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S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :cool - that means someone of your team uses Saiko D Toni's private skin without permission... good job

Gathering some info before posting could had helped

Toni's skin is gray which he drives like once a year, on the other hand you could see the plate says "Stanley" which is another thing that can tell it's not Toni, but Stan
And since Stanley is memeber of DCM, can't see what's the problem here

*E: Recognize the smileys, and feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.
Last edited by Ndrew, .
S2 licensed
Good luck for the future
Stay strong
S2 licensed
Some restriction can't be set while in pract mode, eg autokick.
/laps 200 ?
S2 licensed
Actually that's nice layout Moonclaw! oh i mean LFSn00b!
S2 licensed
Don't know what's the limit of the "no restart after race starts" option, but i'm quite sure it's much more than a typical everyday LFS race lasts.

P.s.: Nice avatar
S2 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 : ... some fella called MANTA banned me ...

Nice attempt to name and shame a person, especially who has _no_ admin rights there. In this case he could _not_ ban you.
S2 licensed
Afaik there isn't such names for layouts (at least what i know, feel free to correct it), when the the actual track is loaded, peoples with admin rights (aka logged in with admin password) have the right to choose the layout by typing: /autox <layoutname>
Clearing by: /axclear
Following commands are listed in the text files.
S2 licensed
lol Great set
Never thought i'll drive this car, but when i saw this... why not
1:24 isn't that impossible imho.
C'mon don't let a mouse drifter be faster :P
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :it is, ie look at my screenie

He thought about this area:
S2 licensed
it was more than 1 month ago...

And, why you said it to me? if u read the thread you would know that my post was about to put an IRL screenshot of that S15.
Also, i didn't quote your post, the post was not nailed to you, other things fit
S2 licensed
Here you go

Crappy, sry

Edit: i could use it aswell, so +1 from me.
Last edited by Ndrew, .
S2 licensed
I would recommend Shim's set from the Setupfield.
Never could imaging what differences could be in a "mouse drift set".

See above ^
S2 licensed
Quote from Skyline_Drifter_ :ReZA85, How would you know what the XRR Handles like...hmmmmm??


cloudstrife, You have 3 different brands of bodykits stickers on your car, and 2 different wheel brands..

There wasn't anything about the XRR

About the stickers: ... rift/nd-hks_angle_600.jpg
S2 licensed
It was suggested before, and it were in the i. s. log as well. It got a big NO-NO. I think the normal tires are just fine for it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Spudster :Well he was trying to get people to ban me so...

but anyway, fine then.

Consent me before putting the tags on.

If someone will be banned, it would be him. As long as "lfs bans" the registered username.
S2 licensed
Quote from BarraSpalding :file expired

Here it goes.
S2 licensed
^ joining or the FXO is good too,had some nice races with the FXO lately. Was just a few race to try out that, and that can't be compared to the fo8/bf1 "fun"
S2 licensed
Arguing is pointless in either way tho. Discussion WOULD be the way it goes.
Kinda hijacked the thread... about the layout: tried... it's kind of short and "simple", ye i know that the track went like this.

E: I was just telling that your "private skin" loses it's uniqueness when weared by other peoples.
Last edited by Ndrew, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mattlikespeoples :look, i had a-holes yell at me for not knowing i was using a private skin. some top secret xrt skin. If it's downloaded to my computer then i feel it's my right to use it. if the 'intellecual property' issue is that big of a deal, talk to the devs about having lockable skins. until then, i'm tired of people complaining that i'm using it while telling people i didnt make it and take no credit. driving around with the same paint on your car isnt hurting anything except feelings. get over it you babies

Guess u never invested so much hard work to make a skin for yourself. Ppls are making skins for themselves (except the public skins, but this conversation is not about that). Many of them spend many hours to make it look good and "tune" to hes/her taste. It's just some lack of respect other ppls work and the lack of respect the authors themselves who made that which is going on nowadays.
I would like to see your reaction when you make a skin for yourself which costs you hours of work to make it perfect (for u) and it is used by other people.
So again... it's all about respect. 2c
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :Wasn't there an LX6 slowmo around that had some beautiful suspension movement?


Yep, Toni made that on SO Sprint2. Ven is uploading it atm Smile
S2 licensed
Quote from jollyeskimo :how about an "around 3 months after Autumn" mod?

like this? :
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Nice copying. ... id=11875&d=1150920797

You can be a bit more original, can't you? Also remember to stay away from the default Photoshop lens flares and plain filter effects. Other than that you're getting there.

U forgot the old Traction Zero skin too, which was "remade" too by deleting the team's name from the side.
S2 licensed
GL with the team guys
@-Grf- : lol nice signature
S2 licensed
Quote from Osmin T. :you can get a skin because you dont have s2 sorry

Think that's "can't" there
Why he can't get any skin even if he is a demo racer?