Well, it wasn't our server and at the time no one knew anything about running servers and connecting insim to it (all i worked on were local insim apps).
I think I still have the app on my mac somewhere, so if i find it I'll post it here.
Some things need to be changed, so I need to go over that with you guys (think banner, motd, or maybe some new features).
I'll just join your server sometime, and we'll work on it.
I am working on a new server controlling application, but that's far from done. So if you guys don't mind i'll give you a copy of the program zwr is using (it supports custom global restriction, so not only baby-r).
btw, Becky's app never worked on the zwr server due to a "misconfiguration" and was never a base for the current application (different programming languages even).
Apparently you cant open a project in VS, so a readme is a good idea. Also, if you expect someone to hold you hand every step of the way, ask a parent.
btw, spamming in someone else's topic is a bad idea
And if you really wanna program, using the search from time to time is a good idea (especially if there's a thread called "learning to program" in this forum)
of course it had a clutch, do you actually know how engines work?
And if i'm correct in 1991 McLaren still had H-shifters (which I think someone said in the onboard video thread here on this forum) and paddle shifters were invented by ferrari in 1989.
Something like that doesn't really have to be enforced by the league organizers, but there can be a drivers agreement about it (I don't suppose getting all drivers to agree on that will be hard 'cause it's a favorable solution for all).
First of all, learn what insim actually is, and secondly, how do you plan to check the integrity of every WR? Are you volunteering to watch and judge every replay?
It's funny nobody mentions the extra registers that 64 bit cpu's have, because reducing the amount of load's and store's between the registers and ram is what imo gives it it's boost (or i've been taught wrong at school).
I would actually like to see a 64 bit version for lfs because the game is pretty cpu dependant, but I don't know if it would be a simple recompile or that some code needs to be rewritten for that.