My daddy used to have a supra a few years ago, can i join
It was black, and sexyy! And went vrooooom TISHHHH, and then we'd goo whooooo, and we get sucked into our seats and then we poop panties cause he go very fast
Ahah, thanks for all the links Ive bookmarked them all.
Ive finished reading the F***ing manual and i understand my camera a bit more. Although i cant really test out anything ive learnt as i dont really have anything to take pictures of.
But in the meantime ill have a look through some of your links
Ahah right i see, and having a hose pipe and a ladder will protect me from morons?
SWEET, ima getting a ladder and a hose pipe and ima putting it on ma front door!
I dont think the A350 has that, it just has an option for either Auto, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 or 3200.
Ahah, found it, im going to have to buy a tripod if i want to change the aperature, as if the shutter speed is ever so slightly slow then my image is going to be blurred like shiz!
And im going through the manual now
Haha, its not THAT bad is it? Ive never noticed anything wrong with it.
Thank you very much This is exactly what i need, ive only just recently gotten my a350, and i really dont know how to use it, i pretty much just leave it on auto or auto with no flash as most of the time when i change things they just come out crap.
Im guessing the image stabisilation is the "Super Steady Shot" switch in the bottom right corner?
I have left the camera on auto iso, as i said before i pretty much just leave it on auto, but from now on ill remember not to have over 800 iso during the daytime.
Due to the camera being on auto i cant really choose whats in focus and what isnt, and i dont even know how to change it on this camera but ill have a look through everything for aperature.
I really am quite new to the DSLR scene so i dont have a clue on how to do anything, but i am really up for learning!
Oh and the car isnt mine, its my brothers, ive told him to clean the bloody thing and go for a drive with me so i can take some pictures of it looking nice, but he's a lazy sod haha.
Ive noticed all my images look fine if their squeezed down to a smaller size, so like orignal size is 3xxx by 2xxx but if they're squeezed down to 1280x852 then they look pretty good.
I may perhaps replace all my images with original sized ones and then just use width & height tags to squeeze them down :/
I'm using Photoshop CS3 and my camera is a Sony a350.
But strobe pm'd me a link to a plugin on the adobe website, which lets me open raw files in my photoshop
So thank you Strobe!
Photoshop now does everything i need, batch processing & resizing.
I would normally do that but A) I havent found anything that lets Photoshop read RAW files. And B) I need to have all my files as Jpeg's because my computer is rather old, so it takes forever to load up RAW files, and i can only load up one at anyone time.
Ahah, well ive uninstalled Sony's software and found something called "Contenta Converter" which has a 30 day trial which doesnt seem too bad so far as it can do batch processing and it can automatically resize the picture from the original. But ill check out those two as well.
Ahah, well i would have done this, but the sony software which i had didnt have an option to resize the image, it only had an option for selecting image quality. So i had to reconvert it again after.
Anyways thank you all for you replies I see now that Sony software = fail
I need some help with the post photo stuff :/
I take my photos in the RAW/ARW format. And then i convert them to JPEG's using "Image Data Lightbox SR" which came on a CD which came with my sony camera.
I then convert these photos to a smaller jpeg using another programme.
In the end i have 3 folders.
A RAW folder with my RAW files in.
A RawJpeg folder with my Converted RAW files.
and A Jpeg folder with my converted RawJpeg files.
My RAW's look sexy, but then my RawJpeg's and my Jpeg's look crap, their not very sharp, and are slightly blurred, and its making all of my photos look shite.
Any fixes? Maybe a different programme to use? Or should i just start saving files in Jpeg format rather then RAW?
A remix of the song Day N Nite by Kid Cudi that my friend did.
Its called Daylight, and its about Josef Fritzl.
I wouldnt listen to it if you're easily insulted by jokes about incest/rape/enslavement.