Well if you posted up the bhp and weight and wether it was FWD or RWD. I could work out for you using the MCW Race Judger document, and i could see who would win out of you two
Pixelcarlife.com is indeed a decent pixel car game, but MCW is not a ripoff full of stolen artwork, when we were setting it up we made sure we had permissions for every single base.
Haha i saw you signed up yesterday
When i was looking for my profile in the profile thread i saw a Luke.S thread and i was like :O OH MY!
I went to the job application thread so i could accept your new job myself but someone else had Haha.
Truueeee, well you could do, but it would technically be better if you did it yourself.
But if your no good at it yourself you can ask others to do it for you, and you pay them virtual moneys.
Edit: This was my original car...
I payed 4100cr to someone and they changed it to this
Well im not sure really, but why would you do that? Your car would look like crap? Wouldnt be the same colour at all.
It'd be like one of those cheap tacky chav cars where each different body panel is a different colour haha.
Bassicly you get virtual money, you buy a virtual car, you race virtual races, you win virtual money, and you buy virtual mods, and add them to your car in photoshop/paint/whatever.
Their are quite a few different pixel car websites. Manga car world being one which was extremely populer a while back, also its the one where im a moderator at.
I vote we ban dawesdust_12 from writing in any thread which involves mac, windows, apple, software, hardware, computers, laptops, browsers, phones and ipods.
migz if there are factors outside of the control of teenage drivers than it doesn't really matter what you drive, does it?
Well im not a driver so i dont know what dangers there are. But for one, if someone pulled out infront of you on an extremely narrow road with nowhere else then your more likely to slam into the side of that car if you had a more powerful car, as you'll be going faster.
You can't handle something more powerful than 1.1l fwd crapbox?
I feel really sorry for you
I never said i couldn't handle it :|
I just said chances are it would end up with it being crashed....
Teenagers tend to have a trigger finger but for their foot and for the accelerator. They tend to drive way too fast ALL the time.
So something is bound to happen.
But then again the UK is much smaller then other places like america, so we WOULD find something over 2.0l mega powerful, because something like that could travel quite a distance here in a short time. But wouldnt really travel as much of a distance somewhere bigger like the USA.
that was my post, Shadowww
and why always, when someone starts to talk about young drivers + powerful cars, UK boys always are first who starts to crying about that, because its wrong, etc etc? its your problem that you can only afford to insure a 1.1l fwd crapbox, so stop brainwash other peoples who lives in countries with normal insurance prices.
I Can afford to insure something much more powerful then 1.1l fwd crapbox.
But im not allowed to insure it under my own name, i would just be rejected. If i wanted i could get it insured under my dad and get myself put in as an extra driver.
But im smart and know that if i/young drivers get something powerful it will probably end with the car flipping through the air, and ripping some poor old grannys face off then crushing some 10 year old against a wall before falling into a baby.
And yes here a Cavy is considered a very normal car. I dont know what kind of cars you are allowed over there but here a 220hp car is considered a 'normal' first car...
I'm not sure what car is a normal car over here either, but that car just seems way to unnormal. A supercharger? That just makes me instantly think FAST WHOOOOTTTTT, which is something which wouldnt be allowed for a first car here.
Also im not too car savvy but that car is 2.2 litre and i think the majority of people over here for a first car would only have something thats around 1.4 litre.
I dunno, to me it just seems like that cars wayyyyy too fast for a first car.
What age are you first allowed to start driving?
why the aggression? he simply posted his opinion which was that he wasnt going to use it, no need to get really touchy.
No he was being remtarded.
Also there was no agression in my post nor was i being touchy.
I never said he should use iNav, i never said anyone should use iNav, i simply posted the theme i used to use, and he replies as if i asked him to change to iNav. He didn't say anything like that about the other theme that was posted.
I like my iPod the way it is so im not gonna bother getting iNav
I never asked you to get iNav, i simply did what the thread title told me to do, i posted my ipod touch theme (be it an old one that i dont use anymore but it was still an ipod touch theme).