahah, ok ill move my amplifier from besides the subwoofer to give that pipe some air, i didnt even put that amp there :/ my mum did.
Also ive noticed the subwoofer is very bassy, but at the same time not bassy :s
As in wherever i go in the house i can hear/feel the bass.... but yet its not strong enough to move a diet coke can which is on the desk next to it, and even if i put it ontop of the subwoofer it hardly moves.