Heres everything on the Apple website that is a product of theirs that doesnt begin with an "i".
Airport Express
AirPort Extreme
Mighty Mouse
Led Cinema Display
Macbook Pro
Macbook Air
Mac Mini
Mac Pro
Final Cut Studio
Final Cut Server
Final Cut Express
Logic Studio
Logic Express
Apple Remote Desktop
Mac OSX Server
And here is a list of everything that does begin with an "i"
True, but you didnt have to report him straight away, perhaps he didnt know it was agains the apple TOS, you couldve just told him to remove the link.
But he still hasnt removed the link now even after you told him so smeh.
Perhaps somebody else will finish it.
I never started on it due to the fact that after all the hassle of getting mac onto my vista laptop, i then couldnt work out how to install anything, nor how to use anything, and the internet wouldnt work, and so many things werent working, so i gave up with mac and stopped with this.
If i ever get a proper mac then perhaps i may try again, but until then perhaps someone else may want to start it?
Wow your just as bad as apple, im suprised you didnt find his address, run over there, and smash his head through his screen, before carrying him to jail yourself, and proceeding to help apple sue him.
Acctually your the person who has used the word "fanboy" the most times in this thread, whenever we have a reason that just shows how mac fails in certain areas compared to windows, you just reply with "your a fanboy".
Your like an immature little child, chances are you'll just call me a fanboy now, and then go on to call everyone else a fanboy.
Well please just shut up and go in the corner and have sex with your iFleshlight.
Vista is saferAs I've written before, Vista is a more secure operating system than Mac OS X. Mac OS X was easier to crack in a recent hacking contest. And security researcher Dino Dai Zovi had this to say about Vista versus Mac OS X when it comes to security:
I have found the code quality, at least in terms of security, to be much better overall in Vista than Mac OS X 10.4. It is obvious from observing affected components in security patches that Microsoft's Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) has resulted in fewer vulnerabilities in newly-written code.
The Mac is closed; Vista is open
Any person or company who wants to build a PC with Vista on it, and either sell it, or use it themselves, is perfectly free to do so, as long as they buy the operating system. Try to do that with a Mac, and you'll be spending some face time with Apple's attack dog lawyers.
PCs Are More Cost-Effective. Macs are still priced too high. Tell me you don’t agree. And if you don’t, then you’ve been hypnotized, too. The Apple Stores and have created a one-world pricing universe for all things Mac, while in the PC world there are multiple manufacturers, tons of retail stores, loads of sales and rebates, and plenty of cheap refurbished parts on the market that people can use to make their own dream machines. Apple’s cheapest laptop is still more than $1,000. You can get a PC laptop for $500 at Best Buy. Yes, they’re different in quality -- but an eight-year-old who needs to plunk out a book report doesn't need 0.13 inch-thin wafers of aluminum. Families, non-nerds, and most of the adult world need less-expensive options, and for $500, the only thing Apple sells that has a screen and reads email is an iPhone or an iTouch.
Apple Is Fascist. You can’t build a Mac easily, and you can’t really customize them, either -- not unless you want to invalidate your warranty. They’re like fancy sports cars run on a single computer chip, fixable only at your dealer for a set price. Hacking a Mac feels like rape to fanboys, and it can be done, but with a trip to Fry’s Electronics and a little lunch money in the PC world you can basically soup up your own Windows roadster. That’s not appealing to most people -- but there are amazing things you can do on PCs with homemade software that usually isn’t OS X-compatible whatsoever. Waiting for a Mac patch of a file-sharing program, cell phone patcher, or whatever your freedom-cherishing heart desires can feel like exile. Sure, Macs have fewer viruses, worms, and crapware -- but they also have expensive, difficult-to-mod machines that become obsolete in a few short years. The same thing happens to PCs, too. And they're cheaper.
It's Still a PC World Out There. Just in case you want to run your world business with a healthy dose of cheap labor from Pakistan (or, with the declining dollar, Alabama), just remember that it’ll be Windows you’ll need to run it on. But Macs run Windows! Yeah, I know. The Mac is a fine, high-end Windows machine. And it’s really cool that Macs run Windows XP. But the real issue is, when will OS X be good enough to not need to run Windows at all? That ability to boot up XP is not so much a Mac victory as it is Bill Gates’ triumph. He now has compatibility with his competitor, which was the whole idea in the first place. Apple should follow suit and make iLife available to Windows users in its entirety. Of course, they won’t. And every time I have to boot up Windows to load some obscure piece of software I want to run just because I can, it reminds me that OS X can’t run it. Apple’s design is the slickest around, but what I want to see is an even more wide-open computer, one where everything it does is better than a PC…not just most things. Until then I’m going to envy those PC users just a little bit. All 96.5 percent of you."
" 1. Windows is more customizable
Change the desktop theme - including wallpaper, taskbar, window styles and fonts - to anythingyoulike. Try doing that on a Mac.
2. Windows is more compatible
Let’s face it - practically all software and peripherals out there support Windows. (Though the Mac is getting better all the time in this regard.)
3. Choose your own hardware
With Windows you’re not tied into one manufacturer with a limited product range like you are with Mac OS (Psystar notwithstanding). On a budget? Any cheap clone will run Windows. Want something that exactly matches your lifestyle or situation? The range of PC options is huge so you’re bound to find something that suits.
4. Better keyboard shortcuts
You can access any menu option in a Windows app with 2 or 3 keystrokes, and they’re the same standard keystrokes on any Windows PC. With Mac apps you’re limited to the shortcuts chosen by the app developer. (You can add your own shortcuts on a per-app basis, but then you have to remember which shortcuts you’ve added for each app. And what happens if you get a new Mac, or use a friend’s? You have to redo all your shortcuts again!)
Furthermore, you can access pretty much all controls in any Windows dialog or window via the keyboard. Mac OS lets you turn on so-called “full keyboard access”, but there are still many things you can’t do with the keyboard (try moving from the Calendars pane to the Day/Week/Month View pane in iCal, for example, or activating the all-important Scan button in Image Capture).
5. Sensible use of navigation keys
I know I’ve been over this before, and it’s largely a “personal taste” thing, but after nearly 3 years of using the Mac I still can’t get my head around using the finger-twisting Command-Left Arrow to go the beginning of a line, and Command-Right Arrow to go the end of the line. Not to mention the Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys that scroll without moving the cursor. Arrrgh. Windows uses these keys much more sensibly in my opinion.
6. More useful file manager
Finder can’t cut and paste files or give you a 2-pane tree view of your files and folders. Windows Explorer can, and jolly useful these functions are, too.
7. More flexible open/save dialogs
Speaking of file management, Windows open and save dialogs let you rename and delete files and folders; add new files and folders; open a selected file in another app for viewing/editing; open a selected folder in Windows Explorer; and manipulate image files:
Mac’s open/save dialogs merely let you select a file and create a new folder. Not nearly as useful.
8. Much bigger range of games
I’d love to play a lot of games on my Mac, but sadly there just isn’t the range that there is for Windows. And when you do get a game for the Mac, it’s often a second-rate port of the Windows version.
9. Easier to get help
There are many more Windows users than Mac users. If you get stuck with your Windows PC, chances are you know someone round the corner (or their kid!) who can help you fix it. With a Mac, you might be struggling.
10. Windows Media Center does more than Front Row
Media Center lets you watch and record live TV and/or radio (with a suitable card), and you can do a lot more thanks to plugins. It also works with a mouse if you want it to. Can’t do any of things with Front Row (the Apple Remote is nice though).
Btw im not a microsoft fanboy, if anything im acctually an apple fanboy because of my itouch.
I have used mac in the past, i do like it, but i just prefer windows as its a HELL of alot cheaper, and it does pretty much the same shit as mac, if not more.
Thats true, but the majority of PC users are stupid little teenagers who just browse and browse and get spyware, and install anything if it means they can watch some stupid video.
Although then again their are equally as many people who dont do that.
But still, rubbing a 5-7 year old system, with the original parts inside, with quite a few heavy programmes (i.e photoshop) and not having any problems whatsoever deserves an award
If you want to control your computer from your ipod and you want something that works alright look up "Mocha VNC" if you want something thats better and around £10 ish then look up real jaadu vnc/jaadu rdp.
If you wanna control your itouch from your computer then that involves jailbreaking
Wow, One of the mighty lords who lurks the void spaces of the lfs forum, a man who defeats the hacking bastardo's of doom, a man who rules all of our lives on this forum, a man who time and time again has thwarted the plans of crazy flaming bannana carrying ninja monkeys! Has failed at voting.
Also, i use all os'. Right now its windows XP, but ive had ubuntu on here so thats linux on here, ive also had windows 7 on here.
On my old laptop i had windows vista, and i managed to get mac on that too.
And then on my ps3 i have yellow dog linux and i have windows 95 running within that.
WHOAH WHOAH! Careful what you're saying about my graphics card .
And to the topic poster, close all your unnecessary processes, set your graphics right down, make sure you have the most updated graphics, and set your card to be more performancy instead of graphicsy.