I wonder how long the media in this country will continue propagating the 'we're all gonna die from killer flu' line of reporting. Yes, 5 people have now contracted the swine flu (more than doubled OMG), and the WHO's pandemic threat level rose 'dramatically' from 3 to 4, but the 5 in this country that have been infected all recently returned from Mexico, or were in close contact to people who had returned and are all displaying mild symptoms of flu. As long as people have access to adequate healthcare and they don't fall into the 'high-risk' category for normal flu (elderly/infirm and the very young) they will not be killed by it.There is no way (at then moment) to catch this flu unless you have been to Mexico and unluckily got it, or have been in close proximity to someone who has been exposed to it. The way the media in this country jumps on a scare story like this is actually scary in itself. All we need to do is contain those that test positive for it, let Mexico do it's own thing to combat the spread (seems like they;re doing a pretty good job at the moment) and we shouldn't be scared by the ever-paranoid media reporting yet another end of the world scenario