Hmm, general rant area huh? I could give a huge rant about how the quality of the UFBR has "risen" since it has been opened to unlicensed users, but I'll hold my horses.
I still don't understand why the sims has to bother givin you that information. Just throw those max rpm values in a few #define's and you're set. And for recording the amount of rpm's for each individual gear when you hit the shiftpoint, you just make a program that figures it out. I can even post the c# code i have for it.
Please don't make outgauge more complicated because it wasn't supposed to be.
Dude, you can just program all that yourself. With all the rev bar hardware I made (be it over parallel, serial or usb port) I always made sure my program was recording the max rpm's for each individual gear, and tbh, writing and debugging such an algorithm only takes 20 minutes.
And recording top speed from outgauge? Have you ever programmed with outgauge (or programmed at all)?
Seeing as this is kinda the official OutGauge thread:
Would it be possible to put the clutch temperature in the outgauge struct?
There already are EngTemp and OilPressure, but since those don't have a place in LFS (yet) I can't help wonder why the clutch temp isn't there.