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S2 licensed
I'm shure they will leave that option out of the hot-laping. But in a single-player race, it would be nice.
S2 licensed
Well, but they haven't said they show us ALL of the features. Just one feature each day towards the release.
S2 licensed
me me
S2 licensed
To be honest, I don't have any more expectations than some bug fixin (obvious) and a few other news. Anything else will just blow my mind, and this thread have set my fuse on fire :-D
S2 licensed
Quote from Vendetta :...

read the sentence you quoted. it says ONLY for graphical effect

Quote from Christian Seidel :Yeah, but it also says "For now"...

nuff said!
S2 licensed
19 days left, that means 19 surprises ;-)
S2 licensed
"For now, the different manufacturers are selected only for graphical effect..."

Does that mean that they plan to give us choises? Like one set of tyres lasts longer, and others heats up quicker and so on?
S2 licensed
GAAAAA, I'm going to die.
S2 licensed
lol, I was driving like 5kmh, and touched the wall, and the arm broke.

Anyways, the tire model is pretty good. But the fact that the sound and the shifting lag is so damn poor just irritates me, and I think the devs made a mistake when they leaved out so many things from the demo. Like the HUD on the wheel.
S2 licensed
You should know, you that can predict the future and everything.
S2 licensed
rippoff, I want my money back
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :I wonder what else may be affected. I'm thinking about LFS World data generally - pbs, mileage and race results etc. I suppose there's no real reason to lose some of this but I guess PBs will be pretty meaningless following physics changes.

My old MRT5 pbs from S1 still exists.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :And it has something to do with that, because this is only possible in demo. In S2, you can always see the LFSW-names, which dont change. And IMO, the monkey rate in demo IS much higher than in S2.

True, but I've experienced this once in S2 on AS Nat. This guy changes his nick to the same as one other guy on the server and starts wrecking.

A wonder that he wasn't kicked.
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :Because I'm crap and I want to get better, but there's nothing more that I could learn from the AI. Demo servers are a better choice because as a newbie I feel better between a lot of newbies.

Well, there is allot of newbies in S2 to
S2 licensed
For the new patch I would like a new part for the forum fow all the whiners.

jeezes. We get a new option, and the first thing that happends is people crying out, "I don't like it" "I don't see the point" "Why do we need this"

aaaargh. I would post in that forum and whine about all the whiners.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
DAMNIT! :smash:

hehe, wellcome back. Have you been :drunk: lately?
S2 licensed
Quote from Madman_CZ :How much does it cost?
Every SMS Alert that you receive and every SMS Message that you send costs £0.12. This fee will be deducted from.....


Its right there.

If you have set the SMS Alerter to send you SMS's, then you will pay £0.12 pr SMS.

If you use LFSWorld to send a SMS to a friend, then you will pay £0.12 pr SMS.
S2 licensed
I hope the old setups will be unavailable to use after the new patch.
S2 licensed
Quote from GeForz :Victor can you add an "sms on new news on" option? ;D

Thats actually a good option.
S2 licensed
I feel sorry for the girls now with the SMS feature. lol

Great work guys, it just keeps getting better :-D
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :

I've seen that '77 Pryce video before, it is very well known accident. Not only the track marshal died that got run over by the F1 car, but also the driver Tom Pryce died. The track marshal's foam extinguisher hit his head. That video might be shocking, just a warning.

OMG, thats serioisly the most discusting thing I've ever seen. I still feel really sick after watching that.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Button's decision was utter stupidity. He was in 4th position and he threw it away to have an improved chance at the next race, but...

It was't buttons decition, it was the teams. I'm pretty shure.
S2 licensed
lol, thought the thread was about Buttons accident in the race. haha
S2 licensed
I've been playing allot of GPL the last week. Damn that game is great :-D