The Setupfield contains Alucard's sets.
Just everbody is too lazy to make 3 mouseclicks for a set he needs, and "more easy" to spam the chat with neverending lines of "anyone got a set for this".
Especially when someone is driving and the other guy just keep repeating the same sentence... illepall f... annoying
bit still lil' OT...
yep, but there were quantity and quality of drifting mentioned by Kam.
He said that when actually ppls are not talking or whatever, he "only" can see average or worst skilled drivers/drifters there like me (and think i can say many others).
@Kam: then sry about the BLrev "session" some days ago
Just watched it. What is sure that it wasn't boring
Was really good 2 watch and the music gave it a big "fun overlay".
i liked the previous one too, but this one is better.
really nice mov, good job