In iracing the brakes are at full realistic strength, so 100% is the max a car can do. For the people with simplistic pedals this kinda sucks, but if you use a loadcell, like I do, it's quite nice actually. You could however edit the brake axis with diview or dxtweak and make 70% your 100%.
I had the exact same, and I got heavy negative points for that. The guy in front braked hard while the whole field went through t1 at snail pace.
Anyhow, I assumed my right front suspension was scrwed up because there was quite some visual damage, so I resetted.
I do hope they'll remove reset later on when the damage model is better and when everyone is less of a n00b
WoW uses the same subscription idea, and as far as I know it's the most successful game these past years (not that i've ever played it)
Anyhow, I just did my first 1:04 (1:04:363 to be exact)
That slowstice is actually becoming fun when you drive it closer to the limit
Anyhow, a quick opinion about laser scanned tracks; it's simply amazing. Where in lfs you can get away if you drive a wrong line through a corner, in iracing you cant because it's bumpy as hell outside the racing line and therefor lose grip (it's like this at lime rock).
edit: Boris, no one is forcing this game through your throat. If you don't like subscriptions or the price of iracing, then don't get iracing.
Wow.. Did someone force you with a gun to read this thread?
Anyhow, I'm amazed by the track textures and detail, and the amount of immersion. It was just scary to drive through the corkscrew at laguna seca (broke my suspension a few times in that corner, because I couldnt see shit!)
I drove some rfactor with the c6 mod on lime rock and laguna seca earlier, but iracing and these phenomenal tracks are 2 steps above it. The rfactor version of those tracks are just faulty at all levels.
As for a lfs v iracing comparison, well, I haven't driven iracing enough yet, but i'll try.
Small rundown:
Tire physics are a tie (I honestly could not note a difference in my driving style and end-result)
functionality/usabilty goes to lfs
best GUI goes to lfs (iracing gui is not intuitive tbh)
beauty goes to iracing (seriously, it's stunning)
immersion goes to iracing (first time through the corkscrew had me scared, seriously!)
iRacing did help me realize that high quality graphics are a must for any racing game simply because it looks more real and therefor adds to immersion. Finding markers for braking, turn in etc, is also much easier with these textures.
Btw, don't take this too seriously as I've not even driven on a server with more then 1 person on it, let alone a race, and the solstice is not the best car ever made to review a whole game.
I do have to revise my opinion on the solstice though; it's crappy. So now im gonna do some oval racing with the legends to compare
Im drivin a bit now in lime rock with the solstice, but how can you call a car with 4 gears a sportscar!?!!?
Anyhow, the game looks amazing on my no-longer-new-pc (e6600, 4gb ram and 8800gts) and I get a steady 60fps with vsync enabled while driving (with class 2 settings)
Only changing gfx settings is a bit cumbersome to be honest because i have to restart iracing each time....
I cancelled the download and started one again, which is going full speed now, so I assume it redirected me to a different server now.
opera is indeed not supported. I think you get an warning if you go onto the member site with an unsupported webclient (which happened to me this afternoon with ff3) so you should've been warned.
The first time i drove karts was when i was 10 I think, and I was quite horrible because I didn't know how to correct my mistakes so I usually ended up in a barrier.
I do think lfs can help you in that respect, and also with overtaking maneuvers.