Oh I agree entirely, but that's a whole separate debate
Anyone who thinks Question Time is an example of an unbiased debate show needs their head seeing to. At least it's not as bad as the embarrassingly biased 'The Big Questions' on every sunday morning
I personally find most of Nick Griffin's views/beliefs wrong. However, for as long as he is part of a legally constituted political party he is entitled to make his views known, however much people may disagree with them. I had absolutely no problem with him being allowed on the show. On the face of it it was a triumph for free speech. The UAF plus other protestors outside the building for all intents and purposes are possibly the biggest group of hypocrits I've ever seen protest anywhere. Claiming to be defenders of free speech and opposed to fascism yet ready to use violence and criminal acts to stop someone expressing views they don't like....nothing wrong there at all!
The show itself was more of a farce than anything else. Question Time usually has a selectively-picked audience and last night's was no exception, with the number of fresh-out-of-school liberal studenty types and so-called 'ethnic minority groups' was disproportionate. The BBC also explicitly stated they'd changed the format to accomodate Nick Griffin, and as far as I can remember there wasn't a single actual proper question in the first half-hour, it was purely focused on who could stick the boot into Griffin the hardest - bar Chris Huhne who actually didn't speak for most of the show, and came out at the end looking the best of the bunch. Yes Griffin made a balls up of some of the material he came out with and was shaking, but wouldn't you be in that situation - a hostile panel and a hostile audience baying for blood attacking you from all sides when it is your first appearance on such a show? But I hate to say it, I found myself agreeing with a portion of what he said. His summary of Islam (when applied to the extreme forms) was spot on. In it's extreme forms it is a fundamentally violent religion, and if people coming over here to the UK refuse to live by our laws or integrate into our society they have no place here. Jack Straw came off looking as bad, if not worse than Griffin. We all knew exactly what would happen where Griffin was concerned, but for a member of the governing party to come off as that awful in his answers, especially that textbook question dodge is concerning...and we wonder why the BNP is gaining more power? With people like that in power it's not surprising. It's also worth noting that whenever they've had people from organisations such as the IRA there hasn't been this much furore
In conclusion, the show, although it'll now be wheeled out constantly as an example of 'BBC impartiality' was anything but that. Biased to it's very core, the show just goes further to cement the left-wing bias of the BBC as a corporation. Anyone notice the absence of Muslim speakers when the token topic on Stephen Gately was introduced at the end? Anyone notice the totally misguided statements about Enoch Powell? I could go on. Yes, Griffin was poor. But so was Jack Straw in equal measures. The panel were so busy falling over themselves to stick the boot in on Griffin that they forgot to focus on the issues in hand, namely the economy and, dare I say it, global warming (urgh).
so yeah. I don't agree with Griffin on a majority of things, but as almost all the other parties seemingly refuse to touch immigration with a bargepole it's unsurprising that he is gaining influence
from just skim reading this thread and the article I see messrs Carter-**** are involved again, these cases are becoming all too common now, the Private Eye was involved in a legal battle against someone else who was trying to halt publication of something about them recently and they won their casse in the high court.
Libel tourism is a growing threat to this country, with courts handling libel cases brought against people in foreign countries in the UK because our laws are so soft. Reminds me of somehting else involving Carter-****, they'd successfully gagged all the papers in the UK from reporting something about a clinet of theirs, they went to America to try and stop it over there but the American media agencies just told them to '**** off'.....or words to similar effect
The Private Eye have a good report on a similar case in the current issue, it's worth picking up
agreed, absolutely nothing beats a crystal clear winter morning, ice on the ground, frost on everything else, breath out in front of you, hatted and gloved up, winter sun shining down....lovely
That Sun one is great but nothing can beat the Sunday Sport's (?) spoof headlines such as 'WWII Fighter Bomber Found on the Moon', 'Statue of Elvis Found on Mars' and 'Aliens Turned my Son Into an Olive' to name a few
I agree with all that. Had my Vision M for a couple of years now, only froze a couple of times and then it's a quick matter of resetting it with an actual button unlike the iPoo one that is impossible to find.