I read the thread title as "Post Your Email Account" :/.
The majority of the emails i get are from facebook, the rest are apple, sometimes lfs forum, chain mails, and other such crap.
I have no clue how Buisness Studies Exam = LFS S2? Haha.
Also heres advice for you in LFS... if you ever see me DO NOT go near me, im the worst drive here and chances are i'll end up somehow taking us both out..... on a straight.
Yes i know that but still i just meant to feel that ill you must have an extremely weak stomache.
And true quite a bit of it was sicky and eww but i just couldnt help but laugh at how the video was itself :/ Completely failish rip off of saw.
Throwing up? Do you have an extremely weak stomache?
Yeah sure some of the parts made me feel a bit :| WHOAH. But none of it made me queesy, it looked completely and utterly fake, and i have a weak stomache and yet i didnt feel ill about it.
I have no clue what everybody is on about, i just understand that Shadowww likes porn with massive balls, which is rather funny as Shadowws avatar looks a bit like someone making the gay hand movement haha.
Or is it just me that see's that in his avatar?
My dad had a severe heart attack a few years ago because of his smoking...
Edit: How am i ignorant? Because i found these videos funny? Im sorry but they werent done in an extremely serious way.... at the end of the last video the doctor gives the kid back his dick and tells him to run, im sorry but these videos have humour in, which i noticed and found funny. I don't find smoking itself a funny thing, i really dislike people who smoke, and i know what can happen to someone if they smoke.
I watched Hangover today, absolutely AWESOME film! First film i've acctually watched where everybody was wetting themselves, it was even completely sold out, people had to just sit on the stairs.
A film very worth seeing! I may even go watch it again next friday.
The credit card problem is just one problem, the other problem is that apple being the idiots they are have decided to change something with their sign up process which means that no one who lives in the channel islands can sign up because their postcode just wont work.
Although if you can find a fix for this I would be rather grateful, although I doubt you can as even the apple store here has said nobody can do anything.
Perhaps im not cracking my apps.....
If i dont have a credit card then i cant make an itunes store account, without an itunes store account i cant even download free things from the app store. So maybe i have installous to just get free apps as im an honest person?
Well thats rather strange, for someone who has an entire desk cluttered with stuff to do with restoring toy trains, i acctually cant find one train on that desk..... besides the ones on the books.
Happyness thread
The girl i am majorly in love with has just broken up with her boyfriend.
Time for me to try and get back in tehre
Btw tahts a rather random dream of yours haha =]
This video just made me laugh haha.
But this is the kind of shit they need to show us in school! Not some "oh *enter name* is smoking, that means s/he will get various diseases blah blah blah"
Very very true this
We are such a caring community that if SamH was about to be killed, i would run all the way there and save him myself.
Just like if i was about to be killed, im sure somebody else would run all the way here and save me.... i hope