Haha :P.
Yeah i went on the ipodtouchfans website and i dont think it'll be long before theres a jailbreak out, there already is one but it's not official.
I have just found something in the update that has made me jizz in my pants!
I read that you can do bluetooth stereo now, but i was like oh big whoop who cares. Then i realised if i find my bluetooth headset/mic, i can pair it up to my ipod touch, and then i can listen to music without wires!
Also means i can leave my ipod touch in my room and walk around my house still listning to music!
That is one feature that has made me unbelivably excited! I just need to find the bloody headset haha.
I've just updated and i think it just un jailbroke my ipod :|
Edit: Yup definitly unjailbroke it, sbsettings is gone, five icon dokc is gone, my skin is gone. Damnit
Double Edit: I've just gone through all my games on my itouch and they all work perfectly except:
Diner Dash: Width of the app isnt the same as the screen.
TNA: only the bottom left corner of the app is acctually in the screen.
Also anything downloaded through installous doesnt work, quits back to home menu when you try to launch.
To be honest im not that happy with the new update, doesnt really make it all that much better but thats only because i had a jailbroken itouch. If it was a standard itouch id be amazed with this update
But due to me being used to a jailbroke itouch im used to the majority of these new features already as i used to have them anyway.
When you jailbreak your warranty is voided, but if you ever break anything simply do a restore and if the restore itself doesnt fix it then the restore wipes all evidence of the jailbreak, so effectivly it gives you back your warranty.
It's people like you that make Installous look like just a app to pirate programmes.
Installous isnt for just getting apps for free. It's for testing the game and then deciding wether you want to buy it. Currently the app store is flawed in the way that you cant really get a trial of any games, if you buy a game and you dont like it then your stuffed, you dont get your money back easily.
Installous sorts this by letting you test the game and then if you like it you buy the game from the appstore.
Which is what i do, i download apps for free through installous, i play them a bit, decide wether i like them enough, and if i do i buy them. If i dont like them i just delete the app.
But then there are alot of people who just download the games for free with no intention of ever legally buying it.
Jailbreaks are usually hardware jailbreaks, not software jailbreaks. So if its jailbroken then that means it can still be jailbroken again and easily. Also im pretty that you can update to the new one if you already have a jailbroken iphone, i think it said so on www.ipodtouchfans.com and i remember there were people who were using the beta with a jailbroken iphone.
Ahah, fair enough then, over here we dont have O2 we have someone else, so coverage and connections are all fine over here.
Well thats because the iphone isnt designed for someone who wants to be taking pictures all the time, the iphone is more like a PDA. A phone like the Sony Ericson C902 is for taking photos.
And WHOOOOO Update
Although i've got an itouch, so i think i'll probably have to pay for this update Or would i get it for free as my dad has an iphone?
Haha like i said on msn GAYY :P
Any straight man who listens to Britney Spears has got to be taking it up the bum! *Hides the fact he has two Britney Spears albums on his ipod*
ahah, that sucks :/ over here i think your allowed at any age, as log as you have a bank account which they can take the money out of every month.
And haha Takumi :P Maybe we are meant to be together?
it cant just be coincidence that we both have the same phone, and both posted it around the same time
Wow you need a minimum age to be on contract? Depresseing
My phone is a lovely Sony Ericson K850i best phone EVARR imo, makes me quite sad that SE have stopped creating "K" phones Means now when i want to upgrade i have to go to something im unfamiliar/uncomfertable with.
Mine is the one with the blue line around the edges.
@ Dougie
Simple fix is dont bother reading the comments.
I dont, i know how to install things, or how a song works. And im smart enough to check who uploaded the torrent and see wether they're trustworthy or not, im not saying your not smart enough to do that though.
One of my websites i open as soon as i come on my computer.
He can be so sure because he coded the bloody dedicated host! He knows whats going on! He knows what the host is programmed to do, and as he said the host isnt programmed to mess about with other programmes. It just sits their and listens to incoming connections.