Btw, what are the rules about driving on the non-banked part of the oval?
In nascar you're allowed to drive over it, even if you want to pass someone, because it's part of the track.
I was wondering if the UXRL admins think like that too because I don't wanna get a penalty afterwards.
Well, there's a big straight after it so the tires do clean a bit, but to be honest I don't think that by cutting the track this way you'll win a lot...
Yeah thats true that I'm only half a second away from the WR with a full tank, but that doesn't help me a lot since I'm 1.5 seconds away from the XFR WR, so I'm not really feeling that comfortable yet.
I do feel comfortable about Blackwood next week, seeing as the UFR WR is faster then the XFR
Oh , like that. Sorry wasn't reading good enough
But I don't know really. I read something about that the side loads are different, but I didn't really get that explanation. I'll try to find a better answer but I hope someone on the forum will come up with one.
Closer gear ratios help clutchless shifting too
They use really durable transmissions in v8 supercars which allows them to do this. Some people like Greg Murphy even up and downshift w/o clutch, but it seriously wears down the gears quickly. In the enduro races they always use the clutch.
They also don't have synchronizers in the transmissions which makes clutchless shifting "easier".
LFS certainly made me faster on the track and I think everybody can get faster with it, but only if you have a good and clean driving style. If you just jerk the car around the track and you're more then 4 seconds slower then the wr I wouldn't recommend you to go on the track.
Best thing I can recommend you is buying a good racing technique book and practice in LFS. After that watch a lot of onboard racing videos, read the book again, and then go on the track. You should just really "get it" why a racing car does this or that, and after that I'm sure you'll be a lot better irl.
Tonight were 2 good races for me again, no mistakes and easy driving.
It kinda sucked when I finally reached kev in the second race to see him go off the track, but thats racing.
I do would like to ask macset and freeliner to be a little more friendly to the person who is driving next to them. freeliner pushed me onwards the grass twice but luckily I was able to not go off.
So, good racing and I'll see ya guys next week on kyoto.
edit: The server was quite laggy. It took like half a minute for pb messages to show up and 10 seconds for fastest laps confirmation. Hopefully someone will improve that for next race.