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S2 licensed
A bit OT, but not too much... little comparision.
When the actual WR on BL with XRT was done by crossing through the barriers at the esses on high speed, gaining 0.7sec advantage of the current wr holder at the first split, i mentioned it... The reaction was like: that's not cheating, that's unethic movement. So when if crossing through objects (which aren't cause invalid lap too) isn't cheating, then i don't see the point why it is should be a cheat. To clear things... make a suggestion @ "improvement suggestion" thread to defying unethic or possible "cheating" lines/places on tracks (like it was mentioned on AS unused pit). This would be clear the things what's cheat or not.
S2 licensed
well...tbh, made a search and so such files were found in S2 (raw?) or S1.
S2 licensed
Mouse driver here
S2 licensed
This is the point when i have to agree with everybody...
The slicks are fun on the road cars .. true .. but don't really wanna see it as default option to choose those for roadcars. The normals and supers make them challenging to drive.
Than about the club race cars.. that would be cool too, but little same would happen as the slicks were choosable... Think the currrent cars would be pointless 'cause noone would drive those cars ever imho.
S2 licensed
Amount of laps can be seen (in S2) with the "?". In the demo there's a "-" in the place of it, so that's not available there.
S2 licensed
Think i haven't got overall favourite but... The whole middle section of SO Long with the FXR is just great, especially right after the 1st split, the bumpy corner when the track meets the Sprint 2 layout, and after hairpin the corner which turns from the "town part"... the uphill - 90degree corner with some airtime or two-wheeling.
S2 licensed
hehe, generally, what a nice days)
ofcourse +1 from me, me but it (also) would require more object to be placeable (mostly curbs, that was mentioned billion times). So in this case it isn't enough from Eric to add some predefined or adjustable curbs, those could be bended in each direction. But hellyeah, would be really nice
S2 licensed
There were 2 of them, 1-1 each "side"
S2 licensed
^ That would kill when you play at night, or in dark.
Need to take a on
S2 licensed
As it was mentioned, it doesn't work with patch U
S2 licensed
Quote from 3Qu4t0r :

That FOV kills
Liked the second one, but imho less FOV would be better on that one too

E: my new background:
S2 licensed
Maybe some advice would be better instead of "L-M-A-O", rather try to upload somewhere like rapidshare (jsut a tip some ppls can't use it), or Megaupload, putfile, etc. Putfile shows the video only by stream, but it appears in the "temporary internet fiels" directory too, so it can be hunted from there. Among those the megaupload ( seems to be the finest choise.
p.s.: can't DL either
S2 licensed
This app is called mecaniK, made my Fonnybone: ... 209&highlight=mekanic
works with P5 patch
S2 licensed
That looks pretty nice guys, even in the current phase. And what makes me more happy is i've read u're going to release it on 1024x1024. Thx
Keep up!
S2 licensed
Nice POV and colours
S2 licensed
DT or SG penalty don't cause invalid lap too. So we have to wait till the new patch. Don't think anyone would risk it through a 5-10 lap race, so in race it shouldn't be a problem.
S2 licensed
why it should be a bug?
At least not just the RAC/FZ5 cars are even now.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
What about the google's search first link? ... _info&DOWNLOADID=6818

(downloaded so it isn't should be dead-link)
S2 licensed
btw... anyone seen the BL-XRT current wr?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Ahem. ... amp;highlight=hidden+kart

oops, didn't see it
S2 licensed
Quote from Tanuva :maybe you simply build it by hand? :>

or maybe not
As u can see, it's a bit simular to the dragstrip, but that hasn't got paint on the "service-road", there's no "house" on it and those yellow-blue (maybe) tyres aren't available either. And there's a "ramp-like object" too, which isn't on that pic
Last edited by Ndrew, .
S2 licensed
or maybe this track (attachment) going to be available to drive
i know this could me made on au or bl3 but if it's biult-in then why not
S2 licensed
nice thread
(i know i will forget someone, i know it so sry )
hmm, let's see
qeD of course and all of my teammates
[DucK], sarin from Fusion (sry others but i played with them only as i can remember )
Nesrulz, marecare, [NN] from Sert
FiredUp (christinjaNL)
NAi (sry,still prefer this nick )
Bawbag from 400
Brautwurst from DFH, one of my funniest session@ FE was with him ) and some nice race on ASNorth
S2 licensed
One more idea: set the camera, take on picture with the car on the screen, and one without the car, then u can just simply blur the "empty" pic.
Still have to cut the car out from the other pic, so the work is about equal , just another way.